Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Wait a minute, you expected something different from VolNation? How long have you been here WTNO?

Sometimes I think I've been here too long......but I love reading the posts done by the regulars. I pass over posts that are way too long to read and keep going until I've caught up. BTW, anybody gonna watch the 2nd half of the NFL Draft tonight. I watched just a little last night only caring about my team(s) when their pick was coming up.
So what is going to be the MSM's excuse for the 2nd wave? I am sure it is going to be because Big Bad Money Loving Trump was more worried about the economy than lives. Instead the truth is because Governors attempted to keep their people cooped up too long while the virus was inherently sticking around then once they released enough people had not already been exposed.

The unnecessary extent of the first lock down is really going to get us. The aggressive lock down really needed to happen for folks who were the most at risk and let those who were at less risk needed to be out and about while practicing good social distancing. As they are finding out through antibody studies there is a very high percentage of people who have antibodies that experienced zero symptoms. The majority of the population under 65 with no pre-existing conditions could have gone about their business, gotten it, never known and we would have consistently built up immunity.

Instead treat everywhere like it is New York, don't go outside, don't go see your friends, let your dog poop in the house, if so you surely are going to die.

I agree those at risk take precautions. We are far enough along in this that we know that works, keep your distance and wash you darn hands.
Large cities will always be hit because their per capitas are high. We know this.
We need to lesson restrictions and move this country forward.
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Trump has a way of giving his enemies ammo in certain situations. This is an example of that, although a (very) poor one. Obviously, anyone with common sense knows he wasn't saying inject disinfectant. I think 80% of people, including Democrats know this. Yet, we have to play these parsing of word games with the people that are doing nothing but spreading fear and misinformation.

An Arizona man died in late March after having ingested chloroquine phosphate — believing it would protect him from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man's wife told NBC News that she had watched televised briefings during which Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine
A man died after ingesting a substance he thought would protect him from coronavirus
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The latest episode of Trump's new tv show is on. I like this one better then The Apprentice. I like the question and answer session he does with the press.
An Arizona man died in late March after having ingested chloroquine phosphate — believing it would protect him from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man's wife told NBC News that she had watched televised briefings during which Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine
A man died after ingesting a substance he thought would protect him from coronavirus
These are the same type people who repost things that have been disproved on several occasions. Read the header, repost. Like the missing child from 2017 that was found a few days after the story broke but they're still posting it on 2020
I wish he went all Bobby Knight on them
People don't realize how good Trump is at this tv thing. It is hard to keep a daily show fresh and keep your audience. He usually drops a zinger in to keep people talking about his latest show, when interest wanes. Yesterday, it was injecting Lysol straight into your veins with a dirty needle. A few weeks ago, it was to drink aquarium cleaner straight out of the bottle. His newest show keeps your attention.
Trump has a way of giving his enemies ammo in certain situations. This is an example of that, although a (very) poor one. Obviously, anyone with common sense knows he wasn't saying inject disinfectant. I think 80% of people, including Democrats know this. Yet, we have to play these parsing of word games with the people that are doing nothing but spreading fear and misinformation.
I would hope that anyone with common sense, or even anyone with a mental deficiency, would know better than to take medical advice from Trump. Trump is brutally inarticulate. These are moments when Trump's enemies are just laughing at him and making fun of him... and yes, he gives them a ton of ammunition. There was a moment yesterday, when Trump reminded his audience that he wasn't a doctor but then pointed to his head and said "I have a good you-know-what".... He is such a goofball that he isn't dangerous to anyone who isn't already a threat to themselves anyway, but still... it boggles the mind that this idiot is the president.
I would hope that anyone with common sense, or even anyone with a mental deficiency, would know better than to take medical advice from Trump. Trump is brutally inarticulate. These are moments when Trump's enemies are just laughing at him and making fun of him... and yes, he gives them a ton of ammunition. There was a moment yesterday, when Trump reminded his audience that he wasn't a doctor and then pointed to his head and said "I have a good you-know-what".... He is such a goofball that he isn't dangerous to anyone who isn't already a threat to themselves anyway, but still... it boggles the mind that this idiot is the president.
The only people who seem to be worried about taking medical advice from Trump are democrats. Odd...........
The only people who seem to be worried about taking medical advice from Trump are democrats. Odd...........
Nobody is sincerely worried about that. Like I said, the only people who would take medical advice from a doofus like Trump, are already a danger to themselves anyway. These briefings present opportunities for the press corps to mock Trump and make fun of him... and they are more than happy to seize on that.
That's as true as saying the health care system has totally failed us. We're 28th or something in life expectancy yet pay more than twice per capita than any other country.
Actually you would be more accurate to say that our public school system is more succesfful than our health care system.
We are only so low due to people’s lifestyle choices not because of a lack of medical resources
We are only so low due to people’s lifestyle choices not because of a lack of medical resources
Diversity brings most of our numbers down when comparing to other ethnically homogeneous countries. People seem to forget we are the most racially diverse country on the planet.
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