Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Close the gun show loophole.
Limit the number of guns that can be purchased by an individual in a given time frame.
There is no gun show loophole. The federal government can not regulate a transaction between 2 private individuals in a state. The feds can only regulate interstate commerce. No federal attempt at a law like that would pass Supreme Court muster.
Child porn has a true victim. Sad you would even try to equate it to a gun
Give me a break.
The abuse of guns has true victims.
The wide spread distribution of illegal guns has true victims.
Illegal drugs have true victims.
The federal government can not regulate a transaction between 2 private individuals in a state. The feds can only regulate interstate commerce. No federal attempt at a law like that would pass Supreme Court muster.

I don’t think this is consistent with how the commerce clause has been interpreted by the court.
Give me a break.
The abuse of guns has true victims.
The wide spread distribution of illegal guns has true victims.
Illegal drugs have true victims.
The abuse of the gun but not the gun itself or the act of owning it. For child porn to even exist there must be a victim. Trying to equate a gun to that abhorrent act is pathetic
Maybe you can, what if you increased penalties and mandatory sentences for offenders?

Has that worked for stemming the tides of illegal drugs? Also, what would be deemed illegal? Say I had a gun and you wanted to buy it. We were friends for a long time. We are both responsible gun owners who have never been in trouble with the law. Would that be considered illegal?
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I don’t think this is consistent with how the commerce clause has been interpreted by the court.
I’m no lawyer and am not versed in commerce case law. But it is my understanding that the “loophole” was left out of the law on purpose due to the lack of authority to regulate a private sale between 2 private individuals within a state. In that case a firearm is no different than a lawnmower in terms of what the feds have the power to regulate.

Now, personally, I wouldn’t sell a firearm to another without seeing a CWP. I think it’s still a personal responsibility to ensure your not arming someone who isn’t legally supposed to have one.
The abuse of the gun but not the gun itself or the act of owning it. For child porn to even exist there must be a victim. Trying to equate a gun to that abhorrent act is pathetic
Would also offer the abuse of CP does not shut down all porn nor the platforms with which it is hosted.
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Close the gun show loophole.
Limit the number of guns that can be purchased by an individual in a given time frame.
There is no gun show loophole.

Except that it was this last weekend I would invite you out to the one nearest me. I think there is another in a couple weeks. You want to try out your loophole?

Or do you know you are pushing bs like @Tastylicks "wink wink" strategy, that's falls apart as soon as you try it.
Close the gun show loophole.
Limit the number of guns that can be purchased by an individual in a given time frame.

Please expand on this supposed gun show loophole. I have yet to see anybody go into detail about it. Makes one think that the "gun show loophole" is a myth.
Close the gun show loophole.
Limit the number of guns that can be purchased by an individual in a given time frame.

So are the people doing these masks shootings buying the majority of their weapons at gun shows? Also, does the limit for the number of guns purchased at one time apply to all people?

Reason I ask is I currently own 21 firearms. A mixture of rifles, handguns and shotguns. I enjoy shooting my guns with my wife and our friends. Neither me, my wife nor anyone we know has ever been in trouble with the law. So why should I be restricted in the number of guns I can buy at one time?
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So are the people doing these masks shootings buying the majority of their weapons at gun shows? Also, does the limit for the number of guns purchased at one time apply to all people?

Reason I ask is I currently own 21 firearms. A mixture of rifles, handguns and shotguns. I enjoy shooting my guns with my wife and our friends. Neither me, my wife nor anyone we know has ever been in trouble with the law. So why should I be restricted in the number of guns I can buy at one time?
Your obviously not thinking of the children...

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