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He may or may not be a racist. But that's just more rhetoric as I see it, not to mention deflection.

I was actually maybe expecting you to back up the assertion about wanting to take away everyone's guns, if you weren't just being rhetorical.

Personally, I doubt he is a racist. I would say he’s not.

There is no doubt, however, by the Democrat’s own standard that he is.
Where is the evidence that we're over counting? It shouldn't be hard if it's so rampant.

Did you read the article from the Illinois health system saying how they are counting them ? You probably should read that first . I know you hate reading articles but it won’t take but about 5 mins .
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Wow, this post is so devoid of common sense and reality that is actually alarming. Over 50,000 people have already died from this virus and Trump's only failure was allowing a shut down to occur because he should have just left everything open and allowed a lot more to die for the sake of the economy. You, sir, are certifiably insane.

So, it's resembling a moderately bad flu season. If it hits 70-80K, a severe flu season. We don't shut down for flu. People dead from C19 are not more dead than those from flu.

Healthy economies enable a healthy populace. Robust economies throw off enough excess to take care of people who can't or won't even participate in those economies. I invite the leftist members to emigrate to a country that practices the inverse and experience the difference.

The Fed can't bail out a $21T economy it is simply a component of. And it's not just a domestic issue as the looming global defaults to U.S. banks will attest. We can either hand our children and successive generations a fighting chance to not be debt slaves, or say "fook 'em". I'm sure they will lionize our courage, holing up with Netflix interminably while speculating about the 2020 season, "Late Start or No Season!?!?!".
Personally, I doubt he is a racist. I would say he’s not.

There is no doubt, however, by the Democrat’s own standard that he is.

I don’t think he’s a racist even though he wore blackface or his wife that gave out cotton to little black kids . I do believe they are both stupid and liberals .
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Virginia lawmakers reject assault weapon ban

Gov. Northam-Backed Gun Control Bills Pass in Virginia

"That includes a red flag bill to allow authorities to temporarily take guns away from people deemed to be dangerous to themselves or others, and legislation giving local governments more authority to ban guns in public places. "

Northam and his anti-gun mafia infringe on Second Amendment

Virginia Gun Owners -- Democrats' Unconstitutional Attack | National Review

Going back further:
Ralph Northam & Guns -- Virginia Governor's Insane Gun-Grab Proposal | National Review

That's better. I didn't know anything about the proposed assault weapons ban, but that wouldn't mean everyone's guns, especially considering it was a proposed ban of selling them.
I think he has spawned a rethinking of the knee-jerk racism charges.

He didn’t spawn anything . He and that woke shocks priminister from Canada both had their pasts exposed and it forced the left to close its collective mouths for a hot minute . That’s all it did .
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How naive. this is Democrat’s protecting their own and will be forgotten about the next time a Republican is under fire in similar circumstances.

Ditto for the next female accuser that pops up decades later.

My thinking is that you can have done blackface, if it was in a certain era, or you can boast about grabbing women by the pu**y in more modern times, but you can't do both in the same instant, unless you were performing a tribute to Eddy Murphy, or maybe Richard Prior.
If anything, those numbers are low.

Here goes another insane take for you guys. I believe the numbers are approximately right. We are undercounted in that we can not count how many died of this in Dec-Feb before we were counting CV deaths. Our numbers right now are over counting because of the ways they are determining CV deaths in each state.

I’d say we are +/- 5,000 deaths. That is pure approximation.
He may or may not be a racist. But that's just more rhetoric as I see it, not to mention deflection.

I was actually maybe expecting you to back up the assertion about wanting to take away everyone's guns, if you weren't just being rhetorical.
True. Black face and Klan costume dress up day are common among White folks and in no way indicate racist feelings towards any non Whites.
Here goes another insane take for you guys. I believe the numbers are approximately right. We are undercounted in that we can not count how many died of this in Dec-Feb before we were counting CV deaths. Our numbers right now are over counting because of the ways they are determining CV deaths in each state.

I’d say we are +/- 5,000 deaths. That is pure approximation.

Now if you could only collect money for your guesses like the CDC . I’d be will to go in halfers with you and agree on any number if you could figure out a way to get the government to make it rain on us like they do the CDC
True. Black face and Klan costume dress up day are common among White folks and in no way indicate racist feelings towards any non Whites.

Some people just don't get the irony of such an absurd picture. Was it funny, yeah.. probably to everyone at the party. More than idiotic in hindsight, regardless of who yo ask.
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These climbing numbers of death due to covid-19 is obviously all fake and a cover up. The real reason these people are dying is heart failure. Wake up sheepeople. #woke

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