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How will history remember Cuomo and De Blasio?

There only 5 countries with worse numbers.
I don't know what those two knuckleheads could do to stop it. Too many people jammed too close together reliant on packed public transportation. Recipe for disaster.

I guess they could have shut down public transpo.
In recent history, maybe, but :

Teddy Roosevelt: 1912 88 electoral votes
John Breckinridge: 1860 72 electoral votes
George Corley Wallace: 1968 46 electoral votes
Strom Thurmond: 1948 39 electoral votes
John Bell: 1860 39 electoral votes

I remember Wallace and the 68 election very well. Wallace was winning Democrat primaries in 1972 until he got paralyzed by an assassin's bullet. He ran well as an independent the previous election.
So who did you vote for during the War of Northern Aggression?
OK, that's who you don't listen to. But I asked who you do listen to. I don't blame you for not answering though. It would take balls. You're sure to take a pounding and spend the rest of the afternoon trying to defend your answer.

I'll add you to the list of those I dont listen to. You sound like a moron.
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Exactly what I was saying the other day after the President's remarks. Nikola Tesla invented the first handheld UV light in the 1890's for medical purposes. It has been used in hospitals and institutions for decades. Ever see the purple light in a hospital, above a door, when you was growing up ???

What?!? Who could have ever known these technologies existed for treating air and surfaces?!?!?

Thank goodness President Trump asked the doctors to look into it, and let us all know he asked. I'd say they've never heard of it either.

I will add it makes total sense to me that you could circulate blood through a device that hits it with UV - and it sounds like that exists but is very difficult to scale. However, this must damage other components of the blood too, right? What I DID NOT know, though, was that they have some intravenous UV treatment .... don't know the details but saw some pictures of it circulating.
How will history remember Cuomo and De Blasio?

There are only 5 countries with worse numbers.

There was resistance to shut things down and I think that could have definitely happened sooner.

But they have to be the most densely populated area that had an outbreak here in the states, no? You can pretty much plot infection rates across the country and see they correlate to that metric. Globally, I'm not sure how it compares. But there seems to be strong resistance to shutting things down here in the US vs. other geographies and I'm sure that played a role. Days mattered.

It was beginning to develop everywhere, but because it was growing faster in more densely populated areas, every day they were getting deeper and deeper into it (without knowing because we just weren't testing in February and slowly ramping through most of March).

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