Look... we needed Gruden

Saying, "Threads like this are ridiculous..." just prolongs them. If ya'll would ignore them they would disappear faster.

Now back to my usual "Ignore-This-Kind-of-Thread" rule.
Gruden would have been an elite recruiter on name only. The number 1 requirement for a coaching job at TN should be that you are an elite recruiter. If you are mediocre or below GTFO. It's won with the Jimmy and Joe's, ask Meyer if you don't think so. It would be the number 1 requirement to coach at UT. So far we have struck out in that department in a very big way. I am still amazed what Dooley did to us, damn I hate him, I believe he was working for the pay off from the minute he set foot on campus, such a pompous a hole.

How do you know Butch Jones can't be an elite recruiter? The calss was ranked high 40s when he was hired. He improved it. The man had just over 30 days to get this class together. Why can't people get that through their freakin heads?
Volnation, I really like Butch Jones. Dooley turned me off almost as soon as he arrived on campus. While the majority of you were praising "Showergate," and "Looking for Rommel" and "pick up the phone and call me" I was telling you that Dooley was auditioning for a TV gig as our head coach. And I didn't like it. And that's exactly what he did.

Butch was always behind the 8-ball. He actually walked into a worse situation than Dooley (which is saying something in a big way). He almost created his next problem. He did what he had to do - he went after elite talent. Problem is, he didn't land the elite talent. I've said for awhile this 2013 class would define his tenure. He swung for the fences (which makes me like him), but he didn't connect. Strike.

Daj is absolutely right - it starts with talent. That's why we needed Gruden so bad, and the CryptKeeper and Booger dropped the ball. I said at the time Hart still had the power to screw the pooch. He did. Ego. BMOC. Hart couldn't handle Gruden being Big Man on Campus. And it will haunt us for a decade.

CBJ still has a chance. He has to lean on our offensive line. He has to restore confidence to the defense. He has to go +2 in the talent column, and that is his record. I fear though he was +2 in the Big East, but the SEC is the best of best. Second tier these days is Steve Spurrier. Let that sink in. Even Muschamp is proving he is worthy of the league. Franklin has the nation talking about Vandy --- VANDY!

Folks, we needed Gruden. It wasn't a pipe dream, but we had to roll out the red carpet, absolutely. The CryptKeeper failed. We've got to hope Coach Butch Jones is +2. I want him to be +2. He's still got a chance, but he's got to take some big scalps 2013.

Less than 2 months. That's how long Butch Jones has been the HC. 7 weeks. Think about that for a second, then go root for another team.
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with all of the quotes in the first paragraph, just read this like Chris Farley was talking to you. It's then rather humorous, and you don't have to read anymore because you're now laughing.

Bravo, OP
The only thing I can think of in response to this is that OP said Butch walked into a worse situation than Dooley. I disagree. Dooley had less time, but more to work with than CBJ.

I agree with that. Coach Jones has a junior and a senior class. Dooley had neither.
another Gruden thread and another NSD thread. all in one.

Don't forget the Dooley-hating disease. Some folks can't figure out the man is gone and he ain't coming back. But when you drink bootleg orange beverages, you never know what's been put into it. You get dizzy, it changes your gait, your ab(domen) bugles, and you just have no hart. Guy needs to stop drinking the stuff.
I read the first three pages of this thread and the last so if it was covered somewhere else, I apologize for not seeing it. What is +2 all about?
gruden makes over $4 million for working 1-2 days each week--no way he's giving that up anytime soon for a coaching gig working 80 hours for less money.

Actually it was reported that between Grudens Monday night football gig, his espn work and his work with EA Sports / Madden work he makes upwards of $15 mil ..... Either way, why would he come out of the booth to take a huge paycut that severely increases his stress level and cuts into his quality of life. Couldn't help but notice that not only is he not coaching at UT, he doesn't seem to be coaching ANYWHERE!!!
If CBJ had more than 31 days to mend the broken relationships and get UT back on these guy's minds, I think they would have been Vols. CDD burned the bridges and CBJ had to try to rebuild them. We'll never truly know. Still nothing wrong with some speculation though.

Serious question...other than some TN coaches where in talent rich areas did Dooley break relationships with HS coaches? CBJ had to come in and mend relationships with TN coaches because he had nothing else to bring to the table in the major talent rich southeast areas. Seems hart handed him a list of things that message board people whined about on Dooley and that's what he did in his first 2 months.

The only thing I can think of in response to this is that OP said Butch walked into a worse situation than Dooley. I disagree. Dooley had less time, but more to work with than CBJ.

CBJ has an Nfl caliber OL with yrs of experience, and 2 QBs that have been on campus. So how did Dooley have more to work with than CBJ?

Side note: You Grudenites need to look in the mirror and blame yourselves for this past season just as much as y'all blame others. Yall got played by him. Y'all wanted him so bad that yalls negatitivity engulfed the program and helped bring it down just to gurantee Dooley be fired for the shot at Gruden.
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What you've just said ... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...

Bahahaha!! That's both well said and very funny
Serious question...other than some TN coaches where in talent rich areas did Dooley break relationships with HS coaches? CBJ had to come in and mend relationships with TN coaches because he had nothing else to bring to the table in the major talent rich southeast areas. Seems hart handed him a list of things that message board people whined about on Dooley and that's what he did in his first 2 months.

CBJ has an Nfl caliber OL with yrs of experience, and 2 QBs that have been on campus. So how did Dooley have more to work with than CBJ?

Side note: You Grudenites need to look in the mirror and blame yourselves for this past season just as much as y'all blame others. Yall got played by him. Y'all wanted him so bad that yalls negatitivity engulfed the program and helped bring it down just to gurantee Dooley be fired for the shot at Gruden.

Regarding your "where did Dooley break relationships with HS coaches?" I can tell you with virtually every significant HS program in and around Nashville. Had virtually no presence over here. Heard the Brentwood Academy coach squirm out of coming right out and saying that Dooley didn't have anything to do with his school/players and pretty much sucked. If he's not willing to work with and stay close to his instate schools/coaches where it should be a slamdunk, why the hell does anyone think he would do so in Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, California, etc?
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Maybe Gruden can't coach a lick. Doesn't matter (he can coach, btw).

Gruden would put THE FEAR into Saban because recruits would come to him like the flock to the shepherd. And as Daj has demonstrated: it's talent. It's talent first.

It's sad but expected that that statement would get likes on Volnation.
The 2013 class will define his tenure? We're set back a decade because we didn't get Gruden? Did you major in Drama at UT?

Ha! I actually DID major in Drama at UT. And even I know this thread is over the top...ridiculous.
I wanted grud or any other home run hire.. thought Charlie strong would have been OK. We have bj boy n he has to prove he is worthy no doubt...

It drives me crazy when vols fans say I love this staff because they want to be here.. wtf u double my salary n give me a nice buyout if I fail n I will love any place.. point being cdd talked the same crap about loving tenn n the staff Etc.. n the min he realized the sec isn't for the weak... he wanted out...

Now the question will be what will cbj n his staff do when the r toasted by fans.. media..boosters because they got out coached by a Kent vandy or miss... if he loses any of those games god help him...lol:rock:

That's the point? Really?

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