Latest Coronavirus - Yikes


I’m trying to link this back to benefit for marking their deaths as CV deaths.

So they get more if they are discharged dead than alive as well?

And there’s always not just a payment for these patients but a higher one of they die. And now both of those are 15% higher for CV patients?

The way I understand it is the 15% kicks in upon diagnosis (through testing or secondary diagnosis). Whether the patient survives or not is immaterial.

A patient comes in, dies/survives from pneumonia, asthma attack, gunshot wound, car crash, diagnosed with CV, the 15% is paid. There is clearly financial motivation here to look for CV. Looking for CV increases CV, which in turn increases CV "related" deaths.

Insert this stimulus provision into treating the Flu. You think that 9,000 confirmed tested Flu deaths doesn't rise? Significantly?
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Good movie. I am not a Trump apologist; he has been a horse’s azz, but the touting of this drug is so far down the worry/complaint list. BTW, I have been to hell. Driving through Alabama is no fun at all.
Good movie. I am not a Trump apologist; he has been a horse’s azz, but the touting of this drug is so far down the worry/complaint list. BTW, I have been to hell. Driving through Alabama is no fun at all.
Rules of the board per our liberal posters, you're either a full on Trump is the worst person to walk the earth believer, or you're a Trumper. All or nothing.

This is what I don’t understand anymore. We KNOW who this virus affects with a worse prognosis. But instead of recommending that if you are at a known risk to take precautions, we have told EVERYONE to take those same precautions, even if there is little to no risk. This is not only hurting the economy, but it’s also hurting our ability to even work toward herd immunity being possible.
I won't disagree. There are some posters who seem to believe Trump can do no wrong. I just find it harder to reason with certain posters on the left.
That's only because you don't try to reason with those on the right so you're skewing your own data set to fit your own narrative.
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That's only because you don't try to reason with those on the right so you're skewing your own data set to fit your own narrative.
lmao Most of those you accuse of being on the right, are not on the right. Most are more centrist. And I've actually sided with the left on several topics. But you only see what you want to see.
I won't disagree. There are some posters who seem to believe Trump can do no wrong. I just find it harder to reason with certain posters on the left.
I had some spirited fellowship with some when I opposed the border fence.

I can still rustle a few jimmies with it.
I had some spirited fellowship with some when I opposed the border fence.

I can still rustle a few jimmies with it.
I opposed the border wall as well, but never experienced the camaraderie. I've also defended Muslims, gays, and seem to have a similar stance to luther on abortion.
I'll tell you what's comical, the same reason you attribute the "right-wingers" for wanting it to work is the same reason the liberals don't want it to work. Because Trump mentioned it. Now, what's worse? Wanting a drug to work to save lives, or wanting a drug to fail, which means more lives lost? Politics shouldn't even be part of the conversation, IMO. We should all be wanting a drug that works no matter who touts it.
I can easily tell you that Trump's removal of Dr. Rick Bright as the Director of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, because he had pressed for vigorous vetting of hydroxychloroquine, and he had refused to endorse the drug as an effective treatment for the coronavirus is much worse.

"I believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address the COVID-19 pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit," Dr. Bright said in his statement. "I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science - not politics or cronyism - has to lead the way."

This confirms the worst beliefs about Trump's response to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump has placed politics at the forefront... and the ego trip that he usually follows, has definitely extended to this crisis as well. Trump is all about doing whatever he thinks is best for Trump.

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