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Which way is the wind blowing on VN today about Georgia opening up tomorrow? Good thing or a bad thing?

Good thing the Governor has Trump's total support on this. Too bad Trump threw the Governor under the bus.

"I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of Georgia. They're incredible people. I love those people. They are -- they're great. They've been strong, resolute.

But, at the same time, he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what he thinks is right, but I disagree with him on what he's doing. But I want to let the governors do -- now, if I see something totally egregious, totally out of line, I'll do. But I think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barbershops in phase one -- we're going to have phase two very soon -- is just too soon. I think it's too soon.

- Emperor Donald "The Buck Stops Somewhere... Anywhere Else But Me" Trump
A study from China prompted Public Health England and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States to put smoking on the list of 'risk factors' for coronavirus earlier in the crisis.
If they would've suggested HCQ you would be linking that right now too. I find it hard to believe smokers aren't more at risk but you all have got to stop trusting China for anything. I'm not sure why anyone would need to tell you that.
Which way is the wind blowing on VN today about Georgia opening up tomorrow? Good thing or a bad thing?

Good thing the Governor has Trump's total support on this. Too bad Trump threw the Governor under the bus.

"I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of Georgia. They're incredible people. I love those people. They are -- they're great. They've been strong, resolute.

But, at the same time, he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what he thinks is right, but I disagree with him on what he's doing. But I want to let the governors do -- now, if I see something totally egregious, totally out of line, I'll do. But I think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barbershops in phase one -- we're going to have phase two very soon -- is just too soon. I think it's too soon.

- Emperor Donald "The Buck Stops Somewhere... Anywhere Else But Me" Trump
We got another rager, where's security. Damn it
And if he blurted out crack shows promise without any proof? You don't get the benefits of experts, Trump doesn't have any he listens to. I don't remember trump saying talk to your doctors about Corona virus treatments either. you need to be told to consult with your doctor before seeking a treatment plan for a disease you might have?
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oh man - ok I'll play

1. your first assertion is wrong I have explained repeatedly in substantive terms why your interpretation is wrong but you are so enamored with your view that you ignore them just as you ignore my direct statements throughout criticizing Trump. You are providing the equivalent of "nuh uh". In fact not only do you ignore my repeated and consistent criticisms of Trump you actually imagine that those criticisms somehow make me a devoted supporter of Trump. You may want to perform some self-reflection yourself on your motivation for dragging this out over countless pages. Seems obsessive.

2. yes the POTUS has more authority and responsibility. It's not even an argument and irrelevant to my comments. I care not what this forum does - I don't speak for it nor it for me. It is interesting however that in your critiques of me you routinely lump me into some larger theme you see in the forum. My statements are my own. As author of said statements I know what the intent was. I've repeatedly tried to explain that intent and yet you willfully ignore it with some smug sense that you know "what I really meant". Interesting that you have to couch my comments into some larger assessment you've made of the forum to make your point. You've had to depart from actual statements of mine and view my statement in some larger "conclusion" you've reached about the tone of the forum. It's borderline conspiratorial. Even in this post you say "If you actually accept Trump is flawed". Clearly no amount of saying it over the last 4 years matters because YOU don't believe it - you can see through my ongoing, consistent comments to the real truth. And I'm the one in denial - right.

3. I do believe he'd still be getting repetitive and non-substantive questions - my initial point. You seem incapable of holding multiple thoughts in your head. It is possible for both Trump to be full of crap AND for the press to be wasting our time with dumbass questions. Pointing that out is not changing the story or being a sycophant or whatever you've imagined you've spotted and are so bent about that you have to post again and again about.

Can't wait to see what insanity follows. Knock yourself out.

Lol. Remind me who’s “wee wee’d off?”

I’ll try to make this as simple as possible:

You’re saying, “I wasn’t changing the subject” and “I’m not a trump supporter. See? I admitted he was wrong.” Neither of those is a substantive response to what I said.

The first is literally a base conclusory statement and the other is a collateral rebuttal that attempts to use other evidence to disprove my presumption. Neither addresses the basis for my conclusion that I’ve explained so many times that I’m now being called obsessive for repeatedly trying to dumb it down for you.

Furthermore, neither of these responses passes the laugh test. Do you really expect me to keep coming up with new responses to the same stupid arguments just because you’re repeating them ad nauseum?

Your posts hammering on the media issue, despite other people still bringing up Trump, are still have been quoted back to you. Nothing else is needed. Clearly the subject was changed to the media.

You say these posts are significant because they contain criticism of Trump’s bad behavior, but those “criticisms” are just superficial, generic acknowledgments and, more importantly: what choice did you have. Defending someone caught in such an obvious lie is impossible. You can change the subject, mitigate by minimizing the significance of the lie, or both. Your posts do both, the first one was even explicit about saying the two things are equally bad.

I’ve explained why I think that was an intentional deflection. If you don’t want to make a relevant response to those explanations, then don’t, but insulting my intelligence while seemingly failing to understand what I’m saying seems self-defeating.
Which way is the wind blowing on VN today about Georgia opening up tomorrow? Good thing or a bad thing?

Good thing the Governor has Trump's total support on this. Too bad Trump threw the Governor under the bus.

"I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of Georgia. They're incredible people. I love those people. They are -- they're great. They've been strong, resolute.

