Mass Shooting in Atlanta

So there is one example. How does that compare to other examples? Can we scientifically study gun violence, who commits it, where it happens, why it happens? Where is the data compiled by federal agencies?

There’s plenty more. There was an instance at a local Waffle House where a couple black guys came in with a gun and robbed the place. Then they said they should take everyone in the back and shoot them. At that point a guy with a cwp pulled his gun and shot the armed guy in the head. There’s plenty of similar instances. I remember a kid shot an intruder breaking into their home not too long ago. Gun violence in most cases is committed by “minorities” or mentally ill. Start there.
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The only thing you proved is that you have an opinion. Remarkable.
No I’m pointing to the fact that the prior solution you gun grabbing idiots imposed isn’t effective. How does preventing people from defending themselves when an armed criminal decides to shoot them like fish in a barrel solve anything Einstein? It’s not logical. So for starters let’s remove that stupid set of laws. Your turn
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Let’s preemptively lock up all loner types. This would solve most of the problem.

To get the rest of them, let’s forcibly institutionalize any mentally ill person.
The gun is just a tool. The reason the person felt the need to commit the act of violence is what needs to be studied.
1. Why is that the only thing that needs to be studied? If you’re looking at solving a problem don’t you look to see if there are things that work better that what you’re doing? If you’re serious about solving a problem, you take in all the information, evaluate it, and come up with your own best solution, correct?

2. A gun is a tool. It is effectively utilized for it’s singular purpose in all these mass shootings.
Let’s preemptively lock up all loner types. This would solve most of the problem.

To get the rest of them, let’s forcibly institutionalize any mentally ill person.

They want to know the root causes but don’t want to act on them. It’s like if someone was going around breaking in cars on a regular basis. Instead of trying to catch the criminal they go around writing tickets to people who leave their car doors unlocked.
There’s plenty more. There was an instance at a local Waffle House where a couple black guys came in with a gun and robbed the place. Then they said they should take everyone in the back and shoot them. At that point a guy with a cwp pulled his gun and shot the armed guy in the head. There’s plenty of similar instances. I remember a kid shot an intruder breaking into their home not too long ago. Gun violence in most cases is committed by “minorities” or mentally ill. Start there.
So what are the examples of instances to the contrary? We want to work with all the available information. What % of the time is a malicious shooter thwarted in places where others can legally carry? Keep going.
No I’m pointing to the fact that the prior solution you gun grabbing idiots imposed isn’t effective. How does preventing people from defending themselves when an armed criminal decides to shoot them like fish in a barrel solve anything Einstein? It’s not logical. So for starters let’s remove that stupid set of laws. Your turn
I haven’t imposed anything, or even suggested anything, so I don’t know who you’re talking to. I’m trying to have an open, fact based conversation without you clutching your pearls.
1. Why is that the only thing that needs to be studied? If you’re looking at solving a problem don’t you look to see if there are things that work better that what you’re doing? If you’re serious about solving a problem, you take in all the information, evaluate it, and come up with your own best solution, correct?

2. A gun is a tool. It is effectively utilized for it’s singular purpose in all these mass shootings.

We have have laws for everything but none stop criminals.
I haven’t imposed anything, or even suggested anything, so I don’t know who you’re talking to. I’m trying to have an open, fact based conversation without you clutching your pearls.
And I said start by removing legislation that clearly isn’t effective as a first step. I’ve pointed to the long list of cases where gun free zones are specifically targeted. So let’s start by removing ineffective legislation before we attempt to impose more legislation
So what are the examples of instances to the contrary? We want to work with all the available information. What % of the time is a malicious shooter thwarted in places where others can legally carry? Keep going.

Why do you need a number? If a legal gun owner thwarts a criminal one time it’s a success to me. I’m sure that’s especially true for the person that saved their life and possibly others.
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And I said start by removing legislation that clearly isn’t effective as a first step. I’ve pointed to the long list of cases where gun free zones are specifically targeted. So let’s start by removing ineffective legislation before we attempt to impose more legislation
The first part of any effective problem-solving process is gathering information. Agreed?
Why do you need a number? If a legal gun owner thwarts a criminal one time it’s a success to me. I’m sure that’s especially true for the person that saved their life and possibly others.

