Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Bunch of smokers in TN. That's why they were off. lol

well they are project 116K deaths in PA if all restrictions are listed. Seems this is the number the study authors used to get a conclusion that 13K more of these would be old Republicans as opposed to old Democrats.

PA currently has 1700 deaths. The 'Rona better get busy!
Could you get McDad's too? You may need some tools, it seems to be wedged in there pretty tight.
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well they are project 116K deaths in PA if all restrictions are listed. Seems this is the number the study authors used to get a conclusion that 13K more of these would be old Republicans as opposed to old Democrats.

PA currently has 1700 deaths. The 'Rona better get busy!
Trump should hold a rally. That will speed things up.
They might want to adjust the following study:
Study: Elderly Trump voters dying of coronavirus could cost him in November
Trump supporters, especially in Greater Appalachia, tend to be older and heavier, traits correlated with underlying conditions that make Covid-19 more lethal, he said. Smoking levels — another leading indicator of vulnerability — also tend to be higher in red areas.
From the reference article, the Chinese were lying about smoking too! You misunderstood which "Red"

A study from China prompted Public Health England and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States to put smoking on the list of 'risk factors' for coronavirus earlier in the crisis.
From the reference article, the Chinese were lying about smoking too! You misunderstood which "Red"

A study from China prompted Public Health England and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States to put smoking on the list of 'risk factors' for coronavirus earlier in the crisis.
I had already highlighted that from the article.

Here it is:
A study from China prompted Public Health England and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States to put smoking on the list of 'risk factors' for coronavirus earlier in the crisis.
"top virologists are saying it" LOL Trump couldn't have said it better.

You are being deceived. Look at all the testimonials from cured patients. It's that simple. DIMs just want this to go on longer to hurt Trump. They could care less about the people.

Or here is an idea - If my doctor says I need it and writes the prescription then l will take it. Otherwise, I won't.
It's real simple.

You have an assumption about what I meant. I as the author know what I meant and have tried patiently to deal with someone who's so enamored with their own position they believe the know better than the author what the intent it. Crazy.

As for dumbing it down - all your posts have been dumb on the matter so mission accomplished.

Given interpretation of a poster's meaning is more correct than what the actual poster was trying to convey I'm just assume this is all your way of saying you were wrong.

I accept your apology.

See, that wasn’t so hard was it? I applaud your decision to forego an attempt at a meaningful response. Next time do it before throwing a hissy fit and it’ll be more convincing.

And don’t do it 2 days after telling me what I meant in one of my posts and it’ll be less hypocritical. 😂
well they are project 116K deaths in PA if all restrictions are listed. Seems this is the number the study authors used to get a conclusion that 13K more of these would be old Republicans as opposed to old Democrats.

PA currently has 1700 deaths. The 'Rona better get busy!

Gov Wolf started taking action in early March, I’m sure that had nothing to do with it.
See, that wasn’t so hard was it? I applaud your decision to forego an attempt at a meaningful response. Next time do it before throwing a hissy fit and it’ll be more convincing.

Meaningful responses are useless with you. Decided to take a different tack.

Can't wait to see your next hot take on one my posts. I'm sure it will be dazzling.

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