Maricopa county in Arizona mishaps and other parts of the country done started

Wow! I just hope that the new governor, if she actually wins, as predicted, gets a chance to fix this crap.
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen an "election volunteer" younger than 65-70 like was shown in this video?
Not anywhere near me. My voting station has a pot luck buffet in the back. When no one is in, they are fixing plates and having a good ole time. Ain't no punkster displacing them without a fight.
Wow! I just hope that the new governor, if she actually wins, as predicted, gets a chance to fix this crap.
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen an "election volunteer" younger than 65-70 like was shown in this video?
There have been a lot of local pushes for "Vet the Vote", trying to get military vets to volunteer. And not just the old guys stuck in the VA loop.
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I wonder why it only seems to be the swing states with close elections that have problems with their machines on election day? Did they work during early voting, or did the working machines get replaced with the duds on election day because more Republicans vote then?
This election already stinks of corruption.
Reading this thread and all the assumptions and hysteria, without facts, all I can think to myself is, well done Donald. Well done.
Which takes longer to count: 10,000 votes, or 100,000 votes?

And which of those two has a bigger impact on the final results?

The Dem counties will always take longer as there are more votes to count there in the urban areas. And they will matter more because there are more votes there.
With optical scanners, the difference should be negligible.
Most of the theft of elections has zero to do with counting. It has to do with changing voting laws and redistricting.
Back in the day, States were not done counting it was just apparent who was going to win. In most states, the state gives the counties anywhere from 1 week to a month to complete the process.
you mean like 2020?
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With optical scanners, the difference should be negligible.

Depends on when you start. In some jurisdictions it is still the case that they cannot even open the absentee ballots until the end of the election day. So they just sit there and have to be opened and scanned, but it happens after the polls close.

We all know this. Rs tend to vote in person, Ds use absentee votes or the like because they have less easy access to polls, work issue, etc., on a Tuesday. So as usual we see more of the R votes being counted as they are tabulated on election day, then the votes with more of a D component after that.
Depends on when you start. In some jurisdictions it is still the case that they cannot even open the absentee ballots until the end of the election day. So they just sit there and have to be opened and scanned, but it happens after the polls close.

We all know this. Rs tend to vote in person, Ds use absentee votes or the like because they have less easy access to polls, work issue, etc., on a Tuesday. So as usual we see more of the R votes being counted as they are tabulated on election day, then the votes with more of a D component after that.
Just stop with the access ********.
Just think, all those places with mail in ballots and no verification required. Makes you wonder if there's some particular reason for that, and why only in person voters need to be checked out.

I'd love to have/see a MIB for county just to see what's on it and how it compares to others.

However, looking up on TN gov site, You sign your request to receive a MIB. You sign you MIB when you mail it back. You have a signature on file with your voter registration. If you vote via MIB, Tn compares the 3 sigs to acept your vote as valid.
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Which is why we have issues. Election DAY needs to be just that.

My little rural voting post and all those like it my county have ZERO paper ballots to corrupt and mis-scan so they can be took downtown and corrupted again. You check in and get verified. They looked at my ID. I signed the book by my name. I signed my voter ticket that has my name. Took like 45 seconds start to finish. Wait on an empty computer. Lady takes your registration ticket with the red ticket numbr on it and her badge and scans the machine to ready with your name on the ballot screen you can see. You scroll through the pages and push the button beside your vote. When you get to end red lights flash next to a red button and you push that button. Vote cast. I was in and out in less than 5 minutes. No way, no haw can anyone cheat at my voting hall. And they have never, NEVER had machine malfunctions. Those little old ladies in there probably laugh and scoff at all these idiots that can do nothing at election ha;ss but cheat.

If it's a machine people can cheat.
Reading this thread and all the assumptions and hysteria, without facts, all I can think to myself is, well done Donald. Well done.
We can go further back then that. Hanging chads, Hilary won etc.
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Reading this thread and all the assumptions and hysteria, without facts, all I can think to myself is, well done Donald. Well done.
Without the facts, except 20% of machines not working in the highest population of AZ. On top of that one of the ones on the ballot is over the election process. Which facts do you need counselor?

The more you post, the more I understand why people represent themselves.
One of the designated jobs for the federal government is to resolve issues between states. I think we very clearly have some major disagreements and distrust of other states based on voting as it stands.

I have no problem with the feds doing their job. If we kept them busy doing their jobs they wouldnt have time to do other bs.

This isn't an issue between states, it's issues within states so it's not within the Fed purview. You're asking for the Fed to do state/county jobs so you are asking for a bigger more powerful federal government.
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Depends on when you start. In some jurisdictions it is still the case that they cannot even open the absentee ballots until the end of the election day. So they just sit there and have to be opened and scanned, but it happens after the polls close.

We all know this. Rs tend to vote in person, Ds use absentee votes or the like because they have less easy access to polls, work issue, etc., on a Tuesday. So as usual we see more of the R votes being counted as they are tabulated on election day, then the votes with more of a D component after that.

Ssssuuuuurrrreeeee they do. So, that rich white Dem down the street has less access to the same poll I stop at and we're both 3/4 mile away. so, they just mail theirs in. Those other dems that don't have easy access...Wonder what their thoughts are on requesting a MIB. Filling out a MIB. And returning a MIB at an authorized mail box. And when was the last time a D had a work issue, other than choosing to riot instead of working. Ain't hard to paint your picture is it?
Depends on when you start. In some jurisdictions it is still the case that they cannot even open the absentee ballots until the end of the election day. So they just sit there and have to be opened and scanned, but it happens after the polls close.

We all know this. Rs tend to vote in person, Ds use absentee votes or the like because they have less easy access to polls, work issue, etc., on a Tuesday. So as usual we see more of the R votes being counted as they are tabulated on election day, then the votes with more of a D component after that.

This is complete bullshot.
I wonder why it only seems to be the swing states with close elections that have problems with their machines on election day? Did they work during early voting, or did the working machines get replaced with the duds on election day because more Republicans vote then?
This election already stinks of corruption.
Or just each and every vote matters because it's a close race. In some states they can get away with calling things early because its blue or red. But in the purple states you wont know until later.

And again there is a HUGE difference in the official votes and what gets reported on the news and most media. Check it for yourself, dont assume the media is telling the truth or making the correct assumption on who wins with only 50% of the real counts in.
We all know this. Rs tend to vote in person, Ds use absentee votes or the like because they have less easy access to polls, work issue, etc., on a Tuesday. So as usual we see more of the R votes being counted as they are tabulated on election day, then the votes with more of a D component after that.

got a link for these reasons - particularly the work one?

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