Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted on January 24, "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"
Speaking on Fox News on January 30, Trump said China was "working very hard" to stop the coronavirus outbreak.
"And we are in great shape," he said. "China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

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Trump repeatedly praised China's response to coronavirus in February - CNNPolitics

First, I'm sure China probably was working hard to contain the outbreak. In Jan, no one outside China knew jack about what was happening and boilerplate statements regarding them are simply that. On Jan 24, the U.S. had two cases. On Jan 30, we had five cases.

Fauci and Birx were stating right into March they believed the Chinese data; they are Trump's counsel. It has only been within the last few weeks that the two have departed that belief.

On Feb 19th, Fauci stated he believed China's statistics, and that was due to:
1) the CCP strongly stating they would not tolerate misinformation since they were worried about credibility.
2) that the WHO was getting a team on the ground who could verify.
3.) being able to communicate directly with Chinese doctors and scientists. He unequivocally states he can believe these people.

March 19, Birx echoes that belief in what China is saying:

White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx told "Special Report" Thursday night that she believed reports out of China that there had been no new cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, the city where the pandemic originated, in recent days.

"If you watched the trend lines over time, they're similar to South Korea," Birx told host Bret Baier during a wide-ranging interview. "At this time, we believe that data."

However, Birx added, "Everyone is concerned about why we weren't alerted earlier." Dr. Birx says she believes coronavirus reports from China 'at this time,' won't rule out air travel shutdown

Jan 28, From Xi Jinping
“The epidemic is a demon and we cannot let this demon hide,” Xi Jinping said this week. “The Chinese government has always adopted an open, transparent and responsible attitude to the timely release of information on the epidemic, domestically and to other countries.”

Jan 29 Amid criticism that Beijing was not being transparent, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was effusive in praise;

“The continued increase in cases and the evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China are of course both deeply concerning,” said Tedros. “Although the numbers outside China are still relatively small, they hold the potential for a much larger outbreak,” he continued. “For that, China deserves our gratitude and respect … China is implementing very serious measures and we cannot ask for more.”

“China has been completely committed to transparency, both internally and externally, and has agreed to work with other countries that need support,...“The level of commitment (of the leadership) in China is incredible; I will praise China again and again, because its actions actually helped in reducing the spread of the novel coronavirus to other countries … we shall tell the truth and that’s the truth,” he concluded."
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First, I'm sure China probably was working hard to contain the outbreak. In Jan, no one outside China knew jack about what was happening and boilerplate statements regarding them are simply that. On Jan 24, the U.S. had two cases. On Jan 30, we had five cases.

Fauci and Birx were stating right into March they believed the Chinese data; they are Trump's counsel. It has only been within the last few weeks that the two have departed that belief.

On Feb 19th, Fauci stated he believed China's statistics, and that was due to:
1) the CCP strongly stating they would not tolerate misinformation since they were worried about credibility.
2) that the WHO was getting a team on the ground who could verify.
3.) being able to communicate directly with Chinese doctors and scientists. He unequivocally states he can believe these people.

March 19, Birx echoes that belief in what China is saying:

White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx told "Special Report" Thursday night that she believed reports out of China that there had been no new cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, the city where the pandemic originated, in recent days.

"If you watched the trend lines over time, they're similar to South Korea," Birx told host Bret Baier during a wide-ranging interview. "At this time, we believe that data."

However, Birx added, "Everyone is concerned about why we weren't alerted earlier." Dr. Birx says she believes coronavirus reports from China 'at this time,' won't rule out air travel shutdown

Jan 28, From Xi Jinping
“The epidemic is a demon and we cannot let this demon hide,” Xi Jinping said this week. “The Chinese government has always adopted an open, transparent and responsible attitude to the timely release of information on the epidemic, domestically and to other countries.”

Jan 29 Amid criticism that Beijing was not being transparent, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was effusive in praise;

“The continued increase in cases and the evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China are of course both deeply concerning,” said Tedros. “Although the numbers outside China are still relatively small, they hold the potential for a much larger outbreak,” he continued. “For that, China deserves our gratitude and respect … China is implementing very serious measures and we cannot ask for more.”

“China has been completely committed to transparency, both internally and externally, and has agreed to work with other countries that need support,...“The level of commitment (of the leadership) in China is incredible; I will praise China again and again, because its actions actually helped in reducing the spread of the novel coronavirus to other countries … we shall tell the truth and that’s the truth,” he concluded."

