Mass Shooting in Atlanta

That's why we have a national registry for cars, mandated insurance, mandated testing and license renewal, etc....
That's why alcohol is heavily regulated....have to be 21 to purchase, bartenders responsible for who they serve...etc

We don’t have a national registry of cars.
Only if driven on public roads. I can buy and not register a car and let my niece drive it around my property with no license/insurance.

And as for carrying a pistol off my property, I had to be a certain age, pass mandated testing, and pay permit renewal.

So those things are already in place.
So you agree. Regulations and restrictions are in no way a 2a infringement.
So you agree. Regulations and restrictions are in no way a 2a infringement.
Not necessarily. Just that there were already restrictions in place. Doesn't mean I agree they're not an infringement.

You're the one that tried to compare car and gun regulations.
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That's why we have a national registry for cars, mandated insurance, mandated testing and license renewal, etc....
That's why alcohol is heavily regulated....have to be 21 to purchase, bartenders responsible for who they serve...etc

I’m out on the public roads driving everyday. I’m not out in public everyday shooting my gun. That said there was a guy around here recently who “borrowed” a relative’s car. He didn’t have a license, took a tag off another car, and didn’t have insurance. The cops attempted to pulled him over and he took off. With it being on a busy road they quickly ended the chase. Less than a minute later he T-boned a teacher leaving school going 100+ mph. Needless to say she died and he didn’t. Your vehicle analogy is dumb.
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I've never advocated restricting any sane adult's right to legally possess a firearm.

You have advocated (subjectively ) for the gov. To determine what constitutes a “ firearm “ and the gov right to decide who is sane along with increased regulations , permits , insurance and fees . Now I’m no lawyer, but even I can see you are doing a tap dance around in a circle without actually saying you are restricting any sane adults 2a rights.
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You have advocated (subjectively ) for the gov. To determine what constitutes a “ firearm “ and the gov right to decide who is sane along with increased regulations , permits , insurance and fees . Now I’m no lawyer, but even I can see you are doing a tap dance around in a circle without actually saying you are restricting any sane adults 2a rights.
How do you feel about gun purchases being restricted to those over 18?
How do you feel about gun purchases being restricted to those over 18?

What does the 2a say about it ? I’ve bought and sold guns all my adult life , never had an issue . Rights shouldn’t have restrictions , if you don’t think the rights we have are modern enough then there’s a mechanism in place to “ amend “ them .
That's why we have a national registry for cars, mandated insurance, mandated testing and license renewal, etc....
That's why alcohol is heavily regulated....have to be 21 to purchase, bartenders responsible for who they serve...etc
And yet we still have all these alcohol related deaths and injuries..... There already are some of these very laws in place to enforce related to guns, seems to me the issue isn't with the laws in place, it's lack of enforcement. With that being the case would passing new laws or EO's really accomplish anything or is this just political theatre, to chip away at constitutionally protected freedoms? This has happened way too much over the last 30 years.
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What does the 2a say about it ? I’ve bought and sold guns all my adult life , never had an issue . Rights shouldn’t have restrictions , if you don’t think the rights we have are modern enough then there’s a mechanism in place to “ amend “ them .
I'm not sure I got the answer.
Do you think the sell of guns should be restricted to those who are 18 and over?
And yet we still have all these alcohol related deaths and injuries..... There already are some of these very laws in place to enforce related to guns, seems to me the issue isn't with the laws in place, it's lack of enforcement. With that being the case would passing new laws or EO's really accomplish anything or is this just political theatre, to chip away at constitutionally protected freedoms? This has happened way too much over the last 30 years.
So the laws that are in place are okay and they need to be enforced; even with those who disagree with the law(s)?
I have never understood why folks latched on to the gun thing so hard. The cat is out of the bag, so to speak. It is what it is.
And it isn’t going back into the bag due to our unique in western developed countries constitutional protections on firearms. So they continually try to skirt the protections instead of directly addressing them because they know it’s a non starter.
And it isn’t going back into the bag due to our unique in western developed countries constitutional protections on firearms. So they continually try to skirt the protections instead of directly addressing them because they know it’s a non starter.
I think it's more that people just want some rational and reasonable controls. Like having to be 18 to purchase.
I think that is appropriate. I'm just curious if @Onelilreb and others do.
It is not. If you are old enough to serve in our nations armed forces the government has no right to limit your adult privileges and constitutional rights arbitrarily. In fact they have no business limiting their constitutional rights at all.
It is not. If you are old enough to serve in our nations armed forces the government has no right to limit your adult privileges arbitrarily
How old do you have to be to serve in the military?
Do you think that is the same age that is appropriate to be able to legally purchase a gun?
How old do you have to be to serve in the military?
Do you think that is the same age that is appropriate to be able to legally purchase a gun?
18. And yes as that is the age you are deemed an adult. And you know 18 year olds in the military have access to fully automatic weapons... right?
And it isn’t going back into the bag due to our unique in western developed countries constitutional protections on firearms. So they continually try to skirt the protections instead of directly addressing them because they know it’s a non starter.
And it keeps getting voted down. Like the Trump ban.

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