Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Isn’t fentanyl banned in the US or wasn’t there some sort of temporary ban at least? How has that worked?
You're thinking of Phen Phen - it was putting all the weight loss remedies out of business, and maybe destroying some cardiac muscle too.....
the background checks are a sham anyway. Ya'll know it. Like you haven't heard of this scenario:

Red MAGA hat guy: "excuse me sir, could I please take a look at that rifle up there on display. My wife is really interested in it." (wink, wink, nod, nod, fart?)

Clerk: "Sure, its a really nice AR15, check it out. Your wife would really like it I think"

MAGA hat guy: "Ok, I'll....err... I mean she'll take it"

Clerk: "Ok great. Just have to have your wife fill out the paperwork. Simple background check and stuff, your wife won't have no problem. (wink, wink)"

MAGA hat guy: "Honey.... come sign for this!"
That scenario wouldn't happen legally. I'll let you try and figure out why
You still don't get it. You're making up implausible situations to try and fit your view. When it gets to that point you've pretty much admitted defeat

I "get it." I'm the one being honest here. What I described happens and happens a lot, you know it and I know it. Why lie to yourself about that?
happens a lot. We are all country folks here we've seen or heard of it, dont lie :)

Not any place I’ve ever bought a gun. When asked about buying a gun for my girlfriend awhile back the guy said that would be considered a straw sale and be illegal. If I bought it for myself and later wanted to give it to her that’s on me. Regardless I couldn’t give it to her if she wasn’t legally able to have one and I never would, for her or anyone else. Now I have my cwp and bypass the background check altogether. I also recently sold a gun to an individual. I made sure she had a cwp and wrote the info out on a bill of sale that we both signed.
Not any place I’ve ever bought a gun. When asked about buying a gun for my girlfriend awhile back the guy said that would be considered a straw sale and be illegal. If I bought it for myself and later wanted to give it to her that’s on me. Regardless I couldn’t give it to her if she wasn’t legally able to have one and I never would, for her or anyone else. Now I have my cwp and bypass the background check altogether. I also recently sold a gun to an individual. I made sure she had a cwp and wrote the info out on a bill of sale that we both signed.

Well good for you for following the law to form. I really mean that. I wish there were more people like you
I "get it." I'm the one being honest here. What I described happens and happens a lot, you know it and I know it. Why lie to yourself about that?
Absolutely not like you described and not in any reputable store. You believe the seller would be watching you lie on the doc and just let it happen?
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Absolutely not like you described and not in any reputable store. You believe the seller would be watching you lie on the doc and just let it happen?

There's no lying on the documents in the scenario I described. The wife is buying "her" rifle. so she fills it out completely and correctly for "her" rifle purchase. :)
the background checks are a sham anyway. Ya'll know it. Like you haven't heard of this scenario:

Red MAGA hat guy: "excuse me sir, could I please take a look at that rifle up there on display. My wife is really interested in it." (wink, wink, nod, nod, fart?)

Clerk: "Sure, its a really nice AR15, check it out. Your wife would really like it I think"

MAGA hat guy: "Ok, I'll....err... I mean she'll take it"

Clerk: "Ok great. Just have to have your wife fill out the paperwork. Simple background check and stuff, your wife won't have no problem. (wink, wink)"

MAGA hat guy: "Honey.... come sign for this!"
Lol. ^Never been in a gun store before.

This is like the D.A.R.E. level of gun education.

Jimmy was a normal boy, then he took a hit of one *squints at notes* fully semi automatic assault weapon of war and suddenly little Jimmy was selling glocks out of his trunk to kids at his school.

It's really too bad the irony is wasted
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She's lying

You've never bought a gun have you? Usually
becomes obvious in these discussions

I haven't bought one no. I have thought about it in recent years I will say, especially when I saw those crazy people storm the capitol building.

but what I described definitely happens. you know it does
I haven't bought one no. I have thought about it in recent years I will say, especially when I saw those crazy people storm the capitol building.

but what I described definitely happens. you know it does
Sure just like people walk up to gas station clerks and buy cocaine right there on the counter.
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Lol. ^Never been in a gun store before.

This is like the D.A.R.E. level of gun education.

Jimmy was a normal boy, then he took a hit of one *squints at notes* fully semi automatic assault weapon of war and suddenly little Jimmy was selling glocks out of his trunk to kids at his school.

It's really too bad the irony is wasted

uh huh... sure buddy :)

hey, at least I'm being honest about what's really happening. I'm not even a gun hater really. Own as much as you want, Idc. This is America the land of the free.

I'm just someone who isn't obsessed about the topic so much that I trick myself into thinking that scenario doesn't happen
I haven't bought one no. I have thought about it in recent years I will say, especially when I saw those crazy people storm the capitol building.

but what I described definitely happens. you know it does
Your word choice and tone look familiar.............
uh huh... sure buddy :)

hey, at least I'm being honest about what's really happening. I'm not even a gun hater really. Own as much as you want, Idc. This is America the land of the free.

I'm just someone who isn't obsessed about the topic so much that I trick myself into thinking that scenario doesn't happen
Doesnt happen at all? Sure it happens, absolutes and all. But to think it happens on a wide enough scale to need cracking down on is laughable. D.A.R.E. levels laughable.

Where do you live? Are you near Atlanta? I will walk into any local gun shop with you so you can watch it play out.
Doesnt happen at all? Sure it happens, absolutes and all. But to think it happens on a wide enough scale to need cracking down on is laughable. D.A.R.E. levels laughable.

Where do you live? Are you near Atlanta? I will walk into any local gun shop with you so you can watch it play out.

I live in New York. And no thanks I dont want to commit a felony with you so we can play my scenario out hehe

at least you admit it happens, I respect that
I live in New York. And no thanks I dont want to commit a felony with you so we can play my scenario out hehe

at least you admit it happens, I respect that
Felonys are only if you get caught.

What's the matter afraid the ole wink wink wont work out?

VN Store
