MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

There are some curmudgeons that have headphones on and lap blankets and binoculars. One even told my son who was 4 to quiet down when we were in one of the way to many OT's against UAB. Those knuckle heads are as annoying as the guy cursing for 4 quarters. I see very few standing an entire game, I do stand more than most but try to be courteous. I do often leave the game hoarse and I wish more were like me because Neyland would be a lot more hostile. The sitters fill seats though and help keep the doors open so I accept them too, we just disagree.
I think "class" has very little to do with passion or one's interpretation of it. I've encountered grumpy snobbish blue bloods that were in no way classy, just uptight.
Seriously? A user manual? It's common sense. I have no idea why it's so hard to grasp for some people.
You need to get over yourself bro. Obviously you can't grasp the concept of having a little fun with a ludicrous thread concept.
I whole heartedly agree with Mrs. Marjorie's first point and I tend to lean towards agreeing with her 2nd. My grandfather introduced me to Tennessee football at an early age. He made sure that I knew that it wasn't acceptable to boo. He's no longer on this earth but I'm pretty sure he's watching the Vols on Saturdays and I know he would be pretty disappointed if I started booing now.

As far as standing goes, I try to be respectful as possible to those behind me but standing and making noise is the norm in the SEC. There shouldn't be anyone complaining about that.
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I'll stand and boo the other team in front of Marjorie Jenkins so she can kiss my a$$. That should give her enough material for her next letter.
If you stand up in front of me at an inappropriate time and block my view for very long, you'll either agree to sit down or be escorted out of the stadium.

Exhibit A right here folks.

And for the record, id love to see this. Wouldnt be the last you saw of me if you got me kicked out for standing at a UT game.
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It's the stand 100% of the time versus sit 100% of the time fans that have a problem. Be flexible, you are in public and can't control everyone around you.

This. Use common sense on both sides of the spectrum or KNOW WHEN TO STAY HOME. This isn't church nor is it a jam band concert.
If you stand up in front of me at an inappropriate time and block my view for very long, you'll either agree to sit down or be escorted out of the stadium.

And just so i know, your majesty, what would be an inappropriate time to stand up?

Wouldnt want to break any of your rules and get kicked out.
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And just so i know, your majesty, what would be an inappropriate time to stand up?

Wouldnt want to break any of your rules and get kicked out.

Come on, brah! You're making it worse for us tweeners. You know you can, at the least, admit its ok to sit during a commercial break. Just like its ok to take a break when John an the boys do.
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Come on, brah! Your making it worse for us tweeners. You know you can, at the least, admit its ok to sit during a commercial break. Just like its ok to take a break when John an the boys do.

I never said it wasnt ok to sit down. My problem is with people who get others who like to stand kicked out. Hell, sit the whole game if you want. Just dont ask me to!
Escorted out? Hmm....I've never seen the line on the back of the ticket that says "the owner of this ticket will abide by the rule of not standing during the game."

I don't stand the whole time....but I will certainly celebrate with my team when the time calls for it. To me, it's the same as a standing ovation....I am showing my support to the players by not just sitting there the whole time.

Notice I said standing at an "inappropriate" time.

When no one is standing in front of you and no one is standing behind you, that's a clue that it's likely an inappropriate time. In other words, if you're the only one in your section standing, you should probably sit down. I am not talking about non-football time either. When there's a stop in play or during breaks, stand all you want. No one is trying to see what is going on the field during those moments
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Is there a user manual for when to sit and when to stand? How do we know the first person to sit or stand that we must follow knows what the hell they're doing? Maybe they're drunk and they're standing and sitting at the wrong time.

Just a little situational awareness can go a long way.

Also I hear they'll be handing out such manuals to the first 1,000 fans each game.
Notice I said standing at an "inappropriate" time.

When no one is standing in front of you and no one is standing behind you, that's a clue that it's likely an inappropriate time. I am not talking about non-football time either. When there's a stop in play or during breaks, stand all you want. No one is trying to see what is going on the field during those moments

So, for the record, are you ok with those who stand as a big play unfolds? ie A long pass play and the fan stands mid play, while the ball is in the air.
The bottom line to me is:

Sit if you wanna sit.

Stand if you wanna stand.

If you get someone kicked out because they want to stand for a UT football game, you are a cowardly, weasel, loser who should check between their knees for a sack. And also know that it could have repercussions that could be far worse than having to stand your lazy ass up for a couple hours. Like having no teeth, or who knows? Is it worth it?
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This article is exactly what we don't need in our stadium.

I know most understand but for those who don't here is a lesson.

Stand and Yell as loud as you can while we are on Defense. The noise will hopefully affect the other teams Offense. It will make it harder for them to communicate and maybe we can even get a few false start penalties.

Sit and be quiet while we are on Offense. We want our offense to be able to communicate easily. Yell after the play.

I know most know this but for those who don't please start doing this!

This. /thread
And also know that it could have repercussions that could be far worse than having to stand your lazy ass up for a couple hours. Like having no teeth, or who knows? Is it worth it?

I don't know, is landing yourself in jail for multiple misdemeanors worth it? I highly doubt "I was mad because he wanted to see the game he'd paid for" will hold up in any court of law.

You never know the condition of the person behind you. It is possible to be considerate and have fun without resorting to obscene language, name calling, or threats or acts of violence.
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The bottom line to me is:

Sit if you wanna sit.

Stand if you wanna stand.

If you get someone kicked out because they want to stand for a UT football game, you are a cowardly, weasel, loser who should check between their knees for a sack. And also know that it could have repercussions that could be far worse than having to stand your lazy ass up for a couple hours. Like having no teeth, or who knows? Is it worth it?

Let me know the next time you're in on Gameday, or if you're ever in my neck of the woods. First three rounds are on me.
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If you stand up in front of me at an inappropriate time and block my view for very long, you'll either agree to sit down or be escorted out of the stadium.

Seriously? Escorted out for standing? That would be my last season ticket purchase.
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I don't know, is landing yourself in jail for multiple misdemeanors worth it? I highly doubt "I was mad because he wanted to see the game he'd paid for" will hold up in any court of law.

You never know the condition of the person behind you. It is possible to be considerate and have fun without resorting to obscene language, name calling, or threats or acts of violence.

If he's a first time offender, he'd be looking at probation, community service, restitution for medical bills, and possible county/circuit fines if he hires decent representation.

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