Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

I didn't mean that he has to respect all older people, but is it okay to make fun of a trait that cannot be changed?

I mean what is the difference between calling someone by a racial slur because of his color, and calling someone a slur due to his age? Neither can change, can they? That shows disrespect, doesn't it?

I can admit to being an ageist if you come clean about your racism.

I think you all smell like what I imagine Rumplestilskin's fart's smell like.
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I didn't mean that he has to respect all older people, but is it okay to make fun of a trait that cannot be changed?

I mean what is the difference between calling someone by a racial slur because of his color, and calling someone a slur due to his age? Neither can change, can they? That shows disrespect, doesn't it?

Sure it shows disrespect; but, he was returning disrespect for disrespect, so I'm not sure you have a leg to stand on.

Moreover, seems you graduated from UT in 1972, right? Now, maybe I am wrong and overgeneralizing, but unlike college admissions over the past fifteen to twenty years, attending university in the 60s and 70s was largely reserved for the well-to-do and privileged.

So, maybe you, too, were also a "spoiled rich kid"? Or, maybe you were an exception? And, sure, there were exceptions just as many Catholic School students have their tuition waved if their parents cannot afford the tuition, so long as their parents tithe regularly to the church.

But, you've discounted that option, with your assertion that we must all just be spoiled brats who are ultra-liberal because we grew up privileged. So, as long as you are discounting such possibilities, I will merely assert that you, too, were a spoiled rich kid who grew up privileged; yet, one of your privileges, growing up in the 50s and 60s, was that you were very obviously treated as more of a citizen and more worthy of respect due to your whiteness and maleness. So, you've probably carried that with you, which probably colors your ******* stance on immigration.

This is a fun game, yes?
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Nothing to defend. I am sure there are dirty neighborhoods that exist.

I granted that all neighborhoods are dirty. So, kudos on this assurance. Of course, all neighborhoods being dirty is not a problem in the least; just like all money being dirty is not a problem.

And my immigration belief is that it should have order to it. Ok with my beliefs, nothing to defend at the moment.

Sure, allow everyone in who wants in, so long as they register as being here. That's order and that is order that could be easily and efficiently implemented. So, you support that position?

Too busy having to defend myself from the shouts of racism.

Are you also colored as a killer still?

Interesting that your computer shouts at you. Hmm...maybe you should get that fixed. Or, maybe your computer is just pretty ****ing perceptive.
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Sure it shows disrespect; but, he was returning disrespect for disrespect, so I'm not sure you have a leg to stand on.

Moreover, seems you graduated from UT in 1972, right? Now, maybe I am wrong and overgeneralizing, but unlike college admissions over the past fifteen to twenty years, attending university in the 60s and 70s was largely reserved for the well-to-do and privileged.

So, maybe you, too, were also a "spoiled rich kid"? Or, maybe you were an exception? And, sure, there were exceptions just as many Catholic School students have their tuition waved if their parents cannot afford the tuition, so long as their parents tithe regularly to the church.

But, you've discounted that option, with your assertion that we must all just be spoiled brats who are ultra-liberal because we grew up privileged. So, as long as you are discounting such possibilities, I will merely assert that you, too, were a spoiled rich kid who grew up privileged; yet, one of your privileges, growing up in the 50s and 60s, was that you were very obviously treated as more of a citizen and more worthy of respect due to your whiteness and maleness. So, you've probably carried that with you, which probably colors your ******* stance on immigration.

This is a fun game, yes?

"You too" would imply that I was one. So technically, he didn't insult me in a way that applied. Perhaps I was distespectful... he's still a curmudgeonly ****lord.
I'd like an explanation of this if you can find your way away from people offing themselves.

Allow anyone and everyone who wants to come to the US to come to the US so long as they consent to being registered in a database. It's not difficult. This was the same unrestricted yet regulated position the US had toward European immigrants in the 1910s (hence, while everyone filed through Ellis Island).

It is unrestricted in the sense that no persons/peoples are restricted from coming. It's regulated in the sense that all must register.
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Sure it shows disrespect; but, he was returning disrespect for disrespect, so I'm not sure you have a leg to stand on.

Moreover, seems you graduated from UT in 1972, right? Now, maybe I am wrong and overgeneralizing, but unlike college admissions over the past fifteen to twenty years, attending university in the 60s and 70s was largely reserved for the well-to-do and privileged.

So, maybe you, too, were also a "spoiled rich kid"? Or, maybe you were an exception? And, sure, there were exceptions just as many Catholic School students have their tuition waved if their parents cannot afford the tuition, so long as their parents tithe regularly to the church.

But, you've discounted that option, with your assertion that we must all just be spoiled brats who are ultra-liberal because we grew up privileged. So, as long as you are discounting such possibilities, I will merely assert that you, too, were a spoiled rich kid who grew up privileged; yet, one of your privileges, growing up in the 50s and 60s, was that you were very obviously treated as more of a citizen and more worthy of respect due to your whiteness and maleness. So, you've probably carried that with you, which probably colors your ******* stance on immigration.

