Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Not since the Nazi trains to concentration camps have so many people been herded onto trains by government officials to a certain death all for the good of society.
It would make me laugh if it wasn’t so ridiculous..... they shut down half the subways cars so it made the passengers packed in there like sardines
dumb answer to a dumb question - seems like a push to me
I stand by my assessment - the whole thing is a charade.
yes and the WH press corp is as well - that's my point. perfect match
you're right - that exchange was really serving the public and getting to the heart of the issues facing us. how could I have missed that.
what enlightenment can we get from it? seriously, there's plenty of time to assess the decisions made but honestly I don't see the point of this other than to play gotcha. it's ground that gets plowed every damn day.

The answer was crap; the question was worthless.
it's the same everyday - plow some new ground. better yet, ask some questions that actually help the public understand what's happening now.


strawman. congrats.

not what I said but I'm sure glad your take on my comments got you all riled up.

So what was your intended message from six straight posts bitching about the White House press corps?

Because it sure looks like a partially successful attempt to change the subject and make the media the issue rather than talk about the guy who actually has authority and responsibility.
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So you don’t want to answer why? I see.
You're seeking a pat on the back but I'll answer, maybe they were so defensive of the drug because they were hoping it worked. You know people in critical situations try to find hope but then people like you come around and it's not what you presented rather how you presented. See when you come to people with an all knowing, debbie downer attitude people have a tendency to tell you to go f##k yourself. Now you're coming back around to prop yourself up on a pedestal and scream you were right. Well congrats all your wishing has come true, the drug didn't work, people are still dying and most importantly you were right. Congrats!
Numbers show the statewide spike was around 4/14 but people are citing other metrics and even trying to sell a second spike. Atlanta Mayor called out the Macon Mayor for doing nothing in a hotspot.... it’s not a hotspot. People on both sides are grabbing whatever stat fits their perspective.
I figured the spike was on April 6th. We just had a spike of 94 deaths but I believe that relates to the 2 or 3 nursing homes from a week or so that saw everyone get infected. New cases have been going down for sure since the 14th.
...A perfect example of the false narrative. Just because we go back to work doesn’t mean we go back to normal and have no regard for other people. I doubt very many of us would walk into a packed stadium in a metro area tomorrow whether we could or not.
The political partisan is strong with that one.

Whatever we re doing is wrong.
I figured the spike was on April 6th. We just had a spike of 94 deaths but I believe that relates to the 2 or 3 nursing homes from a week or so that saw everyone get infected. New cases have been going down for sure since the 14th.
That’s just the thing. The numbers are such that any isolated outbreak kicks them in the other direction. I’ve heard of the spike being as early as you say depending on the metric (inAssuming you’re using infections). Hospital utilization spiked on the 13-15th and has been dropping for 8-10 days.
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LOL Whitmer (SIAP)

“In World War II, there weren’t people lining up at the Capitol to protest the fact that they had to drop everything they were doing, and build planes, or tanks, or to ration food,” Whitmer said. “They rolled up their sleeves, and they got to work.”
Exactly. They got to work. But instead of actually doing things we’re telling tens of millions of people to eat it, live off of $1200 for an indeterminate time, and if you don’t listen we’ll fine you.
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LOL Whitmer (SIAP)

“In World War II, there weren’t people lining up at the Capitol to protest the fact that they had to drop everything they were doing, and build planes, or tanks, or to ration food,” Whitmer said. “They rolled up their sleeves, and they got to work.”

Please Joe, pick this one.

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