Mass Shooting in Atlanta

people actually on the front lines of law enforcement and healthcare know what the causes of gun violence are. You dont need to waste taxpayer money to study that or cow farts or anything else...the issue is that the true solutions don't want to be addressed by those who need votes, money, media coverage, etc

Run of the mill murders that happen because of drugs, robbery or other street type crime could IMO be curtailed by ending the war on drugs. Crimes of passion are going to happen no matter what. The scary events are random mass murders and links (if any) between them and ant- x drugs or some definable personality disorder is what needs attention.
Specific technical knowledge about a subject doesn't equate to mental fitness to safely perform the actions it covers in most cases. Guns are obviously different. I don't need to know how the ins and outs of my washer and dryer to make sure it I don't kill anyone while doing laundry.

You're also equating the knowledge to safely perform the technical operation of a firearm to being knowledgeable about election candidates. The correct equation would be to make sure a voter can safely operate a voting machine. Since that is covered by a poll worker when one goes to vote it's already happening.

Put gun safety and basic marksmanship classes back into schools.
Run of the mill murders that happen because of drugs, robbery or other street type crime could IMO be curtailed by ending the war on drugs. Crimes of passion are going to happen no matter what. The scary events are random mass murders and links (if any) between them and ant- x drugs or some definable personality disorder is what needs attention.
You are right and wrong (we have had this debate before), 75-80% of all crime in the US revolve around drugs/gangs, but legalizing it would not stop the crime that goes along with it. Cartels and gangs are not going to just say aw shucks these millions of dollars were nice, but CVS can sell heroin with a prescription now, so oh well.

Crimes of passion are few and far between compared to the drug/gang related stuff and the mentally ill stuff
You are right and wrong (we have had this debate before), 75-80% of all crime in the US revolve around drugs/gangs, but legalizing it would not stop the crime that goes along with it. Cartels and gangs are not going to just say aw shucks these millions of dollars were nice, but CVS can sell heroin with a prescription now, so oh well.

Crimes of passion are few and far between compared to the drug/gang related stuff and the mentally ill stuff

We disagree on the drug issue. When prohibition was in effect this country saw a wave of violent crime related to bootleg booze, prohibition ended and we saw that wave of violence die off. What makes you think drug violence wouldn't follow suit?
Who decides when this "doctor" evaluates you? Your personal circumstances and your mental health change daily in life.
Ever moved to a different state and gotten a driver's license? Pretty sure you need to provide at least your SSN or birth certificate in all. Why not provide a document from a doctor that says you're mentally fit to carry a firearm? Let's say the date on the document has to be within 60 days of the purchase.
Specific technical knowledge about a subject doesn't equate to mental fitness to safely perform the actions it covers in most cases. Guns are obviously different. I don't need to know how the ins and outs of my washer and dryer to make sure it I don't kill anyone while doing laundry.

You're also equating the knowledge to safely perform the technical operation of a firearm to being knowledgeable about election candidates. The correct equation would be to make sure a voter can safely operate a voting machine. Since that is covered by a poll worker when one goes to vote it's already happening.
No, the class is not about how a firearm functions or how to properly handle one. This isn't about technical knowledge at all

Voting does infinitely more damage than a legal gun owner ever has yet there are no checks to make sure the voter understands anything. We also need to make sure they pay for the right
Ever moved to a different state and gotten a driver's license? Pretty sure you need to provide at least your SSN or birth certificate in all. Why not provide a document from a doctor that says you're mentally fit to carry a firearm? Let's say the date on the document has to be within 60 days of the purchase.

Because the constitution says my right to own a firearm shall not be infringed.
I just linked a google search with numerous articles about the links between violence and anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. If you read the links you find that the vast majority of the studies were done oversees because our .gov refuses to fund them.
I know they refuse funding, and that’s not a democrat initiative.
Ever moved to a different state and gotten a driver's license? Pretty sure you need to provide at least your SSN or birth certificate in all. Why not provide a document from a doctor that says you're mentally fit to carry a firearm? Let's say the date on the document has to be within 60 days of the purchase.

provide an objective and verifiable definition of "mentally fit" including how it will be determined. that is an absolute starting point for the discussion.
Here's a real life example. A few years ago I was out shopping and saw a friend I went to school with. Hadn't seen him for a few years. He comes up to me and asks for a ride home, I say sure no problem.

In the car I ask him what's going on. "Dude I just got out of jail." What happened? "I'm on probation and one of the conditions is that I can't own a gun. I forgot about that and bought one 3 days ago. The cops came to my work this morning and took me to jail. I just got out on bail."

Now this guy had a court order that he couldn't own a gun, but was still able to legally purchase one. For 3 days he had a gun that he had no business having. Thankfully he didn't do anything with it, but if he wanted to he could have.

Let's start there, the background checks should be stricter than what happened there.
That didn't happen.
Specific technical knowledge about a subject doesn't equate to mental fitness to safely perform the actions it covers in most cases. Guns are obviously different. I don't need to know how the ins and outs of my washer and dryer to make sure it I don't kill anyone while doing laundry.

