Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Who said anything about rights? The discussion was on research
So them "weighing in" was what? A slip of your tongue.

Gun ownership is a right in this country. It should make everyone extremely uncomfortable that the government suddenly gets to determine what rights people have based on the government drawing some line.

It's how every mishap with governments start. You can even look at the war on drugs for a current example of our government gone wrong because they drew a line to determine rights.

Pretty much every single problem in our nation, especially if you believe in systemic racism, starts this way. "These people shouldnt have rights because of X".
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Why stop there. I think we should let passengers carry on a plane. We want to make sure we are safe and can defend ourselves. Besides, whats the worst that could happen?
I'm all in favor of airlines being allowed to make that call themselves. They should also be in charge of their own security at the airport. Allow customers to make their own decisions about where their business goes
So them "weighing in" was what? A slip of your tongue.

Gun ownership is a right in this country. It should make everyone extremely uncomfortable that the government suddenly gets to determine what rights people have based on the government drawing some line.

It's how every mishap with governments start. You can even look at the war on drugs for a current example of our government gone wrong because they drew a line to determine rights.

Pretty much every single problem in our nation, especially if you believe in systemic racism, starts this way. "These people shouldnt have rights because of X".

I agree with that but again, the discussion was on CDC research
Why stop there. I think we should let passengers carry on a plane. We want to make sure we are safe and can defend ourselves. Besides, whats the worst that could happen?
I'm good with that. Let's suppose you have 30 people carrying guns on a plane carrying 150 passengers. If one passenger is luney and wants to crash the plane what do you think the other 29 gun passengers will do?
I'm all in favor of airlines being allowed to make that call themselves. They should also be in charge of their own security at the airport. Allow customers to make their own decisions about where their business goes

I'm a "9/11 never forget" person, but cool, you do you
An insane idiot (which the world is full of) will create less carnage with a rock than with a nuke.
"Will" is rather subjective.

Mankind wiped out tons of species with a rock, and created one of the most advanced nations in the world with the use of nukes.
No, I believe the constitution is clear and we have enough laws and regulations on the books to do the job. You're just scared and need govt to tell you what to do.
The fear is completely in those who feelz someone is coming to take their guns and those who find less "fear" by owning an arsenal.
I would put a limit on the number of guns that could be purchased by one individual during a given period of time.
Maybe increased waiting periods for some purchases.

How about for voting. Voter IDs? IQ tests? Knowledge of current affairs? Make it more difficult for those that don’t pay taxes? Must vote in person? Adhere to absentee and registration deadlines? No unsolicited registrations or ballots?
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The fear is completely in those who feelz someone is coming to take their guns and those who find less "fear" by owning an arsenal.
No, you think limiting the rights of law abiding citizens will save you and I think liberty is important. People doing the shooting don't buy guns with the same regulations. Your proposed solution accomplishes absolutely nothing
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