Mass Shooting in Atlanta

I think we can all agree to two things.

1) We need less guns in the hands of nutjobs and criminals.

2) What we are doing so far about # 1 is not working.

I am open to hearing about solutions that will actually have some substantial impact on # 1.
Ok so what are the root causes and problems that should be addressed?

I would start at the elementary school level and study how many of the people who have committed these mass shootings were on or had been on as a child ADHD or anti-depressant drugs. I would also start the process of strict discipline in schools, no more social progression. It's my theory that many of these shooters were coddled by parents and never had to face consequences for their actions, never had to deal with disappointment and when they get the real world kick in balls they snap. We are raising (and have been for awhile) people who cannot cope with life's disappointments.

It's not a "gun problem", we used to be able to order all the guns we could afford through the mail and have them delivered to our front doors without a single BGC or record of sale yet mass shootings were extremely rare. It's a people problem and that's where the study and work needs to begin.
I think the easiest way to prevent gun violence, at least at a mass shooting level, is to mitigate the potential of one by either limiting the type of weapons one can legally purchase or limiting the amount of ammo a gun can discharge in a certain period of time.

There are clearly other issues that contribute to mass shootings, radicalization from religion and media being most prominent IMO.

So in short punish the law abiding in an attempt to protect them?
I think we can all agree to two things.

1) We need less guns in the hands of nutjobs and criminals.

2) What we are doing so far about # 1 is not working.

I am open to hearing about solutions that will actually have some substantial impact on # 1.
But are you open to solutions that don’t impose needless restrictions on law abiding citizens is the real question?

Personally I don’t think you can fix gun violence by saying which individuals can own what type of guns. The focus is on the wrong item, the gun. If a person decides they want to access a gun to kill people they are going to do it. Even if they hadn’t been a criminal to that point, they made a choice to commit a criminal act.

Like pj said get rid of soft targets. At least let people choose to defend themselves without becoming a criminal.
I think we can all agree to two things.

1) We need less guns in the hands of nutjobs and criminals.

2) What we are doing so far about # 1 is not working.

I am open to hearing about solutions that will actually have some substantial impact on # 1.
1) lock up violent mentally ill people in newly created asylums.
2) when violent criminals commit crimes don't keep letting them out over and over again or making plea deals with them
3) address the issues with mental illness and drug/gang issues
I think we can all agree to two things.

1) We need less guns in the hands of nutjobs and criminals.

2) What we are doing so far about # 1 is not working.

I am open to hearing about solutions that will actually have some substantial impact on # 1.

Sorry. Never worried about number 1 a day in my life. It would be similar to worrying about being struck by lightning.
But are you open to solutions that don’t impose needless restrictions on law abiding citizens is the real question?

Personally I don’t think you can fix gun violence by saying which individuals can own what type of guns. The focus is on the wrong item, the gun. If a person decides they want to access a gun to kill people they are going to do it. Even if they hadn’t been a criminal to that point, they made a choice to commit a criminal act.

Like pj said get rid of soft targets. At least let people choose to defend themselves without becoming a criminal.
Isn't this already the case? Why isn't it working?
I imagine you think that's clever.

But think about it. That is already illegal....and.... its not working.
So making it extra illegal will work?

Drugs are illegal for personal use, transportation, manufacturing/growth, and selling. And probably a couple more categories. How has the war on drugs gone?
I would start at the elementary school level and study how many of the people who have committed these mass shootings were on or had been on as a child ADHD or anti-depressant drugs. I would also start the process of strict discipline in schools, no more social progression. It's my theory that many of these shooters were coddled by parents and never had to face consequences for their actions, never had to deal with disappointment and when they get the real world kick in balls they snap. We are raising (and have been for awhile) people who cannot cope with life's disappointments.

It's not a "gun problem", we used to be able to order all the guns we could afford through the mail and have them delivered to our front doors without a single BGC or record of sale yet mass shootings were extremely rare. It's a people problem and that's where the study and work needs to begin.

In case you missed this @Tyler Durden

Your thoughts?
I would start at the elementary school level and study how many of the people who have committed these mass shootings were on or had been on as a child ADHD or anti-depressant drugs. I would also start the process of strict discipline in schools, no more social progression. It's my theory that many of these shooters were coddled by parents and never had to face consequences for their actions, never had to deal with disappointment and when they get the real world kick in balls they snap. We are raising (and have been for awhile) people who cannot cope with life's disappointments.

It's not a "gun problem", we used to be able to order all the guns we could afford through the mail and have them delivered to our front doors without a single BGC or record of sale yet mass shootings were extremely rare. It's a people problem and that's where the study and work needs to begin.
You make a pretty good point with kids being on medication at a young age, I bet there's an interesting study out there about it. Not sure if coddling is the problem or not. I wonder how many shooters were coddled as children vs physically or psychologically abused. Maybe we can wrap all that up under terrible parents.
Anti Trumper Pro Democrat Muslim Terrorist mass shooting.

Oh boy..Democrats must be really, really sad today.........

Shocked no new thread has been created ....
I think we can all agree to two things.

1) We need less guns in the hands of nutjobs and criminals.

2) What we are doing so far about # 1 is not working.

I am open to hearing about solutions that will actually have some substantial impact on # 1.
Actually punish and restrict the criminals and crazies. Drop the PC bs and call a spade a spade.
You make a pretty good point with kids being on medication at a young age, I bet there's an interesting study out there about it. Not sure if coddling is the problem or not. I wonder how many shooters were coddled as children vs physically or psychologically abused.

Bad parenting may be the root cause.
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I think we can all agree to two things.

1) We need less guns in the hands of nutjobs and criminals.

2) What we are doing so far about # 1 is not working.

I am open to hearing about solutions that will actually have some substantial impact on # 1.
I agree with you and I also hate the loss of life. I will put some thought into all this and will come back latter with a more detailed posting. But, first one question--I wonder how many of these people were identifiable as nut jobs prior to the shootings? Sandy Hook comes to mind--but the rest?
You make a pretty good point with kids being on medication at a young age, I bet there's an interesting study out there about it. Not sure if coddling is the problem or not. I wonder how many shooters were coddled as children vs physically or psychologically abused.

I don't know but you asked what the problem is and those are my thoughts.

Until we stop ignoring the root causes the problem will never be solved.

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