Mass Shooting in Atlanta

I "get it." I'm the one being honest here. What I described happens and happens a lot, you know it and I know it. Why lie to yourself about that?

If I am a FFL dealer why would I risk my livelihood and likely my freedom to assist in the commission of a felony? If it’s happening like you say it is, you should be able to prove it.

We won’t be holding our breath until you do.
The proof is that no dem has ever introduced legislation to fund the research. Every bill introduced by them is to fund "gun violence" research and violates the Dickey Amendment.
Now we’re getting somewhere. Explain the Dickey Amendment, it’s purpose, what special interests lobbied for it, and it’s affect on federal research funding.
If I am a FFL dealer why would I risk my livelihood and likely my freedom to assist in the commission of a felony? If it’s happening like you say it is, you should be able to prove it.

We won’t be holding our breath until you do.

Because they dont get caught very much, especially in certain states. They weigh the risks/rewards just like every human being and every business owner
I figured he just meant the 2018 DACA coup. Or the Kavanaugh protest coup, or any of the other times our capitol has been occupied by coups.

she/her pronouns :)

and no, I wasn't talking about 2018, I was talking about January 6th, 2021 the day of the (failed) insurrection that will live on as one of the most disgraceful days in our nation's history
the background checks are a sham anyway. Ya'll know it. Like you haven't heard of this scenario:

Red MAGA hat guy: "excuse me sir, could I please take a look at that rifle up there on display. My wife is really interested in it." (wink, wink, nod, nod, fart?)

Clerk: "Sure, its a really nice AR15, check it out. Your wife would really like it I think"

MAGA hat guy: "Ok, I'll....err... I mean she'll take it"

Clerk: "Ok great. Just have to have your wife fill out the paperwork. Simple background check and stuff, your wife won't have no problem. (wink, wink)"

MAGA hat guy: "Honey.... come sign for this!"

What's the problem with a perfectly legal firearm purchase assuming his wife is not prohibited from owning one?

It is legal to purchase a firearm from a licensed firearms retailer that you intend to give as a gift. There’s no law that prohibits a gift of a firearm to a relative or friend who lives in your home state.

Giving a Firearm as a Gift? Some Reminders from NSSF
she/her pronouns :)

and no, I wasn't talking about 2018, I was talking about January 6th, 2021 the day of the (failed) insurrection that will live on as one of the most disgraceful days in our nation's history
I would put the day you commies stole an election much worse than a few people getting in the Capitol and taking selfies
Now we’re getting somewhere. Explain the Dickey Amendment, it’s purpose, what special interests lobbied for it, and it’s affect on federal research funding.

The Dickey amendment prohibits the use of federal funds to promote gun control and is a good piece of legislation.
she/her pronouns :)

and no, I wasn't talking about 2018, I was talking about January 6th, 2021 the day of the (failed) insurrection that will live on as one of the most disgraceful days in our nation's history
Apologies ma'am.

But I guess that answers @utvolpj question. My sundress will have to wait for later.
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Dont threaten me with a good time.

And you should be warned I am the boards resident desperately single bachelor. NY ain't that big of a state for you to hide in.

haha NY is huge. HUGE. besides ya'll southerners dont come up here its too cold for you. I'm safe

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