Not if more guns = a net of more gun violence. Hence the need for solid numbers, not anecdotes.
How would that be effective? What are your examples of it working before? Can you identify potential problems with your solution?

Auto shop employees credited with taking down Rockledge gunman
Masked shooter kills woman at Tennessee church
Alleged Pennsylvania Hospital Gunman Richard Plotts Arraigned in Bed
'Hero' stopped mass murder by crazed bar patron who was armed to the teeth, police say
Lyman man charged following shooting at nightclub
A good guy with a gun has saved many lives in Florida – something the media rarely report
Concealed Carry Permit Holder Stops Gunman During Attempted Mass Shooting

I just threw this together quickly but there's no way it's close to all inclusive. Also let's not forget the basic premise that any number of civilian shootings might actually have prevented a lot more carnage but, since they stopped the threat before anything else happened, can't technically be credited with stopping a "mass shooting".
1. Why is that the only thing that needs to be studied? If you’re looking at solving a problem don’t you look to see if there are things that work better that what you’re doing? If you’re serious about solving a problem, you take in all the information, evaluate it, and come up with your own best solution, correct?

2. A gun is a tool. It is effectively utilized for it’s singular purpose in all these mass shootings.

War on drugs has been going on for decades yet you can get them everywhere.

War on illegal immigration has been going on for decades yet there are millions here and flooding the border daily.

But I am suppose to believe that if we ban all handguns somehow they wont make into this country anymore for criminals to buy?


I will be keeping my hand gun and carrying it with me until I die. I hopefully will never need to use it but I want the ability to do so if necessary. My job as a father and a husband is to protect my family. I would not be doing my job if I didnt carry.
Auto shop employees credited with taking down Rockledge gunman
Masked shooter kills woman at Tennessee church
Alleged Pennsylvania Hospital Gunman Richard Plotts Arraigned in Bed
'Hero' stopped mass murder by crazed bar patron who was armed to the teeth, police say
Lyman man charged following shooting at nightclub
A good guy with a gun has saved many lives in Florida – something the media rarely report
Concealed Carry Permit Holder Stops Gunman During Attempted Mass Shooting

I just threw this together quickly but there's no way it's close to all inclusive. Also let's not forget the basic premise that any number of civilian shootings might actually have prevented a lot more carnage but, since they stopped the threat before anything else happened, can't technically be credited with stopping a "mass shooting".

I’ll ask you the same thing I just asked another poster, these are anecdotes. I’m not interested in dueling anecdotes. I want numbers. Where are the compiled federal numbers and in-depth studies on gun violence in the US?
War on drugs has been going on for decades yet you can get them everywhere.

War on illegal immigration has been going on for decades yet there are millions here and flooding the border is daily.

But I am suppose to believe that if we ban all handguns somehow they wont make into this country anymore for criminals to buy?


I will be keeping my hand gun and carrying it with me until I die. I hopefully will never need to use it but I want the ability to do so if necessary. My job as a father and a husband is to protect my family. I would not be doing my job if I didnt carry.

I have handguns and would protect my family with them if need be as well. Even had to deter a bear with warning shots from a sidearm before, I recognize that POV.
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1. Why is that the only thing that needs to be studied? If you’re looking at solving a problem don’t you look to see if there are things that work better that what you’re doing? If you’re serious about solving a problem, you take in all the information, evaluate it, and come up with your own best solution, correct?

2. A gun is a tool. It is effectively utilized for it’s singular purpose in all these mass shootings.

Because even if you magically made all guns disappear we would still have a violence problem and mass murder events. To think otherwise is naive, unless the tool used is the only thing you care about.
Dont look if you want pro black data.
That isn’t very easy to navigate, not sure what I’m looking for there. I don’t “want” any kind of data except relevant and comprehensive data. It’s interesting to note that the data base you referenced is voluntary with different levels of participation from different states and agencies.

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