Mass Shooting in Atlanta

I disagree in the case of minimum age. Rights cannot be infringed if those rights don't exist. Underage people do not enjoy full rights. Similarly, felons have stripped of some rights and we dont infringe upon their revoked rights.
We do a horrible job of restoring rights once they are taken away. Regardless of firearms that needs to be fixed.
I disagree in the case of minimum age. Rights cannot be infringed if those rights don't exist. Underage people do not enjoy full rights. Similarly, felons have stripped of some rights and we dont infringe upon their revoked rights.

Ok then with parental consent, they should be able to make purchases.
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Ok then with parental consent, they should be able to make purchases.
Ageed. The child is an extension of the parents with respect to rights so your idea is consistent to me.
And since there’s no federal registry once the parent consents and the purchase is complete the feds won’t question it right? RIGHT?!
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And since there’s no federal registry once the parent consents and the purchase is complete the feds won’t question it right? RIGHT?!
Rights are easier than politics. Lol.

Your point exposes an interesting possibility. The State tends to be very protective of minors (from a legal sense), their background, and their information. So then if we're consistent, the minor should bypass background checks, registration, etc.
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Yes, all regulations and restrictions are an infringement.
I have always credited you with the willingness to follow it all the way to its absurd end.
Most people will back off when it reaches the absurd.

Having a nine year old sell nude pictures of himself to raise money to buy an AR-15 is beyond what most are willing to tolerate in the name of "guvment's bad".
Mentally ill?
In your lifetime homosexuality was considered a mental disorder by the APA yet you champion the subjectivity of a label from the same list. So you would be in favor of homosexuals not being able to buy a gun if still labeled by the APA as a mental disorder. The issue is the subjectiveness of your qualifiers and that introduces infringements
In your lifetime homosexuality was considered a mental disorder by the APA yet you champion the subjectivity of a label from the same list. So you would be in favor of homosexuals not being able to buy a gun if still labeled by the APA as a mental disorder. The issue is the subjectiveness of your qualifiers and that introduces infringements
Still far better than the alternative. If someone is waiting for a perfect solution, they are to insane themselves to safely own a gun.
Still far better than the alternative. If someone is waiting for a perfect solution, they are to insane themselves to safely own a gun.
In the absence of a perfect solution, it is imperative we default to personal freedom guaranteed by our founding documents. Freedom isn't perfect either but it is better than imperfect trampling of liberty.
In the absence of a perfect solution, it is imperative we default to personal freedom guaranteed by our founding documents. Freedom isn't perfect either but it is better than imperfect trampling of liberty.
Having an age limit of 18 is in no way a perfect solution. There are many 17 year old's far more mature than many 18 year olds's;
but it's the best solution so we go with it, and that's far superior to having no age limit.
We were granted far more freedoms than just gun ownership. When freedoms conflict, it's imperative that we use a little bit of common sense.
I have always credited you with the willingness to follow it all the way to its absurd end.
Most people will back off when it reaches the absurd.

Having a nine year old sell nude pictures of himself to raise money to buy an AR-15 is beyond what most are willing to tolerate in the name of "guvment's bad".

Leave it to you to always go to the absurd.
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Having an age limit of 18 is in no way a perfect solution. There are many 17 year old's far more mature than many 18 year olds's;
but it's the best solution so we go with it, and that's far superior to having no age limit.
We were granted far more freedoms than just gun ownership. When freedoms conflict, it's imperative that we use a little bit of common sense.

Good luck on your amendment efforts. You've got a very expensive, time consuming process ahead with incredibly long odds.
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Good luck on your amendment efforts. You've got a very expensive, time consuming process ahead with incredibly long odds.
No amendment is necessary.
We both know the reality. Nothing much will change, it will continue to be a growing wedge issue, and the country will suffer on multiple levels.
No amendment is necessary.
We both know the reality. Nothing much will change, it will continue to be a growing wedge issue, and the country will suffer on multiple levels.
Here's a prediction. The more these ideas are espoused, the higher the rhetoric is ratcheted by politicians, the more the media beats this drum the more weapons and ammo will be bought in record numbers.
I'm not even a gun aficionado but I understand how the "bitter clingers" feel like they continue to be backed into a corner. I hope it never happens, but if the fuse is lit on that group they will blow up.
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Not really. Just like the flow of drugs, there is almost no real way to stop the flow of illegal weapons into this country.

Almost like having an open border so libs can pander to outsiders has "unintended consequences". Common sense says that no barrier to people equals no barrier to what people can carry including drugs and arms. It's an issue that's going to take a 9/11 style dirty bomb to get attention ... even though the lives lost will not equal the lives lost previously to drugs and imported gang/cartel crime.
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Here's a prediction. The more these ideas are espoused, the higher the rhetoric is ratcheted by politicians, the more the media beats this drum the more weapons and ammo will be bought in record numbers.
I'm not even a gun aficionado but I understand how the "bitter clingers" feel like they continue to be backed into a corner. I hope it never happens, but if the fuse is lit on that group they will blow up.
I agree with your prediction.
The ideas will certainly continue to be espoused, and rightfully so IMO.
They are by definition.
Common sense regulations and restrictions are actually what allow the freedoms to exist.
Like when you give your child the freedom to use the computer, borrow the car, or stay home alone.
Or an employee the freedom to do their job from home.
They are certainly not infringements.


1. the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.
"copyright infringement"
Common sense regulations and restrictions are actually what allow the freedoms to exist.
Like when you give your child the freedom to use the computer, borrow the car, or stay home alone.
Or an employee the freedom to do their job from home.
They are certainly not infringements.


1. the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.
"copyright infringement"

Yes, when you limit what I can own buy or carry you are infringing on my right.

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