This is a fun game, yes?
Yes. I come from a family of immigrants. I mean, it was a couple hundred years ago, and they came from Scotland and England, and were like really fair skinned, but they were immigrants just as well.

I grew up middle class, but was only the second in the family (after my brother) to go to college. My parents both grew up with nothing, but managed to do pretty well in business. So, not rich, but definitely not poor.
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Allow anyone and everyone who wants to come to the US to come to the US so long as they consent to being registered in a database. It's not difficult. This was the same unrestricted yet regulated position the US had toward European immigrants in the 1910s (hence, while everyone filed through Ellis Island).

It is unrestricted in the sense that no persons/peoples are restricted from coming. It's regulated in the sense that all must register.

Registration for taxation or other purposes?
Yes. I come from a family of immigrants. I mean, it was a couple hundred years ago, and they came from Scotland and England, and were like really fair skinned, but they were immigrants just as well.

I grew up middle class, but was only the second in the family (after my brother) to go to college. My parents both grew up with nothing, but managed to do pretty well in business. So, not rich, but definitely not poor.

Hmm, sending two kids to college in the 60s sounds pretty ****ing well-to-do for the 60s.

Also, parents growing up with nothing does not entail that you were not spoiled.

Fun game!
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"You too" would imply that I was one. So technically, he didn't insult me in a way that applied. Perhaps I was distespectful... he's still a curmudgeonly ****lord.
I don't take any of this crap seriously. It's the freakin' internet, for God's sake. I'm just having fun sparring with you, Huff, and Trut.
I granted that all neighborhoods are dirty. So, kudos on this assurance. Of course, all neighborhoods being dirty is not a problem in the least; just like all money being dirty is not a problem.

Sure, allow everyone in who wants in, so long as they register as being here. That's order and that is order that could be easily and efficiently implemented. So, you support that position?

Interesting that your computer shouts at you. Hmm...maybe you should get that fixed. Or, maybe your computer is just pretty ****ing perceptive.

The problem is people that care so little about themselves are people that are a drain on society.

I have no reason to support ease as a prerequisite to any process. Process should be one that benefits this country, ease or difficulty is not the measure.

Still killing or not? Simple question.
Hmm, sending two kids to college in the 60s sounds pretty ****ing well-to-do for the 60s.

Also, parents growing up with nothing does not entail that you were not spoiled.

Fun game!

Sounds like you've got a little case of wealth envy going on.
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Taxation, census, and to have baseline information so further studies can be more easily carried out with regard to immigrant life in the US.

How would you (speaking as a country) handle mass immigration that is not destined for your country? For example, what if the immigrants are headed for Canada via the US? I'm assuming none have passports or travel documents. Let em in?
The problem is people that care so little about themselves are people that are a drain on society.

Way to impose your own values on others and then when they don't give two ****s about your value-system you then make the argument that they must not care for themselves.

This is called 'Cultural Imperialism' and is almost always linked to bigotry. Maybe you're an exception...

I have no reason to support ease as a prerequisite to any process. Process should be one that benefits this country, ease or difficulty is not the measure.

Still killing or not? Simple question.

Why should it benefit this country? And, further, what the **** does that even mean? The only time "benefits the nation/country" ever has a clear meaning is in fascist states: Germany, Italy, Japan. That is, the state very clearly and articulately requires that its subjects sacrifice their own individual drives and wills in order to carry out their state-imposed duties.

Do you know what the official role of the US Government is, as per its declaration to the world that it is now an independent state? Protect the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness for...wait for it...all men.

That is, the explicit function of the US Government, as declared in the DoI, is to protect the rights of all men (now, of course, we understand that Jefferson really only meant white males).

Further, what is good for something is usually that which helps the something fulfill its function. Thus, what is 'good for America' would be, quite literally, the protection of the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all men.

That being the case, ease and efficiency of process actually plays a vital role.

In case you've never read the Founding document of the country you so desperately want to benefit, here it is:


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I doubt you ought to be opining in any way on arrogance.

Fortunately, everyone eventually dies. The sooner you, CP, and persons like you die off, the better.

Until then, I support your freedom to continue to espouse your racist, hooray white-culture bull****, as toxic as it is. Yet, you refuse to support free movement of persons and peoples, as beneficial as it is to everyone (well, everyone except the racists who somehow get butthurt over having to look at 'unsightly' neighborhoods).

Enjoy your Labor Day...you know, the day in which laborers are commemorated for laboring.

For real? I hope you die too MF.... Hope one free moving person aids in your demise too
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Your definition of spoiled?

Being privy to things that one neither needs nor merits to the detriment of the recipient.

I guess we could debate on whether or not you would have been a better person had your parents not sent you to college and provided you with yet more airs of privilege.
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How would you (speaking as a country) handle mass immigration that is not destined for your country? For example, what if the immigrants are headed for Canada via the US? I'm assuming none have passports or travel documents. Let em in?

Let them in and register them; when they leave, note it. Hell, provide them with temporary passports as well.
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