MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

It's the stand 100% of the time versus sit 100% of the time fans that have a problem. Be flexible, you are in public and can't control everyone around you.

This. Use common sense on both sides of the spectrum or KNOW WHEN TO STAY HOME. This isn't church nor is it a jam band concert.

It's NOT this. I haven't seen any poster that suggested they preferred sitting 100% of the time, but numerous posters have blatantly stated they will stand 100% of the time. Generally speaking... if fans are excited about an upcoming play, then they will stand up. It's that simple. Choosing to stand an entire game, simply for the sake of "standing", has little to do with football tradition or fan enthusiasm.

So, for the record, are you ok with those who stand as a big play unfolds? ie A long pass play and the fan stands mid play, while the ball is in the air.

Can you explain how standing mid play helps the team? It seems that has been the primary argument suggested by many of those who choose to stand.

But to answer your question, if it's a big play most likely anyone would stand... I know I would.
If you buy a ticket to a football game, it is common knowledge that people will be standing for most, if not all of the game.

I'm sorry but this just isn't true. I wish it was, because I like to stand as well, but it isn't.

I've been to a lot of games at a lot of stadiums and I've never seen a crowd (other than the student section) stand for the entire game or probably even most of it.

The average football crowd sits for most of the game and if you are that guy in the section that refuses to sit at some point you are just causing trouble just for the sake of causing it,

Again, I wish everyone would stand the whole game, but the average fan does not go into a football game expecting someone to be standing in front of them the whole game.
There is a growing number that would sit even for a big play. A larger number still that make little noise when it's a defensive series. I've been around them and it looks like a local AA baseball game. To each their own. You can tell some of the baby boomers are boomed out though.
You need to get over yourself bro. Obviously you can't grasp the concept of having a little fun with a ludicrous thread concept.

This is a heated discussion every year. The article certainly may be ludicrous, but not as ludicrous as people saying, "I don't care if the rest if my Vol Brethren see any of the game, I'm gonna stand up whenever I want to."

If you were poking fun, I apologize, but there are people on this board that truly don't understand that you don't have to stand up during offensive drives, extra points, timeouts, in between quarters, half time, etc. they think paying for a ticket gives them the right to disturb others. I guess I have a right to urinate in the back of their necks. Afterall, I did pay for the ticket, who cares of the smell and feel of my urine bothers them.
I can't tell you how much I wish our crowd had traditions like A&M.

Like I will never not be jealous of Kyle Field's home field advantage.
But them all male yell leaders gotta go, get some big booty dance team girls out there

Don't even care about that. There is enough fine tail in the stands that I would trade cheerleaders for yellers in order to solidify a fanbase that puts affecting the game via noise above the comfort of metal bleachers.
Standing is sometimes the only way to avoid knees in your back or soda spilled on your butt. Let's be honest just as it may be uncomfortable to stand for some not everyone of Neyland's seats is a dream to sit in either. Some of the newer sections with seat backs and the likes are pretty "roomy" I've been in some areas though where it's all elbows and asses. Love you mean it but your kid dropping peanuts down my back may mean I stand up more than normal. It's a stadium and a tight one, not a concert hall.
Don't even care about that. There is enough fine tail in the stands that I would trade cheerleaders for yellers in order to solidify a fanbase that puts affecting the game via noise above the comfort of metal bleachers.

The more poon the better IMO. BUT, they do keep that place jumpin. It seems our fans has lost the meaning of home field advantage
Yea right this is UT football you know, one of the loudest rockiness stadium in the nation and they think people gonna sit there with their finger up their butts!

Thats exactly what they expect. 90% of our fans will follow these directions...
The more poon the better IMO. BUT, they do keep that place jumpin. It seems our fans has lost the meaning of home field advantage

My biggest problem with the fan involvement starts with the band and the cheerleaders. As a former member of the band, I have no problems saying that we just don't excite the crowd as much as we should.

Having been in 11 of the 12 SEC stadiums before last year, nothing done elicits excitement once the song is done.

Once the V-O-L-S spellout finishes, the sound dissipates.

UT needs a chant that coincides with some sort of music from which the crowd can feed energy.

