Legit Question for the More Liberal on Here

Sure, o sheeplike one.

People not afraid to stand on their own two feet. People that don't need the government taking care of their every need. People that aren't "offended" at every turn. People that consider themselves American, not some hyphenated version. People who are proud of the America that was built on God, guns, and guts.

People who see that socialist POS in the White House for what he really is.

So, if we don't think like you, we aren't real Americans?So if we don't think Obama is a POS, then we aren't real Americans.
I am not going to argue with you today. It's useless.YOu live in a bubble and have a closed mind.

You claim to love America, but clearly hate Americans. Good thing "you and your ilk" are in charge of NOTHING. You see, at one time there was a honorable sector of conservatives. It has been replaced with loud mouthed reactionaries like yourself who think they are the backbone of the country when in reality, are the embarrassment. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

God, guns and guts????? How about love, honor and courage?
So, if we don't think like you, we aren't real Americans?So if we don't think Obama is a POS, then we aren't real Americans.
I am not going to argue with you today. It's useless.YOu live in a bubble and have a closed mind.

You claim to love America, but clearly hate Americans. Good thing "you and your ilk" are in charge of NOTHING. You see, at one time there was a honorable sector of conservatives. It has been replaced with loud mouthed reactionaries like yourself who think they are the backbone of the country when in reality, are the embarrassment. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

God, guns and guts????? How about love, honor and courage?

So, if we don't think like you, we aren't real Americans?So if we don't think Obama is a POS, then we aren't real Americans.
I am not going to argue with you today. It's useless.YOu live in a bubble and have a closed mind.

You claim to love America, but clearly hate Americans. Good thing "you and your ilk" are in charge of NOTHING. You see, at one time there was a honorable sector of conservatives. It has been replaced with loud mouthed reactionaries like yourself who think they are the backbone of the country when in reality, are the embarrassment. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

God, guns and guts????? How about love, honor and courage?
Replaced by spineless, mealy mouthed, liberals.

Love? Good thing our ancestors believed in hard work before love.

Honor and courage? Doesn't that fall somewhere under "guts"? Then again, I don't expect a liberals would understand about having guts.
So, if we don't think like you, we aren't real Americans?So if we don't think Obama is a POS, then we aren't real Americans.
I am not going to argue with you today. It's useless.YOu live in a bubble and have a closed mind.

You claim to love America, but clearly hate Americans. Good thing "you and your ilk" are in charge of NOTHING. You see, at one time there was a honorable sector of conservatives. It has been replaced with loud mouthed reactionaries like yourself who think they are the backbone of the country when in reality, are the embarrassment. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

God, guns and guts????? How about love, honor and courage?
kinda funny, an avowed "centrist" hardcore Obama supporter calling someone else a loud mouthed reactionary. Every cause Obama has supported to date is the baby of some loud mouthed whiny liberal wanting something for the "downtrodden." His union drivel should make any "centrist" cry. This disaster of a Keynesian stimulus package is one of the biggest jokes I've ever heard. His forthcoming mortgage bailout package is the whiniest, most liberal move I can even think of and I'm sure your "centrist" heart just sinks at the thought of it.

Love, honor and courage? That's what drove our founding fathers? How about freedom from tyrranical government, religious freedom and extreme love of individual liberty (which requires hardcore individual responsibility) as the drivers of those who founded this joint?
Just a question that someone may be able to shed some light on. Weren't a good portion of the founding fathers either atheists, non-Christians, or Unitarians?
Just a question that someone may be able to shed some light on. Weren't a good portion of the founding fathers either atheists, non-Christians, or Unitarians?
the more prominent ones weren't, but regardless, they weren't bent on God in our daily lives as many Christian conservatives try to proclaim. Their focus on religious freedom was really more about less government intervention in their lives, period.
I'm especially pleased with Leon Panetta....

Surely you jest.

If you are serious, why??

Who's that ?

He was Clinton's chief of staff, he was Sandy Burglar's boss, remember the guy who was caught smuggling top secret papers out of the National Archives hidden in his socks and hiding them under a dumpster so as to protect Clinton from things that might have turned up in the 911 commission investigation???

He is now the head of the CIA with zero experience in intelligence and not a lot between his own ears to brag about to begin with.

I would give him a fair grade for his economic team, I think it is pretty diverse from an democratic standpoint. There are a couple of free market thinkers in there that are capable.

Strange coming from someone who claims to have libertarian leanings.

You mean this economic team???

However, I really thought he'd be bringing our troops home, and redeploying to Afghanistan, so that would be my negative(s) at this point.

10,000 More Troops Headed to Afganistan.

That would be a down payment on a larger influx of U.S. forces that has been widely expected this year.

