Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Common sense politics, not being a sheep and following 1 party blindly. Don't kill babies, don't hurt children, don't be an a$$hole, don't start pointless wars, always put America and it's citizens first, quit worrying about peoples feelings and being PC, provide opportunity NOT HANDOUTS, free college is BS, don't tell me how to raise my kids and don't be an a$$hole
You don't value not being an a$$hole:

Exhibit A:

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The WHO said they didn’t know.... the media acted like they were saying that the WHO was saying that Herd immunity wouldn’t work..... How is this so hard to understand? Just a question..... why do you not question the scientific community at all?
The alternative is Trumpism and conspiracy theories.
Probably right. But that was slightly before my time as a voter. I do barely remember stuff about those elections though, mostly Ross Perot I think. I had to look him up to even remember the name.
Yep. That's the dude. He's the reason I say people voting For Bill is debatable.
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Can anyone give a basic guideline on when to believe the Who and when to ignore? They're pretty confusing
Don't believe the information that came from China. That was all WHO had to go on initially unless you think there is some big conspiracy.
Can anyone give a basic guideline on when to believe the Who and when to ignore? They're pretty confusing

Read within the lines. Look for words like "expect" or "opinion", understand that any statement, at this point, is changeable as more data is assessed.
Can anyone give a basic guideline on when to believe the Who and when to ignore? They're pretty confusing

According to most on here, you can't trust what China reports to the WHO, and we can't trust what the US reports.... So, basically, if it doesn't come from Twitter from a non-MSM source, it can't be trusted.

I think if the WHO put "supposedly" before it cites any data, they might regain some credibility.
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Common sense politics, not being a sheep and following 1 party blindly. Don't kill babies, don't hurt children, don't be an a$$hole, don't start pointless wars, always put America and it's citizens first, quit worrying about peoples feelings and being PC, provide opportunity NOT HANDOUTS, free college is BS, don't tell me how to raise my kids and don't be an a$$hole
According to most on here, you can't trust what China reports to the WHO, and we can't trust what the US reports.... So, basically, if it doesn't come from Twitter from a non-MSM source, it can't be trusted.

I think if the WHO put "supposedly" before it cites any data, they might regain some credibility.
Everyone in the world who isn't a communist knows that. Its literally taught in International Business 101.

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