Looking back, should not have fired Phil

I agree it was not Clawson's fault. The fault was the situation. It was the first major change in the offense at Tennessee in decades.

The players struggled to adapt and get proficient in the system. Some of the staff struggled with it. To Dave's credit he told everyone it would take 2 years for the system to be efficient. I heard him say that myself.

Yes. seeing Clawson's post UT success makes me wish we gave it 1 more year with Clawson as OC. Really doesnt matter any more though
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Looking back, I should have never thought my wife wouldn't look at my text messages. We live and learn, and then move on.
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Looking back is a bummer... but the OP is right. As frustrated as we (as fans) were during CPF final season, Hamilton should have just ridden it out.

Yes, when Coach Cut left, the void was huge and CPF made a mistake in trying to convert to a very different offensive philosophy. However, CPF was definitely a guy who knew how to win... and win championships, not just "compete."

He had earned the right to either re-educate Clawson, or bring in a new OC, and get the offense back to playing Tennessee football.
How many championships did his teams win after the national title in '98?
One year removed from Atlanta. Should have tried harder to get Cutcliffe instead of Fooley. Phil was hamstrung in who he could hire by Hamilton. We have made enough blunders to last a lifetime.:hi:

The true Fulmerites apparently never quit. This has been discussed ad nauseum. Fulmer DESERVED TO BE FIRED. He arrogantly refused to change. He did not hold his staff accountable. Team discipline was horrible. He had been passed up by better coaches and made it completely obvious that he did not understand the problems. He was fired thinking that he only needed to mend some tattered edges when a total make over was necessary.

Perhaps worst of all, his recruiting which was always his greatest strength had fallen off severely. Even if he got good players, his team discipline had gotten so bad that most of them were gone before making a contribution. Under today's academic standards, it would have been even worse.

Fulmer had his day and was very good in that day. His day passed. The only thing keeping Fulmer would have done would have been to make the hole even deeper.
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Looking back, Tee should have faked the toss to Jamal and rolled out the other way on 4th & 3 v UF.
One year removed from Atlanta. Should have tried harder to get Cutcliffe instead of Fooley. Phil was hamstrung in who he could hire by Hamilton. We have made enough blunders to last a lifetime.:hi:

Hindsight is always 20/20. We most likely would be in the same boat we are in now if fulmer didn't get fired. His Teams were getting worse and worse every year. And the guy had some killer teams in the late 90s and early 2000s. I still feel he should've done better back then. You could tell he was finished, he pissed his pants every time we played saban, Meyer, and spurrier.
The collective mindset of Tennessee fans who are willing to join this silly debate needs to do a 180 so that this discussion is tired and boring, and the only thing interesting is doing whatever you can to help Butch, the University of Tennessee, and Team 118.
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This thread feels like Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. We seriously gotta move on and quit wallowing over what could've and/or should've happened.
I'm so sick of this subject. It makes me wanna' upchug my burger whenever some dufus brings it up. Fulmer lived and died by the level of his coaching staff, and when that level dropped, so did his record. End of story.

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One year removed from Atlanta. Should have tried harder to get Cutcliffe instead of Fooley. Phil was hamstrung in who he could hire by Hamilton. We have made enough blunders to last a lifetime.:hi:

the problem wasn't the firing, it's that Hamilton, or Dave have yet to hire someone better
Just in case some of you Fulmer Sympathizers are too young or ignorant to remember, during his last few years Phil and Randy could not coach their way to a first down. They were predictable, boring, non creative and the SEC coaches just loved them. They recruited well and had talent and my heart went out to the players because Fulmer and Company had ZERO clue on how to utilize their talent. Farewll Fat Fhil for the umptininth time!
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the problem wasn't the firing, it's that Hamilton, or Dave have yet to hire someone better
.................Fast forward to 2016 and you're going to have a hard time convincing anybody of that and, for myself and a lot of others, the fast forwarding isn't necessary today. CBJ's makin' the moves!

I know we're beating a dead horse, but look at the past several years. I'm tired of supporting coaches who should have never been hired, but they were coaching my Vols and that mandated me to support them. Here it is 2014 and we're hoping to win enough games to go to a bowl game. We want to beat Bama, Florida, Georgia and all of rest. I'm all in with Butch and believe the future is finally getting brighter.
I really like CPF and went to High School in Franklin County where he is from. But he was losing control of the program and it all started with recruiting, and then discipline. He is a great man and a VFL but rarely do coaches get their programs back in orbit after two significant meltdowns (not talking a losing season either).

kiffen/dooley were mistakes two and three. Without those we could have bounced back a lot faster.
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.................Fast forward to 2016 and you're going to have a hard time convincing anybody of that and, for myself and a lot of others, the fast forwarding isn't necessary today. CBJ's makin' the moves!


I hope CBJ turns out to be a better coach and recruiter than Fulmer, but until he has a 75% winning percentage and a NC in the SEC, he isn't
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I hope CBJ turns out to be a better coach and recruiter than Fulmer, but until he has a 75% winning percentage and a NC in the SEC, he isn't

If Fulmer was competing in today's SEC, I doubt he would have won 75% of his games

There is no coincidence that when the SEC got tougher, he faltered.

I'm glad he was able to accomplish what he did, but his only competition was Florida and we see how he did against them.

Alabama was on probation and went through some terrible hires before getting Saban

Vandy was Vandy
Kentucky was Kentucky
South Carolina was terrible
Georgia had Goff
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As Tennesseeans and Vols fans expecially We have grown to need our trials and Pain.. It is bred into who we are. We endure, we overcome and we persevere. We will know the pains of War again and we will win again. It is always been our destiny.
It was time for him to go..but Hamilton did not handle it correctly...Coach Fulmer should have been allowed to finish the season and allow him to go out in style...instead of disgraced like he did...He did alot for the VOLS....
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If Fulmer was competing in today's SEC, I doubt he would have won 75% of his games

There is no coincidence that when the SEC got tougher, he faltered.

I'm glad he was able to accomplish what he did, but his only competition was Florida and we see how he did against them.

Alabama was on probation and went through some terrible hires before getting Saban

Vandy was Vandy
Kentucky was Kentucky
South Carolina was terrible
Georgia had Goff

Agree! I don't even know the coach for LSU before Saban. Fulmer benefitted from all of that. It was Florida and Tennessee

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