Maricopa county in Arizona mishaps and other parts of the country done started

Reading this thread and all the assumptions and hysteria, without facts, all I can think to myself is, well done Donald. Well done.
The man's accomplished two things in his life: 1) Making Americans claim everything on MSM is "fake", and 2) Sowing doubt about elections because he knew he was going to lose.
What's humorous is how many bumpkins take it hook, line, and sinker.
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Depends on when you start. In some jurisdictions it is still the case that they cannot even open the absentee ballots until the end of the election day. So they just sit there and have to be opened and scanned, but it happens after the polls close.

We all know this. Rs tend to vote in person, Ds use absentee votes or the like because they have less easy access to polls, work issue, etc., on a Tuesday. So as usual we see more of the R votes being counted as they are tabulated on election day, then the votes with more of a D component after that.

How does that differ from access to crack? THey got any problem walking 6 blocks for that?
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This isn't an issue between states, it's issues within states so it's not within the Fed purview. You're asking for the Fed to do state/county jobs so you are asking for a bigger more powerful federal government.
If voters in Tennessee take exception to what is happening in another state that is between states.
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In college, in Frat meetings, we voted the only truly democtatic way, we raised our hands. Only had one cheater and he always got caught. "Cooter, why the he** you got both hands up?" "I'm votin' twice by God!"
I'd love to have/see a MIB for county just to see what's on it and how it compares to others.

However, looking up on TN gov site, You sign your request to receive a MIB. You sign you MIB when you mail it back. You have a signature on file with your voter registration. If you vote via MIB, Tn compares the 3 sigs to acept your vote as valid.

When you vote in person, you take the ballot and don't really have a chance to hand it off to someone else to fill in. I still don't think much of the signature verification for MiB when chain of custody and who fills in the blanks is the questionable part - the signature verification does nothing about that part. Besides remember all the machines that "personally" sign form letters for busy people - all you need is a hacked database and you are on your way.

I'm cynical about government and corporations and their supposed security. I'm really cynical when they get involved in a process such as voting.
If voters in Tennessee take exception to what is happening in another state that is between states.

There should be no legal issue with a state challenging another states voting woes. Obviously only on federal level candidates that one states f*** ups affects another states votes.
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Do you have to show ID in AZ?

@Vol423 can answer that
To vote in-person, the answer is yes. A few additional things not noted below - If you vote by mail-in-ballot, while you are not required to show a copy of your ID, you are required to write your driver's license number or other ID # on the ballot, sign it, and date it. Your ballot could be challenged. You are able to write your phone number on the ballot so they can contact you if your mail-in-ballot is challenged. Also, the mail-in-ballots have a unique code. You can log onto the internet and use that code to see the status of your mail-in-ballot.

Here is everything you always wanted to know about voting in Arizona, but were afraid to ask:




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When you vote in person, you take the ballot and don't really have a chance to hand it off to someone else to fill in. I still don't think much of the signature verification for MiB when chain of custody and who fills in the blanks is the questionable part - the signature verification does nothing about that part. Besides remember all the machines that "personally" sign form letters for busy people - all you need is a hacked database and you are on your way.

I'm cynical about government and corporations and their supposed security. I'm really cynical when they get involved in a process such as voting.

I can agree with and appreciate all that. The only benfit from aging thus far is gaining the wisdom that they're all crooked, lying, sacks of excrement.
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The man's accomplished two things in his life: 1) Making Americans claim everything on MSM is "fake", and 2) Sowing doubt about elections because he knew he was going to lose.
What's humorous is how many bumpkins take it hook, line, and sinker.

y'all seem to be forgetting the years of Russia gate that were used to argue Trump cheated to win and was an illegitimate POTUS (the queen of election denial labeled him that).

and there's this

House Democrats fail to muster support to challenge Trump’s Electoral College win

as the article points out the last time that happened prior to Trump's win was a similar effort by Democrats for W's second term.

but yeah, it's just Trump who's perpetuated the idea that election legitimacy should be questioned
To vote in-person, the answer is yes. A few additional things not noted below - If you vote by mail-in-ballot, while you are not required to show a copy of your ID, you are required to write your driver's license number or other ID # on the ballot, sign it, and date it. Your ballot could be challenged. You are able to write your phone number on the ballot so they can contact you if your mail-in-ballot is challenged. Also, the mail-in-ballots have a unique code. You can log onto the internet and use that code to see the status of your mail-in-ballot.

Here is everything you always wanted to know about voting in Arizona, but were afraid to ask:

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This would mean that illegals could vote, be counted for federal offices, and the state washes its hands or any wrongdoing. In other word illegals in AZ can vote to elect a president without being a citizen?
The man's accomplished two things in his life: 1) Making Americans claim everything on MSM is "fake", and 2) Sowing doubt about elections because he knew he was going to lose.
What's humorous is how many bumpkins take it hook, line, and sinker.

y'all seem to be forgetting the years of Russia gate that were used to argue Trump cheated to win and was an illegitimate POTUS (the queen of election denial labeled him that).

and there's this

House Democrats fail to muster support to challenge Trump’s Electoral College win

as the article points out the last time that happened prior to Trump's win was a similar effort by Democrats for W's second term.

but yeah, it's just Trump who's perpetuated the idea that election legitimacy should be questioned

See bolded part.
All that question integrity are only looking for better secure methods and validation. yet so many are hesitant to simplify. Question is why? Yo would think with skepticism by such a large portion of the electorate, changes would be made.
Fraud occurs..we just dont know the scale.

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