Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That’s too easy , I feel cheated and I hate you for it . Hate sounds a little harsh , replace it with loath .

Honestly I've been staying up late watching Ray Donovan this week. And I decided to take a night off, because I'm halfway through the series already. But my sleep/wake schedule is off. so....

tough sht... think i'll get in one episode before bed
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Honestly I've been staying up late watching Ray Donovan this week. And I decided to take a night off, because I'm halfway through the series already. But my sleep/wake schedule is off. so....

tough sht... think i'll get in one episode before bed

Holy crap there’s 82 episodes?
They might want to adjust the following study:
Study: Elderly Trump voters dying of coronavirus could cost him in November
Trump supporters, especially in Greater Appalachia, tend to be older and heavier, traits correlated with underlying conditions that make Covid-19 more lethal, he said. Smoking levels — another leading indicator of vulnerability — also tend to be higher in red areas.
It could..but its not Trump voters dying by the thousands. Sorry to spoil your fantasy.
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$1200 is a piece of the picture, there is also unemployment. With that said, now would be a good time to discuss increasing minimum wage. As you said $1200 doesn't do much to offset their losses. Imagine an adult trying to take care of themselves on $1200 that is taxed. Also would be a good time for the government to take care of its citizens. The government providing temporary income is not a handout. Most people pay taxes....they are returning that money. Also, it is a good time to look at the elected officials that don't have the interest of the citizens.
Here in Atlanta (and rural Georgia) a 16 year old can walk into a Panda express and make $11.50 per hour starting slinging low mein. Same goes for most fast food joints here, even McDonalds. Less than 2% of the 86 million hourly waged workers in the USA make minimum wage. So if you're an adult making minimum wage you've made terrible choices in your life.
I can easily tell you that Trump's removal of Dr. Rick Bright as the Director of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, because he had pressed for vigorous vetting of hydroxychloroquine, and he had refused to endorse the drug as an effective treatment for the coronavirus is much worse.

"I believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address the COVID-19 pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit," Dr. Bright said in his statement. "I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science - not politics or cronyism - has to lead the way."

This confirms the worst beliefs about Trump's response to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump has placed politics at the forefront... and the ego trip that he usually follows, has definitely extended to this crisis as well. Trump is all about doing whatever he thinks is best for Trump.
Again, Trump cant do that. Bright's removal stems from either a term limit on his position or he did something like bang his secretary and got caught. The fact a career employee spoke out about it goes to show that he is trying to deflect blame elsewhere.
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Again, Trump cant do that. Bright's removal stems from either a term limit on his position or he did something like bang his secretary and got caught. The fact a career employee spoke out about it goes to show that he is trying to deflect blame elsewhere.
That is obviously not what Dr. Rick Bright believes to be the case. I posted his words on the matter.
The carny handed mango man just suggested at a press briefing that we should try injecting disinfectant into humans to kill Covid 19.

Still, there are morons that come on here in this politics forum and try and defend this complete idiot on a daily basis even after that show of blatant retardism.
The carny handed mango man just suggested at a press briefing that we should try injecting disinfectant into humans to kill Covid 19.

Still, there are morons that come on here in this politics forum and try and defend this complete idiot on a daily basis even after that show of blatant retardism.
It is bizarre that Trump wants to stand at a podium before a press contingent and engage in speculation and supposition on subject matter which he is incapable of discussing intelligently. Does he think this makes him look smart? He was rambling and talking out of his butt. That helps absolutely no one.
I agree that was a stupid statement. Also stupid is the attempt to lay undue blame at his feet. He made mistakes, but to lay the blame of virus deaths at his feet(as Pelosi has done) was absurd and entirely political. I won't deny Trump has said some dumb things, but the left has done the same. You can scream whataboutism if you so desire, but the truth is both sides have made mistakes so why limit ourselves to criticizing just one?
Because he's the one in power. We love to blame anyone in power for whatever goes wrong in our lives. Just look around here.

As far as Trump saying stupid things, that's a given every time he opens his mouth. Combine that with the stress caused by the pandemic, with an increasingly adversarial press (both their predilection and Trump's behavior feeds it) and you have the daily sh!t storm of these CoVid-19 daily briefings. It's our daily drama and we get off either watching and discussing or not watching and commenting on the posted opinions of those that do.

I'm watching less and less because I can't stand listening to Trump. I couldn't stand listening to Obama either although it's for different reasons. I can't listen to Trump because he says the same stuff over and over and sometimes it's just plain stupid stuff. I couldn't stand listening to Obama because he could talk for 12 minutes and say absolutely nothing to limit the number of questions he could be asked. Sometimes he would say stupid stuff too, but nowhere near the volume of his successor.

