Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I can easily tell you that Trump's removal of Dr. Rick Bright as the Director of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, because he had pressed for vigorous vetting of hydroxychloroquine, and he had refused to endorse the drug as an effective treatment for the coronavirus is much worse.

"I believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address the COVID-19 pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit," Dr. Bright said in his statement. "I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science - not politics or cronyism - has to lead the way."

This confirms the worst beliefs about Trump's response to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump has placed politics at the forefront... and the ego trip that he usually follows, has definitely extended to this crisis as well. Trump is all about doing whatever he thinks is best for Trump.
You were actively hoping the drug failed simply because Trump touted it as a possible remedy. Dr. Fauci even said he wasn't against trying it. You're trying hard to cover your ass, but you came out against this drug simply because Trump was for giving it a go. Your politics won out over your morality.
I think you're conflating the term appointee with sycophantic nut hugger. This dude is a medical doctor who is simply using the expertise of which he has acquired over decades to do his job, that it is not aligned with Trumps political aspirations of maintaining power at all costs is clearly something that the trumpers are not willing to consider.

It's intellectually lazy to just call the guy a libtard Obama appointee who must clearly be a never trumper and move on.

At the end of the day is this a political appointee? If so have a Coke and a smile.
Sports will likely be viewed as something that can be put on hold. Unless they figure out a way to support sports without fans, I'd be surprised if they happen.

I just don't see a lot of fan attendance across the nation if no vaccine/immunization is available. Same with movie theaters, music concerts, passenger flights. Anywhere large groups of people are in close proximity or an enclosed area. I think there will be a lot of apprehension for a while from Americans in general about grouping up if they don't have to.

Maybe. Maybe not. I walk thru a factory everyday where masks are offered to all and about 10% wear them.
Why do you suppose a Trump apologist just accused Dr. Bright of being partisan? Because that is the standard defense of Trump... anyone who is critical of him, is just a loony lib - even if it's a research doctor. He couldn't possibly be telling the truth... even though it's completely consistent with Trump's petty and vindictive nature.
Not everyone has called the doctor partisan, but there were obvious differing opinions about the drug even in the medical community, so touting one while ignoring the others is lazy on your part. Most people hoping the drug worked weren't hoping because Trump mentioned it. They were hoping so lives could be saved, a fact you conveniently and continuously gloss over.
Not everyone has called the doctor partisan, but there were obvious differing opinions about the drug even in the medical community, so touting one while ignoring the others is lazy on your part. Most people hoping the drug worked weren't hoping because Trump mentioned it. They were hoping so lives could be saved, a fact you conveniently and continuously gloss over.
There was an unmistakable political variable behind Fox News's constant hyping of hydroxychloroquine.
There was an unmistakable political variable behind Fox News's constant hyping of hydroxychloroquine.

Me sitting over here wondering why you are watching so much of FOX news . 👀

Edit : careful with that reply .. I know where to find the answer 😂
Not everyone has called the doctor partisan, but there were obvious differing opinions about the drug even in the medical community, so touting one while ignoring the others is lazy on your Trump's part. Most people hoping the drug worked weren't hoping because Trump mentioned it. They were hoping so lives could be saved, a fact you conveniently and continuously gloss over.

Does that sound about right? And those "hopes" in a drug, they should've never heard of over the other drugs, were a direct result of trumps mentioning it. a fact you conveniently and continuously gloss over.
But do we want a scientist at the very front line to bow to the wishes of a game show host with a hunch? Honestly, I'm choosing the scientist even if he is a little partisan
Are all the scientists agreeing? Probably not. So you pick one side and go with it. Maybe this scientist didn't like that Trump chose to follow the advice of other scientists and let it be known. In which case you get rid of the disgruntled employee.

Not saying that happened, not saying that didn't happen, just that this scientist's POV hasn't been the only POV. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
Sports will likely be viewed as something that can be put on hold. Unless they figure out a way to support sports without fans, I'd be surprised if they happen.

I just don't see a lot of fan attendance across the nation if no vaccine/immunization is available. Same with movie theaters, music concerts, passenger flights. Anywhere large groups of people are in close proximity or an enclosed area. I think there will be a lot of apprehension for a while from Americans in general about grouping up if they don't have to.

I agree that there would be a lot of apprehension about attending any kind of large public event until a vaccine is ready. I don't think empty stadiums would be a deciding factor, though. Not with all the money the schools and conferences get from television deals. I assume they would miss out on that money if they don't have a season.
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