Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

At least he wasn't a black Democrat politician in Georgia who came out and supported Trump. He would have to resign, and would have gotten death threats to his family.

You'll need to elaborate, I'm not familiar.
He probably even donated to democrat causes like aids research. He had to go.
Trump truly is egocentric and vindictive enough to view any doctor who discredits an unqualified suggestion for treatment of his, as being "disloyal" to him. This is the reckless and dangerous side of Trump. He is the last person who should be trusted to lead during a time of crisis like this. He is too self-absorbed and egotistical.
Trump truly is egocentric and vindictive enough to view any doctor who discredits an unqualified suggestion for treatment of his, as being "disloyal" to him. This is the reckless and dangerous side of Trump. He is the last person who should be trusted to lead during a time of crisis like this. He is too self-absorbed and egotistical.
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I think you're conflating the term appointee with sycophantic nut hugger. This dude is a medical doctor who is simply using the expertise of which he has acquired over decades to do his job, that it is not aligned with Trumps political aspirations of maintaining power at all costs is clearly something that the trumpers are not willing to consider.

It's intellectually lazy to just call the guy a libtard Obama appointee who must clearly be a never trumper and move on.

Do you even know whether or not he was capable?
Trump truly is egocentric and vindictive enough to view any doctor who discredits an unqualified suggestion for treatment of his, as being "disloyal" to him. This is the reckless and dangerous side of Trump. He is the last person who should be trusted to lead during a time of crisis like this. He is too self-absorbed and egotistical.

He’s the ultimate “ME” leader during the ultimate “WE” crisis.
Propping up your argument with conjecture isn't very effective.

This is the weekly regroup session, where everything Trump has said and done over the past week is rationalized and blame shifted.

Ahh... Trump has been cleansed and is squeaky clean. Let's not bring up the past, it's really not helpful to getting the country back to work. OK? Okay!
He’s the ultimate “ME” leader during the ultimate “WE” crisis.
The question of whether or not the doctor was correct in his skepticism of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus, is completely immaterial to Trump and his minions. Dr. Bright was guilty of disloyalty for not giving a full-throated endorsement of a Trump suggestion, which Trump could have scored political points with later. This is vintage Trump.
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