Maricopa county in Arizona mishaps and other parts of the country done started

Which takes longer to count: 10,000 votes, or 100,000 votes?

And which of those two has a bigger impact on the final results?

The Dem counties will always take longer as there are more votes to count there in the urban areas. And they will matter more because there are more votes there.

That's a trick question. You didn't include how many people are counting the votes ... and if adjustments will be necessary.
The citizens in the cities/states that are constantly screwing up the elections need to vote those officials out. The feds will just screw it up more.
But this way there is a constant standard across the country so that everyone can say they did mess up. Right now you have people in TN accusing voters in PA of foul play because they dont know the actual rules of PA.

Everyone thinks the election should work like X, but never take the time to inform themselves that these 50 states means its often X+Y/D+29(14R).
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He and I are both old enough to know that manual voting in the day was faster, and more accurate than anything going on today.

Most of the theft of elections has zero to do with counting. It has to do with changing voting laws and redistricting.
Back in the day, States were not done counting it was just apparent who was going to win. In most states, the state gives the counties anywhere from 1 week to a month to complete the process.
How about 2004? Anybody remember 2004?
Was it a close race? I think it was.

Did we have cars in 2004?
Were things much simpler in 2004?
Oh so we should go back to not verifying votes or voters, not purging voting lists.

Then yeah we can get you results whenever you want, let's just make things up so that Sugar Vol can go to bed at 6:30 knowing who the local dog catcher will be.
That's a trick question. You didn't include how many people are counting the votes ... and if adjustments will be necessary.
Is there a set number? 1 volunteer per X number of votes? How would you even apply that? 5000 more people than expected voted up in Springfield, and so it took longer to count. Must mean the election is bs.
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But this way there is a constant standard across the country so that everyone can say they did mess up. Right now you have people in TN accusing voters in PA of foul play because they dont know the actual rules of PA.

Everyone thinks the election should work like X, but never take the time to inform themselves that these 50 states means its often X+Y/D+29(14R).

What's good for one state doesn't mean it's good for another. Why do you want an even bigger and more powerful federal government?
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Most of the theft of elections has zero to do with counting. It has to do with changing voting laws and redistricting.
Back in the day, States were not done counting it was just apparent who was going to win. In most states, the state gives the counties anywhere from 1 week to a month to complete the process.
Which is why we have issues. Election DAY needs to be just that.

My little rural voting post and all those like it my county have ZERO paper ballots to corrupt and mis-scan so they can be took downtown and corrupted again. You check in and get verified. They looked at my ID. I signed the book by my name. I signed my voter ticket that has my name. Took like 45 seconds start to finish. Wait on an empty computer. Lady takes your registration ticket with the red ticket numbr on it and her badge and scans the machine to ready with your name on the ballot screen you can see. You scroll through the pages and push the button beside your vote. When you get to end red lights flash next to a red button and you push that button. Vote cast. I was in and out in less than 5 minutes. No way, no haw can anyone cheat at my voting hall. And they have never, NEVER had machine malfunctions. Those little old ladies in there probably laugh and scoff at all these idiots that can do nothing at election ha;ss but cheat.
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Oh so we should go back to not verifying votes or voters, not purging voting lists.

Then yeah we can get you results whenever you want, let's just make things up so that Sugar Vol can go to bed at 6:30 knowing who the local dog catcher will be.
The votes in Pennsylvania were razor thin in 2000 & 2004 - how long did it take to count them?

Were people living in cities in 2004 in PA?
Since PA can't use the undated mail in ballots (apparently all presumed to be dem votes), they have to get things lined up to adjust accordingly. So thoughtless of the GOP to interrupt the normal workflow.
Can you explain why the ballot needs to be dated? In TN, a mail-in ballot only needs to be post marked on or before election day to count. Of course, you can't get a mail-in ballot without requesting one either.
Oh so we should go back to not verifying votes or voters, not purging voting lists.

Then yeah we can get you results whenever you want, let's just make things up so that Sugar Vol can go to bed at 6:30 knowing who the local dog catcher will be.
Can't vote in my county w/o being verified. They even check their own kins' id's.
Votes are supposed to be anonymous.

Seems like on our ballots you separate the ballot from the signed portion at the top before feeding the ballot into the shredder tabulator. Also seems like each part is numbered so there's still a way to match the name to the choices if someone really tried. If you want anonymity with accountability, go with thumbprint ID - lot cleaner than signatures and pictures. Of course some people will fall into the category of no thumb or alternate digit, but they are pretty easy to rule out from a fake who walks in with all the "missing" digits. Somebody will have access to the thumbprint database, but it won't be most of us.
It shouldn't matter if it took a week to get a complete and accurate count as long as it's legitimate. I'd rather it take a few days and it be accurate, legitimate and verifiable than have instant results.

They problem I have with that is the longer it's allowed to drag out the more opportunity there is for shady stuff to happen(not saying this has ever happened before)
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Can you explain why the ballot needs to be dated? In TN, a mail-in ballot only needs to be post marked on or before election day to count. Of course, you can't get a mail-in ballot without requesting one either.

Not a clue unless it's an intelligence test to see if the voter can at least read and follow simple instructions ... and is cognizant enough to know what day it is.
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Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else

"This is Central Christian Church (in Mesa), and none of the machines are voting are working. And they are telling us that we have to leave."

"At Central Christian, they are not letting you vote. You have to go to a different spot."

Democrats like to talk about voter suppression. The fact that same-day voters have to jump through hoops and drive place-to-place is the epitome of voter suppression.

Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else
What's good for one state doesn't mean it's good for another. Why do you want an even bigger and more powerful federal government?
One of the designated jobs for the federal government is to resolve issues between states. I think we very clearly have some major disagreements and distrust of other states based on voting as it stands.

I have no problem with the feds doing their job. If we kept them busy doing their jobs they wouldnt have time to do other bs.
There is absolutely no reason they should not be capable of counting every single ballot by midnight on election night. Every precinct has an aproxmate idea of how many votes they will need to count. It's not that complicated to plan ahead and make sure they have the proper amount of staff on hand to make this happen.

Pole (intentional) watchers. The more you have; the more that will lag behind when you declare counting over because of a water leak. You have to get them out to get on with the work to be done.
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Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else

"This is Central Christian Church (in Mesa), and none of the machines are voting are working. And they are telling us that we have to leave."

"At Central Christian, they are not letting you vote. You have to go to a different spot."

Democrats like to talk about voter suppression. The fact that same-day voters have to jump through hoops and drive place-to-place is the epitome of voter suppression.

Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else
They are who they hate!
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Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else

"This is Central Christian Church (in Mesa), and none of the machines are voting are working. And they are telling us that we have to leave."

"At Central Christian, they are not letting you vote. You have to go to a different spot."

Democrats like to talk about voter suppression. The fact that same-day voters have to jump through hoops and drive place-to-place is the epitome of voter suppression.

Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else
I dont see how making people drive to other poll locations is any different than requiring people to physically vote rather than MiB.
Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else

"This is Central Christian Church (in Mesa), and none of the machines are voting are working. And they are telling us that we have to leave."

"At Central Christian, they are not letting you vote. You have to go to a different spot."

Democrats like to talk about voter suppression. The fact that same-day voters have to jump through hoops and drive place-to-place is the epitome of voter suppression.

Arizona Voting Station Turns Away Voters, Tells Them to Go Somewhere Else
Wow! I just hope that the new governor, if she actually wins, as predicted, gets a chance to fix this crap.
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen an "election volunteer" younger than 65-70 like was shown in this video?

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