Mass Shooting in Atlanta

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I’ll ask you the same thing I just asked another poster, these are anecdotes. I’m not interested in dueling anecdotes. I want numbers. Where are the compiled federal numbers and in-depth studies on gun violence in the US?

As explained I just threw together some hard examples germane to the topic of which you've been dismissive. This thing where good guys shoot bad guys? It happens and it's not even particularly rare. That's why there's no "dueling anecdotes". Anyone who thinks (or worse claims) it doesn't happen is demonstrably wrong.

Now from there it gets really foggy. By no means is anything close to a majority of people walking around armed and that number will vary dramatically from place to place as do the overall crimes themselves. The one (1) absolute certainty is it's a damn happy thing when somebody is in fact in a position to meet violent force with violent force as shown in the above (sampling) of examples. For those not keeping up that means the alternative is people being met with force unable to respond in kind.
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That isn’t very easy to navigate, not sure what I’m looking for there. I don’t “want” any kind of data except relevant and comprehensive data. It’s interesting to note that the data base you referenced is voluntary with different levels of participation from different states and agencies.
Ok..your inability to navigate a website isn't really my concern. That being said you have a link to the most comprehensive data sets for ALL crime in the United States which goes back almost 100 years. You can find your gun violence, knife violence, baseball bat violence, rape, arson, theft, murder, etc, etc. Its all there. The "volunteerism" in regards to data doesn't sway any stat in anyone elses favor in one way or another. Your violent crimes in the UCR are the gold standard.
Passing over the article with an admittedly critical eye, that isn’t scientific information. A lot of polls and opinions, very little hard numbers and the hard numbers that are given have no explanation about how they were derived.
Wow that’s really convenient for you. Take your own advice and sit down.
Ok..your inability to navigate a website isn't really my concern. That being said you have a link to the most comprehensive data sets for ALL crime in the United States which goes back almost 100 years. You can find your gun violence, knife violence, baseball bat violence, rape, arson, theft, murder, etc, etc. Its all there. The "volunteerism" in regards to data doesn't sway any stat in anyone elses favor in one way or another. Your violent crimes in the UCR are the gold standard.

Trends in gun violence and their relationship (or lack thereof) to countless factors requires comprehensive analysis and study. The federal government has the ability to do this and mandate reporting to compile the necessary data... why don’t we have that? We have it for the DOT, FDA, DOE and countless other agencies, so why not this?
So what are the examples of instances to the contrary? We want to work with all the available information. What % of the time is a malicious shooter thwarted in places where others can legally carry? Keep going.
I guess a better question is what do you think is a better deterrent: armed security or gun free zone signs?
Trends in gun violence and their relationship (or lack thereof) to countless factors requires comprehensive analysis and study. The federal government has the ability to do this and mandate reporting to compile the necessary data... why don’t we have that? We have it for the DOT, FDA, DOE and countless other agencies, so why not this?

Just come clean...”Gun Bad” is what you want to read in a government report. Unfortunately for you, that is not what would come out of any legitimate study. I think you can figure out why they don’t do one.
Incorrect at many levels.

It is a basic truism that virtually all guns start out in the stream of commerce as legally owned. The two biggest breakdowns are legally owned guns which are stolen and lawful owners encountering some problem/issue/crisis that causes them to abuse their ownership of a gun.

The answer is not more guns. Its less.
Are there any resources which provide data on how many firearms are stolen each year and from where they are stolen (home, car, camper, etc)?
Trends in gun violence and their relationship (or lack thereof) to countless factors requires comprehensive analysis and study. The federal government has the ability to do this and mandate reporting to compile the necessary data... why don’t we have that? We have it for the DOT, FDA, DOE and countless other agencies, so why not this?

It sounds like you need to pray to the Lord asking him why there are a bunch a sick fuggers running around shooting people.
So there is one example. How does that compare to other examples? Can we scientifically study gun violence, who commits it, where it happens, why it happens? Where is the data compiled by federal agencies?
It's never going to be a 1:1 ratio. The pro 2A isnt for arming everyone all the time.

If gun ownership naturally declined overtime, but the right was still there as is, the 2A crowd wouldnt be complaining.
I guess a better question is what do you think is a better deterrent: armed security or gun free zone signs?
This isn’t an either or scenario. All of the relevant questions I pose here get answered with irrelevant questions, a tell tale sign of cognitive dissonance.
It's never going to be a 1:1 ratio. The pro 2A isnt for arming everyone all the time.

If gun ownership naturally declined overtime, but the right was still there as is, the 2A crowd wouldnt be complaining.
Gun ownership isn’t my concern, it’s not the problem. It’s a variable in the problem of gun violence.
There’s plenty more. There was an instance at a local Waffle House where a couple black guys came in with a gun and robbed the place. Then they said they should take everyone in the back and shoot them. At that point a guy with a cwp pulled his gun and shot the armed guy in the head. There’s plenty of similar instances. I remember a kid shot an intruder breaking into their home not too long ago. Gun violence in most cases is committed by “minorities” or mentally ill. Start there.
Was the kid in your story the one with grandma or the Fortnite kid?
You’re throwing a fit and still haven’t contributed. Everyone can see you, your presence is acknowledged.
I’m laughing my ass off at your usual flopping around on this like a fish out of water. Everyone is acknowledging that too.

I’ll make it easy for you I’m not interested in talking about new laws until a big chunk of the current ineffective laws are repealed. I’ve opened with the example of gun free zones.
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