Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Ok so what are the root causes and problems that should be addressed?
Again. Gun violence. People need to stop ignoring 2a and just pushing gun grabs. What is legally allowed in Europe doesn’t pass muster here due to our constitution.

If we had a gun control problem with the sheer number of firearms in circulation COVID would be the least of anybody’s worry. Law abiding citizens are not the issue so imposing restrictions on them fixes nothing.
Again. Gun violence. People need to stop ignoring 2a and just pushing gun grabs. What is legally allowed in Europe doesn’t pass muster here due to our constitution.

If we had a gun control problem with the sheer number of firearms in circulation COVID would be the least of anybody’s worry. Law abiding citizens are not the issue so imposing restrictions on them fixes nothing.
In your opinion how should we prevent gun violence (at least at the mass shooting level) from happening again in the future?
In your opinion how should we prevent gun violence (at least at the mass shooting level) from happening again in the future?
My first point would be in recognizing that anybody whom wants to put hands on a firearm is going to do so and there is absolutely nothing a law can do to stop that. Now with that point, it’s your turn.
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Again. Gun violence. People need to stop ignoring 2a and just pushing gun grabs. What is legally allowed in Europe doesn’t pass muster here due to our constitution.

If we had a gun control problem with the sheer number of firearms in circulation COVID would be the least of anybody’s worry. Law abiding citizens are not the issue so imposing restrictions on them fixes nothing.
The govt can’t stop criminals though. What they can do is increase the useless restrictions on law abiding citizens that aren’t a threat anyway. But that way they do something and a bunch of doofuses out there buy into it.

And when they’re useless restrictions fail to change the actions of criminals, they’ll just say “we didn’t go far enough! We must enact more useless restrictions on the law abiding!”
My first point would be in recognizing that anybody whom wants to put hands on a firearm is going to do so and there is absolutely nothing a law can do to stop that. Now with that point, it’s your turn.

I think the easiest way to prevent gun violence, at least at a mass shooting level, is to mitigate the potential of one by either limiting the type of weapons one can legally purchase or limiting the amount of ammo a gun can discharge in a certain period of time.

There are clearly other issues that contribute to mass shootings, radicalization from religion and media being most prominent IMO.
If we had a gun control problem with the sheer number of firearms in circulation COVID would be the least of anybody’s worry. Law abiding citizens are not the issue so imposing restrictions on them fixes nothing.

Incorrect at many levels.

It is a basic truism that virtually all guns start out in the stream of commerce as legally owned. The two biggest breakdowns are legally owned guns which are stolen and lawful owners encountering some problem/issue/crisis that causes them to abuse their ownership of a gun.

The answer is not more guns. Its less.
Incorrect at many levels.

It is a basic truism that virtually all guns start out in the stream of commerce as legally owned. The two biggest breakdowns are legally owned guns which are stolen and lawful owners encountering some problem/issue/crisis that causes them to abuse their ownership of a gun.

The answer is not more guns. Its less.
Can't we just make it illegal to steal someone else's guns?
I think the easiest way to prevent gun violence, at least at a mass shooting level, is to mitigate the potential of one by either limiting the type of weapons one can legally purchase or limiting the amount of ammo a gun can discharge in a certain period of time.

There are clearly other issues that contribute to mass shootings, radicalization from religion and media being most prominent IMO.
And I disagree with you. You are playing body count games and still focusing on gun grabs. And here we are nothing with get fixed again.

Gun violence recognizes the loss of any individual. The gun control narrative focuses on an inanimate object and rationalizes “well at least they can only kill a handful!” 🤷‍♂️ Stupid.
Incorrect at many levels.

It is a basic truism that virtually all guns start out in the stream of commerce as legally owned. The two biggest breakdowns are legally owned guns which are stolen and lawful owners encountering some problem/issue/crisis that causes them to abuse their ownership of a gun.

The answer is not more guns. Its less.
No. You are wrong. Plain and simple simple. The answer isn’t guns are the problem it’s the people using them FFS
I think the easiest way to prevent gun violence, at least at a mass shooting level, is to mitigate the potential of one by either limiting the type of weapons one can legally purchase or limiting the amount of ammo a gun can discharge in a certain period of time.

There are clearly other issues that contribute to mass shootings, radicalization from religion and media being most prominent IMO.
Type of weapons is already severely limited

Address the societal issues where most of the shootings happen. Insert all that newly printed money there instead of bailing out special interests and donors.
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And I disagree with you. You are playing body count games and still focusing on gun grabs. And here we are nothing with get fixed again.

Gun violence recognizes the loss of any individual. The gun control narrative focuses on an inanimate object and rationalizes “well at least they can only kill a handful!” 🤷‍♂️ Stupid.

You still haven't said how you would go about fixing the mass shooting problem, which I think we can all agree that there is a problem there. So far your argument is basically "Just don't touch guns."

I'll ask you again. In your opinion how do you think we can prevent mass shootings from happening again in the future?
You still haven't said how you would go about fixing the mass shooting problem, which I think we can all agree that there is a problem there. So far your argument is basically "Just don't touch guns."

I'll ask you again. In your opinion how do you think we can prevent mass shootings from happening again in the future?
Reduce soft targets
You still haven't said how you would go about fixing the mass shooting problem, which I think we can all agree that there is a problem there. So far your argument is basically "Just don't touch guns."

I'll ask you again. In your opinion how do you think we can prevent mass shootings from happening again in the future?
Oh but I did. I pointed out that we need to focus on people. Your reply? No let’s limit guns. So we are really done talking. Again.
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