Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

So glad the dementia patient is allowing all adults to get the vaccine starting April 19... something Governor Abbott did two weeks ago. What a damn clown.

Oh and the dementia patients new timeline is right on the mark of what Trumpโ€™s admin was aiming for. Thanks for not screwing up Trumpโ€™s plan, sleepy Joe! ๐Ÿคก

All Texas adults eligible for COVID vaccine starting Monday
This article is a mess.

1. It doesn't have specifics:

"In Michigan more young people are ending up in hospitals fighting more serious symptoms than previously seen in children with COVID-19."

How much more?

"Anywhere you look where you see this emerging, you see that kids are playing a huge role in the transmission of this," Osterholm said.

What is a huge role? what % of cases are "kids"?

"If you look what's happening in Michigan, in Minnesota, in Massachusetts, for example, you're seeing outbreaks in schools and infections in social cohorts that haven't been exposed to the virus before."

Define "outbreak"

2. It conflates "young people" with "kids"

"We're seeing in places like Michigan that the people who are now getting hospitalized by large numbers are people in their 30s and 40s," Wen said. "And now we're even seeing children getting infected in larger numbers too."

What is a "larger number"? How is what's happening to 30s and 40s relevant to kids?

"If you look what's happening in Michigan, in Minnesota, in Massachusetts, for example, you're seeing outbreaks in schools and infections in social cohorts that haven't been exposed to the virus before."

Define "outbreak"

"In Florida's Orange County, officials reported late last month a rise in Covid-19 cases in the 18-25 age group.

And a third of all of the county's Covid-19 hospitalizations were people younger than 45, according to Dr. Raul Pino, director of the Florida Department of Health in Orange County.

New Jersey officials said last week that variants, including the B.1.1.7 strain, were contributing to a rise in cases and hospitalizations -- including in younger age groups.

Between the first and last weeks of March, there was a 31% and 48% increase in the number of hospitalizations among the 20-29 and 40-49 age groups, respectively, state health commissioner Judy Persichilli said Wednesday. "

This is data from "younger than 45" and 20 - 49. These people are not kids or children or school aged.

No specifics on rate of infection in children or change in the rate or prevalence.
Typical โ€œjournalismโ€
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Two weeks ago Fauci was fearmongering about a 4th wave:

Fauci warns possible 4th surge in COVID-19 cases could undermine progress

Now he's come around to figure out what the rest of us knew 2 weeks ago:

Dr. Fauci: Vaccines Should Prevent Another Huge COVID Surge

Tell me again what's so special about this guy? his crystal ball is constantly a day late and a dollar short
Well as the saying goes, "Don't hate the player...." While I don't listen to anything he says... actually haven't for months... I do admire his ability to keep himself relevant and to make bank off of it.

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