Mass Shooting in Atlanta

No, try to read if you can and follow along.

The "battle" is trying to establish trust with younger generations. Telling them we don't need any gun control and that we should just arm all their teachers is a losing one.
It all depends on how the parents teach the kids.... my kids don’t live in fear at all.
How long do you think the others last once the 2nd is out of the way?

Well its taken 250 years and thousands upon thousands of deaths for the 2nd to be amended, so I'll say a lonngggg time :)

trump tried his best though, bless his failing heart
Your analogy centers around a privilege; not a right.
The same is true for rights.
I think the difference is that the privilege must be granted and can have conditions precedent. I.e. - you must meet or agree to these criteria in order for me to let you use the car.

You already have a right, and while it can be forfeited due to abuse, the higher authority can’t enforce prerequisites on it. I.e. - In Tennessee you have a right to bail in all but capital offenses, but if you commit more crimes while out on bail then you can be held without bond.

Letting your kid drive is a privilege that has to be granted, but the way you described the requirements probably still works for rights because the privilege was granted and would only be revoked if the rules are broken. I’m not sure the analogy matches the proposed restrictions on the second amendment, but I haven’t been following very closely.
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The debt keeps rising because people like you don't understand math and vote for others who ignore it

No I was against the trump tax cuts for rich people actually. I think math clearly shows a discrepancy there. I spent a little time in accounts payable/receivable
I'd call it the necessary requirements for maintaining the right.
Think of it this way.
You let your 16 year old borrow your car (you've granted him the right to drive it). You tell him that as long as he is cautious and careful he will be able to drive it in the future. Are those restrictions infringing on his right to drive your car or are they the necessary components of granting him that right and his keeping that right?
Did I tell him caution and care before or after I granted him the right? Or am I two timing him because I would rather restrict his rights than trust him with the very rights I supposedly gave him.
Nobody has a problem with an attempt at amending the 2A through the proper procedures. It’s the constant attacks through blatantly unconstitutional legislation that people have a problem with.

Obviously not hog. I dont think you are following along. The water tower guy said if we amend the 2A, how long till the others are in jeopardy? which is what my responses have been discussing. He is against amending 2A, obviously...
No I was against the trump tax cuts for rich people actually. I think math clearly shows a discrepancy there
The number of those receiving a tax cut was about 95% of the working pop. Again, math is hard

There's enough revenue
Taking all away from "rich people" still won't pay it off
Spending needs to be cut across the board
Govt needs to shrink
The number of those receiving a tax cut was about 95% of the working pop. Again, math is hard

There's enough revenue
Taking all away from "rich people" still won't pay it off
Spending needs to be cut across the board
Govt needs to shrink

Well I don't disagree on spending but every single budget request Donald Trump submitted was an increase. If you wanna take away income, you have to take away spending. Again - - "math"

or ya know -let the future gens take care of it :(
Obviously not hog. I dont think you are following along. The water tower guy said if we amend the 2A, how long till the others are in jeopardy? which is what my responses have been discussing. He is against amending 2A, obviously...
I am against amending it but I also view it as unnecessary. If the people truly cared no govt would be put in place that would ever seek to infringe upon the right. But people are stupid and lazy
Well I don't disagree on spending but every single budget request Donald Trump submitted was an increase. If you wanna take away income, you have to take away spending. Again - - "math"

or ya know -let the future gens take care of it :(
No income is being taken away since tax cuts have been shown to increase revenue.

I don't care about what Trump did since I called him out on it too. Biden is trying to make Trump look cheap though and it will cost us dearly
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You had a republican president and his only answer to school shootings was that we should arm everyone in the school. That kind of stupid ass argument. It is 1 of the reasons he lost his job and like I said, more of that trash and your 2nd Amendment could be in jeopardy.

Gun supporters are suffering from a trust issue. You are looking at a generation of kids about to be voting adults that saw their classmates shot up. You think they are gonna be on your side with junk arguments like that?

So please explain what more measures do you want? And whatever stricter laws cannot inhibit law abiding gun owners like myself from buying any gun I want legally.
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Obviously not hog. I dont think you are following along. The water tower guy said if we amend the 2A, how long till the others are in jeopardy? which is what my responses have been discussing. He is against amending 2A, obviously...

So if the 2A was amended, can you state with 100% certainty that the others won’t be?
"Not a gun person"

That's the mistake, you still think this is about guns. It's about rights some cowards are willing to part with in the name of govt control while others are not. Right now the current admin is trying to take away the 4th by using the 2nd as a boogeyman. You lack foresight
It's 100% about guns. The same people cheering the GA voting bill are the very ones screaming about any type of gun restriction.

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