Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

No, I get it. Trump says WHO is bad and you work your way back from there.
Maybe you missed it the first time:

"WHO's problem is with Ghebreyesus' over the top fawning in the absence of information while his country is a benefactor of China's debt diplomacy, and that Taiwan states they notified WHO of human transmission three weeks prior to their acknowledgement.
It's a pattern with WHO. They make outlandish claims regarding national healthcare comparisons while relying solely on totalitarian governments' input, without corroboration or caveat. Cuba is a good example of this. They have no powers to investigate, compel, or gather intelligence, and are held in esteem not warranted outside of their direct support to poorer nations. I'd blame 1st world nations for catering to WHO's inflated importance."

See? No conspiracy necessary. I even blame 1st world nations for catering to the WHO's assumed authority. That opinion is not predicated on Trump's - or for that matter the UK, Taiwan - questioning their or Ghebreyesus' credibility, but because I've not found them credible for far longer. And I didn't even mention his resistance to travel bans.

Tthis is crisis time for the WHO. If - as the only entity outside China in contact with Chinese officials - you unreservedly champion their response, you better be right when the result is looking into the teeth of global pandemic and depression. I think Ghebreyesus steps down, 'constructive talks about mission scope' occur, and U.S. funding probably resumes. What should not resume is deference to WHO when they cannot put their boots into an outbreak. Ever.

But true to form, you went the TDS route, anyway. Good talk!
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The protests will get larger and larger:cool:

I said this from the start. You can only expect people to comply up to a point...the point where they realize and say "f--- it! I gotta make a living/run a business/open my doors. I'll take my chances with this virus." And also the point where they start to go under financially and cannot be made whole again in this lifetime.
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I said this from the start. You can only expect people to comply up to a point...the point where they realize and say "f--- it! I gotta make a living/run a business/open my doors. I'll take my chances with this virus." And also the point where they start to go under financially and cannot be made whole again in this lifetime.
I agree, people didnt stay inside for months because the might get the flu or a cold -- this is beyond senseless at this point
Both. Seems like Tyson is trying to portray the virus as causing too many problems in production and they want people to work, whereas the employees are complaining about unsafe working conditions.
why are they unsafe ? Did they change anything from the last few years ?

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