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Lol. Remind me who’s “wee wee’d off?”

I’ll try to make this as simple as possible:

You’re saying, “I wasn’t changing the subject” and “I’m not a trump supporter. See? I admitted he was wrong.” Neither of those is a substantive response to what I said.

The first is literally a base conclusory statement and the other is a collateral rebuttal that attempts to use other evidence to disprove my presumption. Neither addresses the basis for my conclusion that I’ve explained so many times that I’m now being called obsessive for repeatedly trying to dumb it down for you.

Furthermore, neither of these responses passes the laugh test. Do you really expect me to keep coming up with new responses to the same stupid arguments just because you’re repeating them ad nauseum?

Your posts hammering on the media issue, despite other people still bringing up Trump, are still have been quoted back to you. Nothing else is needed. Clearly the subject was changed to the media.

You say these posts are significant because they contain criticism of Trump’s bad behavior, but those “criticisms” are just superficial, generic acknowledgments and, more importantly: what choice did you have. Defending someone caught in such an obvious lie is impossible. You can change the subject, mitigate by minimizing the significance of the lie, or both. Your posts do both, the first one was even explicit about saying the two things are equally bad.

I’ve explained why I think that was an intentional deflection. If you don’t want to make a relevant response to those explanations, then don’t, but insulting my intelligence while seemingly failing to understand what I’m saying seems self-defeating.

It's real simple.

You have an assumption about what I meant. I as the author know what I meant and have tried patiently to deal with someone who's so enamored with their own position they believe the know better than the author what the intent it. Crazy.

As for dumbing it down - all your posts have been dumb on the matter so mission accomplished.

Given interpretation of a poster's meaning is more correct than what the actual poster was trying to convey I'm just assume this is all your way of saying you were wrong.

I accept your apology.
Which way is the wind blowing on VN today about Georgia opening up tomorrow? Good thing or a bad thing?

Good thing the Governor has Trump's total support on this. Too bad Trump threw the Governor under the bus.

"I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of Georgia. They're incredible people. I love those people. They are -- they're great. They've been strong, resolute.

But, at the same time, he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what he thinks is right, but I disagree with him on what he's doing. But I want to let the governors do -- now, if I see something totally egregious, totally out of line, I'll do. But I think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barbershops in phase one -- we're going to have phase two very soon -- is just too soon. I think it's too soon.

- Emperor Donald "The Buck Stops Somewhere... Anywhere Else But Me" Trump
Not a good thing. Opening gyms up during a pandemic? Seriously stupid. Those places are germ breeding ground havens. Tattoo parlors? Dumb. Who really needs to get that tat done right now?
They might want to adjust the following study:
Study: Elderly Trump voters dying of coronavirus could cost him in November
Trump supporters, especially in Greater Appalachia, tend to be older and heavier, traits correlated with underlying conditions that make Covid-19 more lethal, he said. Smoking levels — another leading indicator of vulnerability — also tend to be higher in red areas.
You are being deceived. Look at all the testimonials from cured patients. It's that simple. DIMs just want this to go on longer to hurt Trump. They could care less about the people.
Keep on believing that but the evidence is mounting every day that it is useless.
Which way is the wind blowing on VN today about Georgia opening up tomorrow? Good thing or a bad thing?
I doubt my routine changes much for a few more days at least but let’s keep perspective. Basically, A few hair salons, barbershops etc are opening up, if they want to. It’s not as if everybody is meeting up at the Capitol for a kissing booth.
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$1200 is a piece of the picture, there is also unemployment. With that said, now would be a good time to discuss increasing minimum wage. As you said $1200 doesn't do much to offset their losses. Imagine an adult trying to take care of themselves on $1200 that is taxed. Also would be a good time for the government to take care of its citizens. The government providing temporary income is not a handout. Most people pay taxes....they are returning that money. Also, it is a good time to look at the elected officials that don't have the interest of the citizens.

The only way this is a good idea is if your goal is to add to the already staggering unemployment numbers.
They might want to adjust the following study:
Study: Elderly Trump voters dying of coronavirus could cost him in November
Trump supporters, especially in Greater Appalachia, tend to be older and heavier, traits correlated with underlying conditions that make Covid-19 more lethal, he said. Smoking levels — another leading indicator of vulnerability — also tend to be higher in red areas.

From the article

"The study is based on early fatality projections from that are orders of magnitude higher than what's borne out so far in battleground states — a point some outside experts have seized on to inject a dose of skepticism in the study’s findings. In an interview, Johnson acknowledged the high numbers used for the study, but he contended it remains early and that easing of stay-at-home orders could spark more cases and deaths."

Covid Act Now predicted TN would have more deaths than the IHME predicts for the entire country.
From the article

"The study is based on early fatality projections from that are orders of magnitude higher than what's borne out so far in battleground states — a point some outside experts have seized on to inject a dose of skepticism in the study’s findings. In an interview, Johnson acknowledged the high numbers used for the study, but he contended it remains early and that easing of stay-at-home orders could spark more cases and deaths."

Covid Act Now predicted TN would have more deaths than the IHME predicts for the entire country.
Bunch of smokers in TN. That's why they were off. lol

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