in a fair and unbaised world every newpaper in this country should have had that headline the second he announced the stimulus bill.
You've known for a long time a stimulus package was inevitable. And it was going to be monsterous and predictably ridicoulous. His role after pushing the boulder off the top of the cliff, was to sign it when it reached the bottom.
ridiculous. he could have pushed through a stimulus package based on tax cuts. instead he decided to pay back every democratic lobbyist who helped his campaign.
There are a couple of head scratchers in there for sure. Still, there is no way you can know at this point unless you have some secret, clairvoyiant powers.
No powers, other than that of observation. His choices of friends, putting a tax cheat over treasury (fox in charge of the hen house) and several other very questionable decisions tell me that, although he wants to be like Lincoln, he is most like Carter.
Ridiculous. There is absolutely NO WAY you can make this assessment at this point. At least not an informed one anyway.
BAAA for us, like a good little Obamasheep.What OE, you trying to beat joevol and savageorgjug to the punch?
Obama's attempts to compare himself to our greatest Presidents (Kennedy excluded) is a pathetic joke. I believe it proves my contention. He is a narcissistic you feel the same way about Obama's self-comparison to Kennedy, FDR and Lincoln?
this is not directed at you specifically, truefan, but why has Obama broken his "sunshine before signing" promise, specifically in regard to the stimulus bill?
"emergency" can't be used as an excuse, after Sherrod Brown was flown in to cast the 60th vote, the bill sat for 2 1/2 days while Obama went on vacation (vacation, after less than a month on the job?). Even after his return to DC on Monday, he didn't sign it, preferring to wait til today when he could hop in Air Force 1 (again) and fly out to Denver for a photo-op during the signing.
definitely not Carter-esque, Carter at least had some semblance of personal honor. Obama is behaving more like a combination of Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.
Please, o enlightened one, tell us what your definition of "real Americans" is. I await your response with bated breath, on the edge of my seat.
BAAA for us, like a good little Obamasheep.
You don't need to worry about what I do. At least until real Americans take this country back. Then your ilk can start sweating. :salute:
Obama's attempts to compare himself to our greatest Presidents (Kennedy excluded) is a pathetic joke. I believe it proves my contention. He is a narcissistic megalomaniac.