But, at the same time, he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what he thinks is right, but I disagree with him on what he's doing. But I want to let the governors do -- now, if I see something totally egregious, totally out of line, I'll do. But I think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barbershops in phase one -- we're going to have phase two very soon -- is just too soon. I think it's too soon.

- Emperor Donald "The Buck Stops Somewhere... Anywhere Else But Me" Trump

I agree with the King. I don't see how you can open up places of buisness that are so close-quartered.

On the flip side you're less than a group of ten so who knows.
And if he blurted out crack shows promise without any proof? You don't get the benefits of experts, Trump doesn't have any he listens to. I don't remember trump saying talk to your doctors about Corona virus treatments either.
In the clip you posted he said the FDA had approved it. And do you really want to say Trump just came up with this idea on his own? No one told him about, including the FDA who had approved it? He knew off the top of his head that it treated malaria, and that another form treated arthritis? Sounds a lot smarter than I want to give him credit for.

The fact that you are diving to crack to make your argument shows how full of crap you are. He could have said getting hit by a school bus at 50mph cures the disease, but he didnt.

He told the nation about a medicine (or two) that were showing early promise. He didnt tell them to sneak into their parents room while their mother was sleeping, take 5, 10, or even 20 dollars from her purse. Run on down to 3rd street, take the D bus down town and meet a Latin American man named Martinez. Cause we all know Martinez stuff is da bomb.
Arizona Man Dies, Wife Hospitalized After Consuming Fish Tank Cleaner To Ward Off Coronavirus

The couple consumed doses of fish tank cleaner after reading “a fake article,” according to multiple sources. Within thirty minutes of ingesting chloroquine phosphate, an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks, the couple experienced immediate effects requiring admittance to a nearby Banner Health hospital.

Woman Who Ate Fish Tank Cleaner is Democrat Donor

Social media was divided on the issue. Liberal pundits predictably spread the story as evidence that Trump was “killing people.” Others simply blamed stupidity – and some went as far as to speculate that the woman was attempting to cover up a murder.

Time will tell what really happened. While the media made this woman sound like a regular, everyday American who trusted her president, she actually is a prominent Democrat donor, having donated thousands in the last two years. So – why would she start taking the advice of Trump all of a sudden?

The bold in the second story is exactly my point about NYC. Half of you all are blaming Trump for the numbers when in fact their top three officials said to go out in March.

You telling me all the sudden NYC democrats decided to listen to Trump after four years and go out on the town??

It's so unbelievable it wouldn't even make it in a fiction book.
Its been well established on this board that most democrats require someone to tell them what to do in almost every aspect of their lives otherwise they are helpless. If Trump doesn't give them specifics on how to combat the China Flu they have no idea what to do! Got cancer? Herpes? AIDS? Someone has to tell them what to do about it.
In the clip you posted he said the FDA had approved it. And do you really want to say Trump just came up with this idea on his own? No one told him about, including the FDA who had approved it? He knew off the top of his head that it treated malaria, and that another form treated arthritis? Sounds a lot smarter than I want to give him credit for.

The fact that you are diving to crack to make your argument shows how full of crap you are. He could have said getting hit by a school bus at 50mph cures the disease, but he didnt.

He told the nation about a medicine (or two) that were showing early promise. He didnt tell them to sneak into their parents room while their mother was sleeping, take 5, 10, or even 20 dollars from her purse. Run on down to 3rd street, take the D bus down town and meet a Latin American man named Martinez. Cause we all know Martinez stuff is da bomb.
It could be any drug is the point, Trump supporters would take Midol by the handful if he said it showed promise.
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Sweden says go for it.
You know how I felt about this because of relatives since the beginning. But those same relatives that have a harder life than me are still waiting on their money that was supposed to go out April 6th. They will be back to work before the check ever comes which by the IRS list, won't be untill mid May.

We shut down over a month, time to open her back up.
I hate all of you who didnt like my long post above. On a deeply personal level.

I hope all the bad things in life happen you, and only you.
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Awwww yeah.
Which way is the wind blowing on VN today about Georgia opening up tomorrow? Good thing or a bad thing?

Good thing the Governor has Trump's total support on this. Too bad Trump threw the Governor under the bus.

"I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of Georgia. They're incredible people. I love those people. They are -- they're great. They've been strong, resolute.

But, at the same time, he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what he thinks is right, but I disagree with him on what he's doing. But I want to let the governors do -- now, if I see something totally egregious, totally out of line, I'll do. But I think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barbershops in phase one -- we're going to have phase two very soon -- is just too soon. I think it's too soon.

- Emperor Donald "The Buck Stops Somewhere... Anywhere Else But Me" Trump
Which way is the wind blowing on VN today about Georgia opening up tomorrow? Good thing or a bad thing?

Good thing the Governor has Trump's total support on this. Too bad Trump threw the Governor under the bus.

"I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of Georgia. They're incredible people. I love those people. They are -- they're great. They've been strong, resolute.

But, at the same time, he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what he thinks is right, but I disagree with him on what he's doing. But I want to let the governors do -- now, if I see something totally egregious, totally out of line, I'll do. But I think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barbershops in phase one -- we're going to have phase two very soon -- is just too soon. I think it's too soon.

- Emperor Donald "The Buck Stops Somewhere... Anywhere Else But Me" Trump
We are leaving it up to the businesses and people to decide. Giving this personal responsibility thing a try.

I know it makes you uncomfortable so I am sure you wont even try to understand. Dont worry the rest of the children here have already freaked out for you.
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