Your first statement was right on. It would be foolish to suggest WHO was in cahoots with China when they were the ones trying to downplay it and being less than forthcoming with the world.
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First, I'm sure China probably was working hard to contain the outbreak. In Jan, no one outside China knew jack about what was happening and boilerplate statements regarding them are simply that. On Jan 24, the U.S. had two cases. On Jan 30, we had five cases.

Fauci and Birx were stating right into March they believed the Chinese data; they are Trump's counsel. It has only been within the last few weeks that the two have departed that belief.

On Feb 19th, Fauci stated he believed China's statistics, and that was due to:
1) the CCP strongly stating they would not tolerate misinformation since they were worried about credibility.
2) that the WHO was getting a team on the ground who could verify.
3.) being able to communicate directly with Chinese doctors and scientists. He unequivocally states he can believe these people.

March 19, Birx echoes that belief in what China is saying:

White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx told "Special Report" Thursday night that she believed reports out of China that there had been no new cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, the city where the pandemic originated, in recent days.

"If you watched the trend lines over time, they're similar to South Korea," Birx told host Bret Baier during a wide-ranging interview. "At this time, we believe that data."

However, Birx added, "Everyone is concerned about why we weren't alerted earlier." Dr. Birx says she believes coronavirus reports from China 'at this time,' won't rule out air travel shutdown

Jan 28, From Xi Jinping
“The epidemic is a demon and we cannot let this demon hide,” Xi Jinping said this week. “The Chinese government has always adopted an open, transparent and responsible attitude to the timely release of information on the epidemic, domestically and to other countries.”

Jan 29 Amid criticism that Beijing was not being transparent, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was effusive in praise;

“The continued increase in cases and the evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China are of course both deeply concerning,” said Tedros. “Although the numbers outside China are still relatively small, they hold the potential for a much larger outbreak,” he continued. “For that, China deserves our gratitude and respect … China is implementing very serious measures and we cannot ask for more.”

“China has been completely committed to transparency, both internally and externally, and has agreed to work with other countries that need support,...“The level of commitment (of the leadership) in China is incredible; I will praise China again and again, because its actions actually helped in reducing the spread of the novel coronavirus to other countries … we shall tell the truth and that’s the truth,” he concluded."

First, we had 3 to 5 confirmed cases on those first dates. In actuality, we probably had many more.

Second, you are alluding to public statements that make it appear that the only information the federal government had was what was coming officially from China. In reality, we had much more information than that and the warning bells were clanging. Rather than heed that information and the advice of the professionals, the politicians (including most notably Trump) were saying comforting things publicly so as to reduce alarm, while privately there was a lot more concern than was being let on.

There is a certain irony here that people are defending Trump on the premise that the Chinese government was not forthcoming from the getgo about how serious this was, when in fact Trump did the exact same thing and committed the exact same sin: Despite knowledge to the contrary, he minimized the risk for political purposes and it has blown up in his face. Just as it has done to China.
Exactly what I was saying the other day after the President's remarks. Nikola Tesla invented the first handheld UV light in the 1890's for medical purposes. It has been used in hospitals and institutions for decades. Ever see the purple light in a hospital, above a door, when you was growing up ???

Why, that's just a Trump bus in a Trump UV light tunnel. Hell, Trump invented that far UV light disinfection scam as just another way to profit big $$$$ time from this tragedy. Nikola Tesla worked for daddy Trump - who is of German (do the imagery) descent - in a cavern under a Manhattan slum project so they could exhaust radioactive gases through housing units filled with black and Jewish babies!

I bet tokens to ride that Trump bus are HCQ tablets (aka 'Trump medicine') purchased with C19 stimulus $$$!!
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America First Means China Last.

It’s time to bring our manufacturing back home.

Not only did this dreaded virus begin in China, but the Communist Party leadership did everything within its strict control to deny the disease existed, to lie about its lethal spread, to cover up the extent of its fatalities, and then to profit from its dissemination around the world. What’s more, there is increasing evidence that the virus was both spawned and released to the local community by the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


This should serve as a reminder to Americans that communist China is not and has never been a country with a fondness for telling the truth or political transparency. It is a brutal regime that never hesitates to sacrifice the lives of its citizens on the path of ideological ascendancy.

The global pandemic has also shown Americans just how much control China wields over our economy and the products that we take for granted. After decades of shipping production and jobs to China in return for cheap electronics, we have suddenly realized that we can’t even purchase a bandaid without China’s concurrence.

If there is any lasting economic legacy from the coronavirus pandemic, indeed any positive lesson to be drawn from this moment of suffering and sacrifice, it is the realization that America First must ultimately mean China last.



