Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Trump was called out today at presser for saying some time ago that we'd go to zero cases soon after we were at 15 cases. His response, shockingly was to deny having been wrong and insisted it will be zero at some point.

You know, technically he is correct. If everyone died of coronavirus then the next day the count would indeed be zero. So yay Trump.

How many people died because of his optimism or "lie"?
Yes I really can and it’s not a conspiracy when states are literally telling the public that they are conflating and bloating the numbers .

I haven’t personally seen that. I’ve personally seen patients test positive through the hospital, die, and then not count as a positive covid death because the confirmatory test from the CDC came back negative.
Poster is anti-Caucasian. Uses the word Solution, much like Hitler used to when referring to the Jewish question and final solution.
McRib says hospital staff wear masks to:
1. Protect from each other,
2. Protect others who aren't patients,
3. Protect patients.
4. Visitors are required to wear masks if seeing patients.
If McDonald's had the McRib on their menu year round, they would get much more of my business. That's a damn shame.
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Good news everyone, the virus is going away!

Wait, it seems like I've hear this before? :(

I wonder if the people who are convinced it’s all a big overreaction realize that, if we had actually rolled out the level of testing Trump brags about, we would have seen that it was an overreaction and may never have shut the economy down?
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Wait so you’re for or against stamping down of protesting?

Also I’m sorry but if you’re a white nationalist your not a good person.


Guys help me out. Obvious our new flea in the crotch is an alter...I thought when someone else posted that he was Volbraniac (his weird spelling) that the posting style was nearly identical. Now I have my doubts. Nobody has that much troll in them and shows up here by accident though. Volprof? Outerbanksvol?
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I wonder if the people who are convinced it’s all a big overreaction realize that, if we had actually rolled out the level of testing Trump brags about, we would have seen that it was an overreaction and may never have shut the economy down?

Yep.. Giant overreaction. But we loves us some drama in this country.

Better Audio on This One...
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So I'll throw out a theory - critique at will; I'm interested in facts that will invalidate it.

Assumption - short of a vaccine or herd immunity the majority of the population will contract Covid-19 (Interested in hearing if this assumption is false)

The lowest total cost approach to handling the situation is to maximize the speed with which the population(referenced above) contracts Covid-19 without overburdening the HC system and while protecting the most vulnerable. IOW - flattening the curve to prevent unnecessary deaths due to lack of HC resources but not flattening so much as to prolong the inevitable infection of population at the cost of more damage to the economy worldwide.

Where am I going wrong?

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