You're also equating the knowledge to safely perform the technical operation of a firearm to being knowledgeable about election candidates. The correct equation would be to make sure a voter can safely operate a voting machine. Since that is covered by a poll worker when one goes to vote it's already happening.
Well according to Rep Presley racism kills and a racist could be voted into office, therefore, voting kills.
Ever moved to a different state and gotten a driver's license? Pretty sure you need to provide at least your SSN or birth certificate in all. Why not provide a document from a doctor that says you're mentally fit to carry a firearm? Let's say the date on the document has to be within 60 days of the purchase.
Would that have stopped any of the mass shootings? I can't think of one that it would have stopped.
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Ever moved to a different state and gotten a driver's license? Pretty sure you need to provide at least your SSN or birth certificate in all. Why not provide a document from a doctor that says you're mentally fit to carry a firearm? Let's say the date on the document has to be within 60 days of the purchase.
But you don't need a license to buy a car. So this evaluation isn't relevant
Here's a real life example. A few years ago I was out shopping and saw a friend I went to school with. Hadn't seen him for a few years. He comes up to me and asks for a ride home, I say sure no problem.

In the car I ask him what's going on. "Dude I just got out of jail." What happened? "I'm on probation and one of the conditions is that I can't own a gun. I forgot about that and bought one 3 days ago. The cops came to my work this morning and took me to jail. I just got out on bail."

Now this guy had a court order that he couldn't own a gun, but was still able to legally purchase one. For 3 days he had a gun that he had no business having. Thankfully he didn't do anything with it, but if he wanted to he could have.

Let's start there, the background checks should be stricter than what happened there.
Sorry but I have an engineers mind that demands logic and this story is making my head hurt.
Since it was a few years ago was this before background checks were required?
I know you’re not a lawyer but don’t most people know that when you’re on probation there are restrictions on what you’re allowed to do
We disagree on the drug issue. When prohibition was in effect this country saw a wave of violent crime related to bootleg booze, prohibition ended and we saw that wave of violence die off. What makes you think drug violence wouldn't follow suit?
Because its a different animal with further reaching implications than just alcoholics
Sorry but I have an engineers mind that demands logic and this story is making my head hurt.
Since it was a few years ago was this before background checks were required?
I know you’re not a lawyer but don’t most people know that when you’re on probation there are restrictions on what you’re allowed to do
EL out on these VN streets lying her ass off. Smh.
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Ever moved to a different state and gotten a driver's license? Pretty sure you need to provide at least your SSN or birth certificate in all. Why not provide a document from a doctor that says you're mentally fit to carry a firearm? Let's say the date on the document has to be within 60 days of the purchase.
Should we do the same for voting?
Here's a real life example. A few years ago I was out shopping and saw a friend I went to school with. Hadn't seen him for a few years. He comes up to me and asks for a ride home, I say sure no problem.

In the car I ask him what's going on. "Dude I just got out of jail." What happened? "I'm on probation and one of the conditions is that I can't own a gun. I forgot about that and bought one 3 days ago. The cops came to my work this morning and took me to jail. I just got out on bail."

Now this guy had a court order that he couldn't own a gun, but was still able to legally purchase one. For 3 days he had a gun that he had no business having. Thankfully he didn't do anything with it, but if he wanted to he could have.

Let's start there, the background checks should be stricter than what happened there.

Sorry but I have an engineers mind that demands logic and this story is making my head hurt.
Since it was a few years ago was this before background checks were required?
I know you’re not a lawyer but don’t most people know that when you’re on probation there are restrictions on what you’re allowed to do

He probably is a "lawyer" knowing this forum like I do.
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It depends on what information is available to establish trends and then subsequently determining causation. Formulation of all possible solutions must rest on evidence and we have a lack of information in that regard.

If a drug company comes out with a drug and the drug ends up being related to an abnormal number of fatalities, you can bet that federal agencies would research and provide grants for research to gather every bit of information available. What were the circumstances, what was the patient’s condition, what happens with similar drugs, what other drugs might be involved, etc... then a determination would be made. Do you pull the drug altogether, do you change the dosage, is it interacting with other drugs so now it’s contraindicated for patients on the drugs it interacts with, is there a certain patient population that the drug is contraindicated for? All are possibilities and all might be implemented based on relevant INFORMATION GATHERING.

I know for certain the FDA wouldn’t throw their hands up and say “oh well, the patients that are taking these drugs just need to be responsible for their own actions” and leave it at that. That line of thinking is so lazy and ineffective.

Isn’t fentanyl banned in the US or wasn’t there some sort of temporary ban at least? How has that worked?
the background checks are a sham anyway. Ya'll know it. Like you haven't heard of this scenario:

Red MAGA hat guy: "excuse me sir, could I please take a look at that rifle up there on display. My wife is really interested in it." (wink, wink, nod, nod, fart?)

Clerk: "Sure, its a really nice AR15, check it out. Your wife would really like it I think"

MAGA hat guy: "Ok, I'll....err... I mean she'll take it"

Clerk: "Ok great. Just have to have your wife fill out the paperwork. Simple background check and stuff, your wife won't have no problem. (wink, wink)"

MAGA hat guy: "Honey.... come sign for this!"

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