Simple, he wants them tried in the US Military Court, maybe even open up a new department for that purpose. Then, when they are convicted, he intends to send them to supermax prisons, and in the future, build some new ones.

That would be my grasp on it.

What did you think of Obama's Attorney General's role in the last minute Clinton pardon of the communist FALN and other terrorists while he was Asst AG????

I'm not so sure about his wanting them tried in a military tribunal, if so why stop the trial that was in progress.

I look for Obama and Holder to go with the commie ACLU and give them all the rights of any American citizen and try them in civilian courts giving them the right to go all the way to tye US Supreme Court.

I will say, I hope I'm wrong but at this point I see no reason to think otherwise.

Have you heard or read any statement by the administration that they intend to try the detainees in a military tribunal??
Regardless, it calls into question the whole idea that this country was founded on God. Religious freedom yes, but that's a pretty broad idea.

Enlightenment philosophy (which itself was heavily inspired by deist ideals) played a major role in creating the principle of separation of church and state, expressed in Thomas Jefferson's letters, and the principle of religious freedom expressed in the 1st Ammendment.
Regardless, it calls into question the whole idea that this country was founded on God. Religious freedom yes, but that's a pretty broad idea.
you posted this while I was finishing my edit. Give it a look and you'll see that we're saying the same thing.
Deists work. They all had their weird religious (or non-religious) quirks. I believe it was Adams that was quoted as saying that the world would be better without religion.

Correct, he was referring to the legaistic side of religion.
Freedom of religion was the driving force that brought Europeans here.

Now that liberals are offended by God, we should throw him out?

I didn't say that, but as BPV and I have said, saying that this country was founded on God isn't the most accurate statement.
Freedom of religion was the driving force that brought Europeans here.

Now that liberals are offended by God, we should throw him out?

I believe in God, but isn't this just another way of saying "if you don't believe like me, then you aren't American?" What makes America what it is ISN'T guys like you or me, but the fact guys like you and me with differing beliefs have a place here. A right to be here regardless of whom or what you worship. An atheist having as much say as you or me. This is what America is about. I dislike the far left BS as much as you, while at the same time, don't care for the far right BS either, but regardless, both have an EQUAL right to be here.

And someone, please...anyone....show me the context for which Obama was comparing himself to JFK, FDR or Lincoln. All you guys are acting like he thinks of himself in the same regard for which those men are held. This is highly unlikely. It is highly likely some motivated right wing web site made it sound as such, but I doubt Obama thinks of himself, at least at this point, in the same league with any of those men.

BTW, Savage, JFK and FDR were liberals. And please don't say they would be republicans nowadays.
I believe in God, but isn't this just another way of saying "if you don't believe like me, then you aren't American?" What makes America what it is ISN'T guys like you or me, but the fact guys like you and me with differing beliefs have a place here. A right to be here regardless of whom or what you worship. An atheist having as much say as you or me. This is what America is about. I dislike the far left BS as much as you, while at the same time, don't care for the far right BS either, but regardless, both have an EQUAL right to be here.

And someone, please...anyone....show me the context for which Obama was comparing himself to JFK, FDR or Lincoln. All you guys are acting like he thinks of himself in the same regard for which those men are held. This is highly unlikely. It is highly likely some motivated right wing web site made it sound as such, but I doubt Obama thinks of himself, at least at this point, in the same league with any of those men.

BTW, Savage, JFK and FDR were liberals. And please don't say they would be republicans nowadays.

So is W, what is your point?
I believe in God, but isn't this just another way of saying "if you don't believe like me, then you aren't American?" What makes America what it is ISN'T guys like you or me, but the fact guys like you and me with differing beliefs have a place here. A right to be here regardless of whom or what you worship. An atheist having as much say as you or me. This is what America is about. I dislike the far left BS as much as you, while at the same time, don't care for the far right BS either, but regardless, both have an EQUAL right to be here.

And someone, please...anyone....show me the context for which Obama was comparing himself to JFK, FDR or Lincoln. All you guys are acting like he thinks of himself in the same regard for which those men are held. This is highly unlikely. It is highly likely some motivated right wing web site made it sound as such, but I doubt Obama thinks of himself, at least at this point, in the same league with any of those men.

BTW, Savage, JFK and FDR were liberals. And please don't say they would be republicans nowadays.

The issue at hand is not to force you to believe like someone else. The issue is that your different beliefs or lack thereof should NEVER erode the Christian heritage and belief system that this great nation was founded on. The founding fathers were very open and straight forward about their beliefs and the course they intended for the country.

If someone wants to be a Muslim, Hindu, Agnostic or Atheist, it really doesn't matter to me. However, it is an infringement on my rights and heritage to remove God from public sight.

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