well, we went thru this a few years ago with Fulmer. we got to the point where the majority finally knew a change was needed. the fans, the program all got sort of vilified for letting Fulmer hit the wind. and generally, that is the stance the media will take when a long time coach is ousted seemingly before his time....when Bowden got it, same thing, Mack Brown, same thing....talking about Paterno or Beamer being fired, same thing.
what made this different is that everyone that anyone talked to at LSU said he was fired. everyone except the person that would fire him. they had sources from boosters and the AD department all saying just a matter of time.
that whole situation was weird, and it just wasn't handled right, and i mean that from the stand point of correctness. fire les miles, sure, i'm good, especially if you can get THE GUY you want....go get him.
but do it already...didn't understand the week long tribulations, silence, and hand wringing about it. you wanna fire him, fire him. that's what was so weird about it.
whereas UGA, things had kind of cooled off a little bit, at least the serious chatter about Richt. the fans were hot. talk radio was speculating. but no one from UGA said a word. there were no booster meeting leaks.
the season ended, and the next day, they fired him. no drama, no frills. just DONE.