The United States has had a complicated and problematic relationship with China, ever since Mao Zedong’s communist forces seized power in the country in 1949 and unleashed three decades of bloodshed that rivals that committed by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.
Everything changed, however, in 1972, when President Richard Nixon took his historic, and perhaps ill-fated flight to China with a view to normalizing relations with the communist regime.​
America First Means China Last.
What?!? Who could have ever known these technologies existed for treating air and surfaces?!?!?

Thank goodness President Trump asked the doctors to look into it, and let us all know he asked. I'd say they've never heard of it either.

I will add it makes total sense to me that you could circulate blood through a device that hits it with UV - and it sounds like that exists but is very difficult to scale. However, this must damage other components of the blood too, right? What I DID NOT know, though, was that they have some intravenous UV treatment .... don't know the details but saw some pictures of it circulating.
They also have a new scope with the UV light on the end that was what the President was talking about.

Did you know there's a procedure that actually uses disinfectant and washes/disinfects the lungs and then is sucked out with suction? I didn't.

And from the kroger deli earlier. They have two.


Ohio is only going to let businesses re-open if they ensure all workers and customers wear face masks at all time. Employees have to submit to temperature checks everyday before being allowed in
Your first statement was right on. It would be foolish to suggest WHO was in cahoots with China when they were the ones trying to downplay it and being less than forthcoming with the world.
But yet after the fact everyone knew China's info was misleading (at best) the WHO grabs their water? While catching their own grief in connection.
Just heard on NPR that Trump will give a press conference this afternoon. The WH had canceled it earlier today. Might need popcorn for this one.

Yup. They cancelled it as of this morning, then within a couple of hours reversed direction and said there will be one.

There are only two reasons I can think of for this. Either there is some good news to share (or what Trump thinks is good news, anyway) or Trump is so mad at the media for rightfully mocking him due to his comments last week that he wants the air time to continue this Emperor has No Clothes charade.
Yup. They cancelled it as of this morning, then within a couple of hours reversed direction and said there will be one.

There are only two reasons I can think of for this. Either there is some good news to share (or what Trump thinks is good news, anyway) or Trump is so mad at the media for rightfully mocking him due to his comments last week that he wants the air time to continue this Emperor has No Clothes charade.

I hope he weighs in on Episodes 3 & 4 of The Last Dance.
First, we had 3 to 5 confirmed cases on those first dates. In actuality, we probably had many more.

Second, you are alluding to public statements that make it appear that the only information the federal government had was what was coming officially from China. In reality, we had much more information than that and the warning bells were clanging. Rather than heed that information and the advice of the professionals, the politicians (including most notably Trump) were saying comforting things publicly so as to reduce alarm, while privately there was a lot more concern than was being let on.

There is a certain irony here that people are defending Trump on the premise that the Chinese government was not forthcoming from the getgo about how serious this was, when in fact Trump did the exact same thing and committed the exact same sin: Despite knowledge to the contrary, he minimized the risk for political purposes and it has blown up in his face. Just as it has done to China.

First, that's a silly point; you only know what you know at the time.

Second, you STILL aren't providing any detail. What information did we know and what warning bells are you referring to that he ignored? Birx and Fauci are on record acknowledging the pandemic medical experts thought this outbreak would take a far different course, more akin to flu or known corona viruses. We see that repeated over and again from Western peer nations, many of who didn't form task forces or enact travel restrictions until late Feb and March.

The irony is you don't see the irony of comparing apples and oranges.
-- On one hand is the U.S. government communicating with citizens about outbreak in a commie country that they aren't allowed into, and don't know anything about.
-- OTOH is the question of the commie government purposely making the decision to keep the outbreak under wraps while the globe is being infected by it.

When you say he minimized it, what you're saying is that Trump knew the virulence and prevalence of the virus, its course, and how to contain it, but simply chose not to act on it which resulted in needless death and suffering. I'm replying that's BS, and that you cannot present a substantiated argument to support your own without burning Fauci, Birx, et al at the same stake you're tying Trump to. Which makes you appear doubly silly.
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Yup. They cancelled it as of this morning, then within a couple of hours reversed direction and said there will be one.

There are only two reasons I can think of for this. Either there is some good news to share (or what Trump thinks is good news, anyway) or Trump is so mad at the media for rightfully mocking him due to his comments last week that he wants the air time to continue this Emperor has No Clothes charade.
If I recall correctly, I think they are going to discuss testing guidance. Of course it is a Trump press conference, so I seriously doubt it will stay on topic for long. Bring snacks, he's been stewing all weekend.
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