And don't get me started on "Gimme a V! Gimme an O! Gimme an L! Gimme an S! Whatcha got? VOLS! Say it again! Vols! Louder! Vols! Who ya' love? Vols! Who ya' love? Vols!"

No offense to my white brothers on here but don't get me wrong I'm a traditionalist but the old white folks are afraid we will turn into TSU or Grambling if we play modern songs or chant something from modern culture. And nothing against TSU and Grambling good schools but damn them old blue hairs need to loosen up
Bottom line: If you go in public, be prepared to be around people. If the majority of what people do offends you, your partner, or your progeny, best stay at home and watch a game on TV.

Don't go to Mardi Gras and complain about seeing breasts on Bourbon street, and don't go into a football game and complain about football fans.

If you haven't noticed, football is a relatively violent game. People actually hit each other. If your child or wife or husband or grandpappy can't stand to hear a good and properly used southern "a-cussin'" by fans during the game, what they see on the field might just shock them to death.
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Please, please stay home on Aug 31st Marjorie Jenkins, I already have one mother, thank u very much (she's great by the way). I Will stand proudly and sing the national anthem word for word as usual (no lyrics needed), I will also stand and scream frofusely when I want to (most of the first quarter and all defesive plays thereforth), and I will Boo any/all opponents as needed til I am hoarse and out of breathe. If u dont like it, I can only hope for your sake that you are not in section Q, row 5...cuz you will be forced to witness it first hand.
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I bet people dont sit the whole time at Tiger Stadium.

Someone please show their ignorance and tell me to go watch them then.

You come to the game for the atmosphere....guess what? The people standing and yelling to support their team make that atmosphere. If you want to sit the whole time stay home with ur LA-Z-BOY.

I understand not standing on offense except for big plays but chances are Ill be standing the whole time we dont have the ball.
On topic, though, Neyland Stadium could really capitalize by strategically placing "standing only sections". You could charge a general admission fee and make seating first-come, first-serve. That would allow everyone to enjoy the game however he or she wanted to.

Could you imagine a bunch of wild fans moshing and screaming right next to the field?
I bet people dont sit the whole time at Tiger Stadium.

Someone please show their ignorance and tell me to go watch them then.

You come to the game for the atmosphere....guess what? The people standing and yelling to support their team make that atmosphere. If you want to sit the whole time stay home with ur LA-Z-BOY.

I understand not standing on offense except for big plays but chances are Ill be standing the whole time we dont have the ball.

I think there's a disconnect here. I don't think anyone is saying they want to sit the entire game. I think most people just don't want to STAND for the entire game. Most people only want to stand for kickoffs, big offensive plays, and while we're on defense.
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On topic, though, Neyland Stadium could really capitalize by strategically placing "standing only sections". You could charge a general admission fee and make seating first-come, first-serve. That would allow everyone to enjoy the game however he or she wanted to.

Could you imagine a bunch of wild fans moshing and screaming right next to the field?

The only place that might even conceivably occur would be somewhere in the upper deck. No way is the AD going to charge general admission in the first 20 rows for people to stand when they can make a killing on it by doing the exact opposite. Frankly, I'm pretty sure if the AD could move the students out of the lower decks and not get killed in a riot they probably would.
The only place that might even conceivably occur would be somewhere in the upper deck. No way is the AD going to charge general admission in the first 20 rows for people to stand when they can make a killing on it by doing the exact opposite. Frankly, I'm pretty sure if the AD could move the students out of the lower decks and not get killed in a riot they probably would.

Well, obviously, you wouldn't make the first 20 rows around the entire bowl general admission. I would think you would put it in sections. This stuff happens in the student section anyway. Students get tickets in the upper deck and sit in the first 20 rows of section E anyway, crunched in with their friends.
Bottom line: If you go in public, be prepared to be around people. If the majority of what people do offends you, your partner, or your progeny, best stay at home and watch a game on TV.

Don't go to Mardi Gras and complain about seeing breasts on Bourbon street, and don't go into a football game and complain about football fans.

If you haven't noticed, football is a relatively violent game. People actually hit each other. If your child or wife or husband or grandpappy can't stand to hear a good and properly used southern "a-cussin'" by fans during the game, what they see on the field might just shock them to death.

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