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99% of republicans think it’s okay for a president to withhold aid to a foreign country as a means of strong-arming them into looking in dirt on a political rivals son, which would’ve then been used to help his re-election efforts. If you think it’s okay for a president to do that, then you hold democracy in very little regard.
Are you okay with the Dem nominee being on video bragging about how he used the same tactics to kill the Ukrainian investigation into the company his son worked for?

Whataboutism! Moral equivalency! Whatever...Both sides use the same damn tactics, but sheep only care when it's the other side using those tactics. Don't pretend to take a moral high ground when you don't hold every one to the same standard. That's bull ****.
You'll get used to @Weezer's moral equivalence schtick. He'll likely point you to the wife of a Louisiana state assemblyman from the 1950s who did the same with a local mayor and then conclude that Dems and Republicans are all the same so what Trump does is just politics as usual.
I don't have to go back that far. The Dem nominee is on video bragging about doing the same damn thing. But of course that means nothing to you. You have no idea what morals are, so I'm not sure you can judge anything equivalent.
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Ladies and gentlemen we have a new hashtag. In addition to the now standard refrains of #blameChina and #blameWHO, we now have #blameAzar.

Got to hand it to him. When he said he wouldn't take responsibility for anything, he was telling the truth.

If you can’t find some blame for China , the WHO , the CDC and FDA something is wrong with you .
How many think Luther is lying about this?
I don't. Turns out our liberal posters have no clue what the left does. Hell, one thought Pelosi was a senator. Their sole focus is Trump rage. It's tunnel vision. So no, I don't think luther was lying. He was uninformed, mostly because he chooses to be uninformed. Why distract himself from raging at Trump by actually knowing what the side he supports does? This way he, and the others, can pretend moral outrage at everything the right does.

And when you try to explain their side is no better and cite examples, their general response is


Whataboutism! Moral equivalence!

It's how they live with being hypocrites. Deny, deny, deny.
they aren't worth anyone's time at this point
They're a waste of time. They only draw attention for the stupid things Trump says.

Kind of surprised the Dems criticize them since it gives them loads of ammunition.
Or say everything that pops into his head. Like injecting disinfectant and uv light
It was a stupid thing to say. Do I think he was suggesting people inject Lysol into their veins? No, but he was speaking out of ignorance just to talk. It wasn't sarcasm, it wasn't a joke, it was trying to talk about a subject he has no knowledge on. He should have kept his mouth shut, but he can't. His narcissism pushes him to speak, even when he doesn't know what he's saying. But no one of any intelligence should be looking to the POTUS for medical advice.
I was probably one of the ones that called him a liar because of his viewing of CNN / MSNBC and the timing of his statement , when Antifa was talked about on the daily on both .
I'm not sure if I've watched a cumulative total of 10 minutes of MSNBC in my life and I watch very little CNN.
I do frequent CNN online.
I'm also not sure about the timing, but I made the statement prior to the Charlottesville nonsense andI highly doubt CNN or MSNBC or anyone else other than Fox was regulary mentioning Antifa.
Antifa was primarily a right wing boogyman.
I'm not sure if I've watched a cumulative total of 10 minutes of MSNBC in my life and I watch very little CNN.
I do frequent CNN online.
I'm also not sure about the timing, but I made the statement prior to the Charlottesville nonsense andI highly doubt CNN or MSNBC or anyone else other than Fox was regulary mentioning Antifa.
Antifa was primarily a right wing boogyman.

So they are the equivalent of the lefts white nationalists ?
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Lol. I don’t know who is more stupid. You or the person who made that tweet. You honestly think those are the 4 worst leaders? North Korea left out. Iran. Venezuela. And let’s not even get into African countries. Do you really not get why you are laughed at EL? Come on.

It makes me sad that my deceased father and you share the same profession. I am astonished how you don’t realize how dumb you come off sometimes.
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I'm not sure if I've watched a cumulative total of 10 minutes of MSNBC in my life and I watch very little CNN.
I do frequent CNN online.
I'm also not sure about the timing, but I made the statement prior to the Charlottesville nonsense andI highly doubt CNN or MSNBC or anyone else other than Fox was regulary mentioning Antifa.
Antifa was primarily a right wing boogyman.
Yeah, the beatings they were handing out weren't make believe.
Lol. I don’t know who is more stupid. You or the person who made that tweet. You honestly think those are the 4 worst leaders? North Korea left out. Iran. Venezuela. And let’s not even get into African countries. Do you really not get why you are laughed at EL? Come on.
I can give you my opinion if you're interested. :)

We could even start a poll, lol.
[QUOTE="Smokey'sHandler, post: 18186461, member: 67634"]Personally I believe the Dems have hurt themselves worse through this process than Trump but I also felt that way about the Kavanaugh stuff and was apparently wrong.

You are wrong about this, too. How in the world has anyone but Trump been hurt by "this process?[/QUOTE]

Trumpers are digging in, like trench warfare. Trumpers are in full deflection mode and their limited response is to blah blah this or that. They are relying on being "validated" by Trump's re-electability aka 2nd term.
Thy're getting really f****ng nervous. A Trump expose/failure may be imminent.

With that glimmer of hope, get ready. The Grey/Orange Assclown/philosophical, self-interested idiots, can win again. What a damning statement on Americans' integrity would that be? F*** me once, shame on you. F***me, twice shame on me.
You are wrong about this, too. How in the world has anyone but Trump been hurt by "this process?

Trumpers are digging in, like trench warfare. Trumpers are in full deflection mode and their limited response is to blah blah this or that. They are relying on being "validated" by Trump's re-electability aka 2nd term.
Thy're getting really f****ng nervous. A Trump expose/failure may be imminent.

With that glimmer of hope, get ready. The Grey/Orange Assclown/philosophical, self-interested idiots, can win again. What a damning statement on Americans' integrity would that be? F*** me once, shame on you. F***me, twice shame on me.
No ones getting nervous except dims. You have a rehydrated pedo mummy running for Pres..
Tennessee COVID update
More testing another 10k tests today with 96% of those being negative. The majority of cases (46%) are from Davidson and Shelby, with the Bledsoe prison and out of state cases totaling another 10%. East Tennessee still looking good for reopening under 100 active cases for the 12 central valley counties.
141,206 completed tests (94% negative)
9,189 total cases (56% are in Davidson, Bledsoe, and Shelby counties)
4,467 recovered 49%
4,544 active
178 deaths 1.9%
East Tennessee active cases (90)
Knox County 24
Roane County 0
Loudon County 6
Anderson County 7
Blount County 9
Campbell County 0
Sevier County 17
Jefferson County 4
Grainger County 0
Cocke County 2
Hamblen County 7
Greene County 14
That's a total of only 90 active cases for the 12 Central valley counties.
Tennessee is now 11th in states' tests administered, (141,406) right behind Michigan (144,044). That's about twice as many as the state of Virginia.

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