Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I stand by my assessment - the whole thing is a charade.

What a surprise.

Dems: who cares if Hillary lied about being named after Edmund Hillury? It doesn't matter.

R's: she'll lie about anything and it illustrates how dishonest she is

Also R's: who cares if Trump lied? It was a dumb question.
Heart disease kills around 800k a year, car crashes 40k. Couldnt find specifics on heart attacks per day. But if you assume 100k die from heart attacks of the 800k, that's 273 a day, plus another 90 from car crashes.
we are told to eat healthier, don't drink and drive, follow safety laws, and to exercise. We ignore most of those things that the big bad government agencies tell us.
Heart disease kills around 800k a year, car crashes 40k. Couldnt find specifics on heart attacks per day. But if you assume 100k die from heart attacks of the 800k, that's 273 a day, plus another 90 from car crashes.
The daily body count is definitely fueling a portion of the hysteria. The general public doesn’t understand or have a stomach for statistics.
People on both sides have been wrong to date, I don't understand why either side is running around spiking a football in celebration of their opponents shortcomings. This really isn't the time
Honestly, it would be nice if we all pulled in the same direction for once.....just this one time. Individually, we will not be able to beat this.
To the Capital!

Calling people who are pushing back on government overreach sheep seems inaccurate. Especially when the arguer wants them to listen to the government telling them they cant buy seeds or earn wages or whatever the individual state restrictions are.
@Purple Tiger

You may have missed this. If you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will not hound you.

McDad said:
I am curious about how you consider our fiscal policy.

Is US spending and the safe debt amount infinite?

Take allocated money from our budget and reassign it to aid.
Your gonna get crickets on this one.
I am not sure, but I think it is only a small contingency of people gung ho on reopening states. I don't know why this contingency is so vocal about doing this. There are stories of businesses in Georgia pushing back against Kemp. The businesses don't want to open, because they are saying it is too soon. You know if Waffle House is like, "Hold on a sec..." something is amiss. These FB groups organizing may be cover for something else.....the people that claim to not be sheep, may be sheep after all.
Lol. He isnt forcing them to open. What a crap argument. There just wont be a government mandated shutdown. That doesnt mean there is a government mandated opening.
Honestly, it would be nice if we all pulled in the same direction for once.....just this one time. Individually, we will not be able to beat this.
That's where I'm at, Republicans and Democrats need to put their guns down and stop with the "but they did this or they said this" BS just for a month or 2. If people want to give Pelosi and the left hell after this then by all means do it, if you want to rip Trump and the Right when this passes then have at it but now is not the time.
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Calling people who are pushing back on government overreach sheep seems inaccurate. Especially when the arguer wants them to listen to the government telling them they cant buy seeds or earn wages or whatever the individual state restrictions are.
It was implied that the people getting riled up by memes that are started and shared through social media are the sheep. The memes calling for individuals to gather in large groups to protest the government asking them to shelter at home to slow down the spread of a deadly virus. At this point in time, it is the duty of the government to take care of the citizens. It is not a handout, they are giving us back the taxes that we pay, every year. No one should be forced to choose between providing for their family and death, however small or large that percentage is.

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