MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

Seriously? Escorted out for standing? That would be my last season ticket purchase.

It's not the standing that causes the ejection. It generally starts with belligerent behavior, moves into loud cursing, and you might see a few threats of violence thrown in for good measure. So no, no one is ejected for standing - just for acting in a manner not befitting public presence.
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It's not the standing that causes the ejection. It generally starts with belligerent behavior, moves into loud cursing, and you might see a few threats of violence thrown in for good measure. So no, no one is ejected for standing - just for acting in a manner not befitting public presence.

Thanks for clarifying. Not at all what the OP stated.
I don't know, is landing yourself in jail for multiple misdemeanors worth it? I highly doubt "I was mad because he wanted to see the game he'd paid for" will hold up in any court of law.

You never know the condition of the person behind you. It is possible to be considerate and have fun without resorting to obscene language, name calling, or threats or acts of violence.

Been in plenty of fights, no misdemeanors to speak of. If you went UT and spent some time on the strip, im sure you have too.

Once again, im not talking about blocking dude in a wheel chair here. If you buy a ticket to a football game, it is common knowledge that people will be standing for most, if not all of the game. Of course people sit down from time to time.

I just thank God I'm not one of those people who cares if people stand up. I could not imagine being that much of a loser. I grew up with parents who were standers. My 80 year old grandpa still stands most the game.

Go ahead and sit, but i'll stand whenever i want, for how long as i want, because im at a freakin football game. And thats what people do. If there is a small child or elderly person behind me, i will gladly work something out with them.
It's not the standing that causes the ejection. It generally starts with belligerent behavior, moves into loud cursing, and you might see a few threats of violence thrown in for good measure. So no, no one is ejected for standing - just for acting in a manner not befitting public presence.

This is not true at all. Ive seen people get ejected for simply standing and refusing to sit.
I have to admit I cannot relate to the thought process of wanting someone booted because they are standing. If you have a small kid maybe or a bum knee/back and have asked them to compromise to no avail maybe.
However if you've sat there healthy and not said much it just seems kind of a bish move to talk to an usher. I realize these comments may be directed towards that stereotypical beligerent drunk guy but I see them as the exception not the rule and I've not seen much clarification from some in the sit or
gtfo crowd.
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If you want to sit and have a quite afternoon of football around people with manners...

buy seats in the terrace..

I will be cheering for my team!

Miss Majorie is a busybody who probably doesn't even understand the game. I promise not to boo the opponent's band and sit down at halftime so she can enjoy the entertainment in her own gentle fashion. Gimme a break!
Just a little situational awareness can go a long way.

Also I hear they'll be handing out such manuals to the first 1,000 fans each game.
I'll be sure to get to the next game early and get me one of those manuals and post it on here for all you brain dead nincompoops that can't figure out what's going on in this thread.

Or, perhaps, maybe everyone else should get up and make some noise?
Thank you Doc, preach it bro.
I boo (never the Vols) and I stay seated as I scream my everloving guts out. I stand when there's a big play, then set back down, still screaming like a drunken fool. As long as the opposing fans are respectful I stay respectful. I have enough sense to realize that I may be blocking the view of a small child or a handicapped person and I hope they have enough sense to know it's a football game and when something big happens they may miss some of it. :twocents:
The most amazing thing to me is that people that are so incapable of standing or showing excitement continue to drive cars and walk to the stadium after multiple losing seasons. What determination.
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Maybe we should have some bible study and zen readings during time outs and at halftime.
The most amazing thing to me is that people that are so incapable of standing or showing excitement continue to drive cars and walk to the stadium after multiple losing seasons. What determination.

The blue hairs have to go somewhere while their rooms at the rest home are being cleaned.
With attitudes like this that is why other teams come to Neyland and are not afraid!! They steam roll us and laugh, if you don't want help lead our boys to victory.... KEEP YO DEAD ASS AT HOME!!!!!
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If you want to sit and have a quite afternoon of football around people with manners...

buy seats in the terrace..

I will be cheering for my team!

If remaining seated is the definition of manners I can only say.
With attitudes like this that is why other teams come to Neyland and are not afraid!! They steam roll us and laugh, if you don't want help lead our boys to victory.... KEEP YO DEAD ASS AT HOME!!!!!

Grizz for AD.

Btw the GrizZone should be the standing only area, I'd book in advance.

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