Look... we needed Gruden

Gruden is a prima-donna. His swagger leaves no room for any other swagger. He played UT for his ego purposes. If he wanted to get back into college football, he would have - either at UT or some other college - Auburn, Arky, UT, etc. etc. There were plenty of places for him to test the waters. Gruden likes being chased. He's like the classic small-town prom queen who thinks everyone loves (or should love) them.

Besides all this psycho-analyzing, if you were making north of $4M for having your mug on TV every Monday night, talking via teleprompters and in your ear analysts, traveling the country and seeing many cities, eating at nice establishments, being the toast at local bars ----- would you come to Knoxville TN? Would you seriously want to leave all of that for former HS players with grade problems, homesick problems, mama problems, pee-pee test problems, attitude problems, skill problems to be combined with booster expectations, booger-eater problems and the nut jobs on the likes of Volnation? I thought not. This whole Gruden thing was make believe.

At least CBJ is a college coach, knows what it takes to be successful and WANTS TO BE HERE. Desire and passion will take you places that attitude and swagger often times will not.
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I concur. Go ahead and throw in Tom Landry, Bill Cowher, Jimmie Johnson, Nick Saban & the Harbaugh brothers as assistants, along with Derek Jeter's latest GF in charge of a revamped hostess program. Might as well take it all the way if were still being delusional.
We DID need him. Congrats to the OP for having the balls to admit it.

I think EVERYONE in Volnation would have jumped over the moon if Gruden would have been hired--and he would have been THE hire for recruiting, etc...etc...etc....

Ole Butch and his boys have done alright in my book so far--and the 2013 class will not define them. If they can find a way to somehow win a total of 8 games next year (including bowl game)--2014 will be a class that has the potential to define them and get us on the road to a NC!

Gruden would have been the GINGER hire--but Ole Butch is the MARY ANN that will get 'er DONE! GO VOLS! :salute:
Gruden is a prima-donna. His swagger leaves no room for any other swagger. He played UT for his ego purposes. If he wanted to get back into college football, he would have - either at UT or some other college - Auburn, Arky, UT, etc. etc. There were plenty of places for him to test the waters. Gruden likes being chased. He's like the classic small-town prom queen who thinks everyone loves (or should love) them.

Besides all this psycho-analyzing, if you were making north of $4M for having your mug on TV every Monday night, talking via teleprompters and in your ear analysts, traveling the country and seeing many cities, eating at nice establishments, being the toast at local bars ----- would you come to Knoxville TN? Would you seriously want to leave all of that for former HS players with grade problems, homesick problems, mama problems, pee-pee test problems, attitude problems, skill problems to be combined with booster expectations, booger-eater problems and the nut jobs on the likes of Volnation? I thought not. This whole Gruden thing was make believe.

At least CBJ is a college coach, knows what it takes to be successful and WANTS TO BE HERE. Desire and passion will take you places that attitude and swagger often times will not.
This post should just be copied and pasted whenever Mr. .500's name is ever brought up among responsible adults.
Gruden is a prima-donna. His swagger leaves no room for any other swagger. He played UT for his ego purposes. If he wanted to get back into college football, he would have - either at UT or some other college - Auburn, Arky, UT, etc. etc. There were plenty of places for him to test the waters. Gruden likes being chased. He's like the classic small-town prom queen who thinks everyone loves (or should love) them.

Besides all this psycho-analyzing, if you were making north of $4M for having your mug on TV every Monday night, talking via teleprompters and in your ear analysts, traveling the country and seeing many cities, eating at nice establishments, being the toast at local bars ----- would you come to Knoxville TN? Would you seriously want to leave all of that for former HS players with grade problems, homesick problems, mama problems, pee-pee test problems, attitude problems, skill problems to be combined with booster expectations, booger-eater problems and the nut jobs on the likes of Volnation? I thought not. This whole Gruden thing was make believe.

At least CBJ is a college coach, knows what it takes to be successful and WANTS TO BE HERE. Desire and passion will take you places that attitude and swagger often times will not.

That's more common sense reasoning than some of these kids' brains will allow.
You would think that people would at least let CBJ hold his first practice before they decide that he is a failure. We have had THREE WINNING SEASONS since 2004 and you think Gruden could come in here and win a National Championship in two years. GET REAL.
You would think that people would at least let CBJ hold his first practice before they decide that he is a failure. We have had THREE WINNING SEASONS since 2004 and you think Gruden could come in here and win a National Championship in two years. GET REAL.

Preach it brother! Maybe the concrete has a crack in it somewhere.
Volnation, I really like Butch Jones. Dooley turned me off almost as soon as he arrived on campus. While the majority of you were praising "Showergate," and "Looking for Rommel" and "pick up the phone and call me" I was telling you that Dooley was auditioning for a TV gig as our head coach. And I didn't like it. And that's exactly what he did.

Butch was always behind the 8-ball. He actually walked into a worse situation than Dooley (which is saying something in a big way). He almost created his next problem. He did what he had to do - he went after elite talent. Problem is, he didn't land the elite talent. I've said for awhile this 2013 class would define his tenure. He swung for the fences (which makes me like him), but he didn't connect. Strike.

Daj is absolutely right - it starts with talent. That's why we needed Gruden so bad, and the CryptKeeper and Booger dropped the ball. I said at the time Hart still had the power to screw the pooch. He did. Ego. BMOC. Hart couldn't handle Gruden being Big Man on Campus. And it will haunt us for a decade.

CBJ still has a chance. He has to lean on our offensive line. He has to restore confidence to the defense. He has to go +2 in the talent column, and that is his record. I fear though he was +2 in the Big East, but the SEC is the best of best. Second tier these days is Steve Spurrier. Let that sink in. Even Muschamp is proving he is worthy of the league. Franklin has the nation talking about Vandy --- VANDY!

Folks, we needed Gruden. It wasn't a pipe dream, but we had to roll out the red carpet, absolutely. The CryptKeeper failed. We've got to hope Coach Butch Jones is +2. I want him to be +2. He's still got a chance, but he's got to take some big scalps 2013.


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