Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That's as true as saying the health care system has totally failed us. We're 28th or something in life expectancy yet pay more than twice per capita than any other country.
Actually you would be more accurate to say that our public school system is more succesfful than our health care system.
I have to get this straight... we hear “China is faking numbers, don’t trust China”! Then we hear “we can’t trust the numbers coming out of southern Europe, they’re skewed”. Then it’s “The US numbers are a joke, no way they are correct”.

Now, it’s “look at the numbers in Sweden! Looks good to me, we’re back baby”! Why do we trust Sweden more than the US again? I thought they were a nation of lazy democratic socialists?

Well, worst case if Sweden is fudging numbers and are playing the same game everyone else least they aren't absolutely tanking their economy.

Right now, Sweden is taking a different approach, it doesn't seem to be that materially different, and their economy isn't taking a hit. The fear peddlers and drama queens may need to start getting used to this reality.
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That's as true as saying the health care system has totally failed us. We're 28th or something in life expectancy yet pay more than twice per capita than any other country.
Actually you would be more accurate to say that our public school system is more succesfful than our health care system.

Actually we are like 46 in life expectancy in the world . That is well above the average according to this , and I have some questions as to how some of those countries are ranked higher .

Life Expectancy by Country and in the World (2020) - Worldometer
We seem to get stupider with every bug that comes.

So what is going to be the MSM's excuse for the 2nd wave? I am sure it is going to be because Big Bad Money Loving Trump was more worried about the economy than lives. Instead the truth is because Governors attempted to keep their people cooped up too long while the virus was inherently sticking around then once they released enough people had not already been exposed.

The unnecessary extent of the first lock down is really going to get us. The aggressive lock down really needed to happen for folks who were the most at risk and let those who were at less risk needed to be out and about while practicing good social distancing. As they are finding out through antibody studies there is a very high percentage of people who have antibodies that experienced zero symptoms. The majority of the population under 65 with no pre-existing conditions could have gone about their business, gotten it, never known and we would have consistently built up immunity.

Instead treat everywhere like it is New York, don't go outside, don't go see your friends, let your dog poop in the house, if so you surely are going to die.
Wait, their math doesn't sound correct???

The beer industry is hunting for ways to deal with roughly 10 million gallons of suds abandoned in venues in March alone, according to an NBWA estimate. That is the equivalent of almost one million kegs. Even more beer is stuck at distributors’ warehouses, in transit from other countries and in breweries. Unsold and expiring beer could cost the beer industry as much as $1 billion, according to the NBWA.
Its hilarious that his supporters have the nerve to trash Bidens intelligence when this is what they've brought to the table.

I mean at this point Biden doesn't even need to do anything. Just let this moron of a president go on TV every day and show off his complete and utter stupidity. Trump seems to get more absurd as each day he goes on. It's great for the Democrats, I guess.
Anybody have any ideas on how we can resolve this critical matter???

A New Problem Is Brewing in the Beer Industry: One Million Kegs Are Going Stale

We are a country stuck at home that is getting stimulus checks and high unemployment checks .. it’s only a problem , if they don’t want to take the deep cost cut and sell it for what they can . There’s enough red necks stuck at home right now to probably take care of 80% of that pre-stale beer . But they got to come off that per keg profit . 🤷‍♂️

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