Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

A mask is much more appropriate for someone who is infected and you're trying to prevent them from infecting other people than it is in protecting you against infection. If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you. And for example, people start saying, should I start wearing a mask? Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.

Just reviewing some comments from Fauci, 2/17.
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It depends on if you agree with attributing all deaths to Coronavirus regardless of existing conditions.

If someone has a heart attack and dies and tested positive for Coronavirus, what was the cause of death?

According to Birx this would be counted as a coronavirus death.
Would they have continued living with heart problems if they did not catch the coronavirus?
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Just reviewing some comments from Fauci, 2/17.

He is right that the primary benefit of a mask is that it catches a large percentage of the large particles carrying the virus from going out from an infected person into the environment. It's much less effective in preventing them from coming in to a person if they're already floating in the immediate environment.
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He is right that the primary benefit of a mask is that it catches a large percentage of the large particles carrying the virus from going out from an infected person into the environment. It's much less effective in preventing them from coming in to a person if they're already floating in the immediate environment.

And he said said there was absolutely no reason to where one. Kind of like we dont wear them for flu season, even thought the flu is very dangerous to old people.
Do the math, then. What do you guys project is the margin of error? The statistics exist to extrapolate the overcount to a reasonable certainty.
What are the total number of deaths per day that is occurring.....I, honestly, can’t find those numbers...... I know that typically in the United States 7,500-8,000 people die per day but can’t find how many are dying currently.
What are the total number of deaths per day that is occurring.....I, honestly, can’t find those numbers...... I know that typically in the United States 7,500-8,000 people die per day but can’t find how many are dying currently.

Well, that throws a wrench into that plan. Some of the charts I was looking at seem to be compiled monthly, so maybe the April numbers will be available in early May.

This stuff seems to be @TennTradition 's forte. Maybe he knows something about it.
Yep. See, they are actually testing and treating it. Are you challenging the stats they presented?
I am, they want to test everyone. We have had pulmonologists pulling the doctor in charge of the ER into admin meetings about their differential diagnosis. Guys having a heart attack, clear cut, nothing to do with corona. That want too test him.... No absolutely not was critical cares response.
This nut actually makes sense every now and then.

It’s deBlasio’s fault. He poo pood the threat in the beginning at least as bad as Trump did. Probably worse.

Also, there still hasn’t been any reporting, or there seems to be a dearth of reporting, on how homeless populations are affected. CV19 should be tearing through them like a tornado in a trailer park.
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Are you okay with the Dem nominee being on video bragging about how he used the same tactics to kill the Ukrainian investigation into the company his son worked for?

Whataboutism! Moral equivalency! Whatever...Both sides use the same damn tactics, but sheep only care when it's the other side using those tactics. Don't pretend to take a moral high ground when you don't hold every one to the same standard. That's bull ****.

I honestly haven’t heard about a Dem nominee saying that. Obviously it’s wrong, but a totally different level if a president does it. And yes I would be in favor of impeachment if a dem president did the same thing.

Also I’m not happy about Biden being the nominee, he’s creepy af, and it’s very telling that a lot of the people backing the #metoo movement are silent when it comes to Biden, some even going as far as to delete tweets about it.

I’m probably closer to being libertarian than republican or democrat.
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