Come to think of it, I can't stand listening to most politicians, unless it's John Kennedy from Louisiana, some of his descriptive adages are just hilarious.

"Americans are thinking, there are some good members of Congress but we can’t figure out what they are good for. Others are thinking, how did these morons make it through the birth canal.”
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The carny handed mango man just suggested at a press briefing that we should try injecting disinfectant into humans to kill Covid 19.

Still, there are morons that come on here in this politics forum and try and defend this complete idiot on a daily basis even after that show of blatant retardism.
The fact that you believe thats what he said really speaks volumes about your intellectual capacity and shows the glaring deficiencies in our education system. He said that it would be great if there was a way to inject something into a person that could work like several things that kill the virus quickly. He didn't say "hey dimtards go inject Lysol/Bleach/Rubbing Alcohol into your veins to cure your carbon footprint!".

But I guess when your party is full of morons who drink fish tank cleaner, eat tide pods, spoonfulls of cinnamon, douse themselves with rubbing alcohol and light themselves on fire, pour bleach into their eyes as a challenge, common sense is already thrown out the window and your weak minds are easily duped due to cognitive impairment and dissonance.

This is what happens when you have people with football player degrees writing your news stories.
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Really? I haven't heard of a lot of Trumpers drinking fish tank cleaner. In fact the only case was two democrats doing it.
You know I can't find the quote saying she was a democrat. I see where they said she said it but didn't cite a quote as usual from the Right wing outlets.
Speaking to the Free Beacon, Wanda acknowledged she was a Democrat and put less emphasis on Trump's guidance: "We weren't big supporters of [Trump], but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff," Wanda said.

"We didn't think it would kill us," she added. "We thought if anything it would help us, 'cus that's what we've been hearing on the news."

Free Beacon:

Wanda told the Free Beacon that she and her husband were both Democrats, not Trump supporters. They heard about the potential benefits of chloroquine, an antimalarial drug, in news reports. She decided at the "spur of the moment" to try taking it, but reached for a fish tank cleaner in her pantry that contains chloroquine phosphate, a different and deadly form of the chemical. The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency authorization for the use of chloroquine to treat coronavirus on Sunday.

"We weren't big supporters of [Trump], but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff," Wanda told the Free Beacon. "And we just made a horrible, tragic mistake," she said. "It was stupid, and it was horrible, and we should have never done it. But it's done and now I've lost my husband. And my whole life was my husband."

These outlets quote where she said she wasn't a big Trump supporter but only claim she acknowledged she was a democrat. Odd don't you think?

Fox source is the Free Beacon and the Free Beacon is not where I would go for information.
You know I can't find the quote saying she was a democrat. I see where they said she said it but didn't cite a quote as usual from the Right wing outlets.
Speaking to the Free Beacon, Wanda acknowledged she was a Democrat and put less emphasis on Trump's guidance: "We weren't big supporters of [Trump], but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff," Wanda said.

"We didn't think it would kill us," she added. "We thought if anything it would help us, 'cus that's what we've been hearing on the news."

Free Beacon:

Wanda told the Free Beacon that she and her husband were both Democrats, not Trump supporters. They heard about the potential benefits of chloroquine, an antimalarial drug, in news reports. She decided at the "spur of the moment" to try taking it, but reached for a fish tank cleaner in her pantry that contains chloroquine phosphate, a different and deadly form of the chemical. The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency authorization for the use of chloroquine to treat coronavirus on Sunday.

"We weren't big supporters of [Trump], but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff," Wanda told the Free Beacon. "And we just made a horrible, tragic mistake," she said. "It was stupid, and it was horrible, and we should have never done it. But it's done and now I've lost my husband. And my whole life was my husband."

These outlets quote where she said she wasn't a big Trump supporter but only claim she acknowledged she was a democrat. Odd don't you think?

Fox source is the Free Beacon and the Free Beacon is not where I would go for information.
Dont drink fish cleaner Mick. Also, dont inject disinfectant into your veins, drink bleach, or blast yourself with gamma rays. Hope Trump didn't confuse you yesterday.

Also, your spin on these idiots not being democrats is poor. Google eye bleach challenge, rubbing alcohol challenge, cinnamon challenge and bask in the dim glow of your parties stupidity.
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"I believe we are going to see a downturn in that, and it looks more like the 60,000 [range] than the 100,000 to 200,000," Fauci said.
That graph hasn't been updated in 3 days.
New York alone has cut it's deaths in half since their peak a week or 2 ago, their worst day was 1100 deaths and yesterday they had 500 deaths. The rest of the county was nowhere near them in deaths per day, so the models based on average are now correct we will see about 67K deaths.

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