MTG Calls for Red State Secession

She speaks for the liberal wing of American politics. She holds just as much of a political office as Tucker Carlson does whom your side always accuses of speaking for Republicans. So either be consistent in your silly shallow arguments or else I willl hang up and listen to you being silent 🤔

That is utterly laughable. I wasn't even aware she had a political identity, much less what it is/was. I just remember her as the snooty girlfriend of Ned Schneebly.
Lol, be careful what you wish for Margie. Gosh it’s almost like she think her supporters are too dumb to really think that one through. Red states are already taking more federal money than blue states and are still bottoming out the rankings on most demographic categories.

I've seen the "data" you're referring to. The interesting thing about that is that it does not factor in the fact that southern states subsidize the high taxes of northern states, cities, and counties because all of those are deductible from their federal returns. Would be interesting to see that massive chunk added to the "data".
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I've seen the "data" you're referring to. The interesting thing about that is that it does not factor in the fact that southern states subsidize the high taxes of northern states, cities, and counties because all of those are deductible from their federal returns. Would be interesting to see that massive chunk added to the "data".

I believe the military is also included in that famed "the south takes more". Where are the majority of the military bases?
I believe the military is also included in that famed "the south takes more". Where are the majority of the military bases?

Agreed. I'd also love to know the impact on liberal areas of Trump's cuts to SALT deductions. It's 100% insane to me that the rest of the nation should subsidize the high taxes of California or anywher else
Lol, be careful what you wish for Margie. Gosh it’s almost like she think her supporters are too dumb to really think that one through. Red states are already taking more federal money than blue states and are still bottoming out the rankings on most demographic categories.

This feels like a racist comment directed at the highest % black states such as MS and LA
I actually like that MTG is in the House of Reps. She makes for the perfect rebuttal when the right starts talking about AOC.

Hell, MTG makes her look rational by comparison.
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I actually like that MTG is in the House of Reps. She makes for the perfect rebuttal when the right starts talking about AOC.

Hell, MTG makes her look rational by comparison.

I still can’t get over how much you like whataboutism after spending the better part of a year explaining to the board how bad whataboutism is.

FTR, I agree with the sentiment you shared here.
I actually like that MTG is in the House of Reps. She makes for the perfect rebuttal when the right starts talking about AOC.

Hell, MTG makes her look rational by comparison.

Except AOC was declared by the left as the future of their party
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I've seen the "data" you're referring to. The interesting thing about that is that it does not factor in the fact that southern states subsidize the high taxes of northern states, cities, and counties because all of those are deductible from their federal returns. Would be interesting to see that massive chunk added to the "data".

Let's unpack that. If the SALT deduction were ended, then the skew between Red and Blue would widen, not constrict, because the Blue states would pay more in federal tax, thus widening the gap. As it is, the deduction does allow the gap to be narrower, though still slanted in favor of Red states, who receive more from the feds that they pay.
Let's unpack that. If the SALT deduction were ended, then the skew between Red and Blue would widen, not constrict, because the Blue states would pay more in federal tax, thus widening the gap. As it is, the deduction does allow the gap to be narrower, though still slanted in favor of Red states, who receive more from the feds that they pay.

If true..then shouldn't you be more concerned with your own region, state or electorate?
Or could it be that these are much higher COL states that are taxed on Higher COL earnings?
Does it include military spending?

Not so easy to break down. But the focus of federalism is to take via tax and then pay back if you meet their objectives. That is control. and frankly blackmail.

Look at migration..

Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 5.33.39 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-02-20 at 5.33.39 PM.png
You think this is happenstance?
Let's unpack that. If the SALT deduction were ended, then the skew between Red and Blue would widen, not constrict, because the Blue states would pay more in federal tax, thus widening the gap. As it is, the deduction does allow the gap to be narrower, though still slanted in favor of Red states, who receive more from the feds that they pay.

The study I was referring to was which states receive the most federal dollars. It did not compare how much they send to how much they get back. So my point was it would have changed the data if they counted SALT dedications as federal dollars.

There’s only 9 states in the country who do what you seem to be talking about (sending in more than they spend). CT, IL, MA, NY, ND, NH, WA, NE, CO. Thus our annual federal deficit

A lot of that is population age and military spending. VA for example sends in a large amount of taxes but VA has a ton of federal employs. Florida sends in a lot of taxes but everyone from NY goes there and to TN or TX to retire.

Are you arguing in favor of ending social security or Medicare? Which one?
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I'm still angry with her for not taking my contribution to fix her grandmothers roof in Puerto Rico. She claimed that Trump stiffed her grandmother and allowed the roof to leak and when the American people stood up and raised 100's of thousands of dollars to fix it, she turned us down. Bitch.
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I'm still angry with her for not taking my contribution to fix her grandmothers roof in Puerto Rico. She claimed that Trump stiffed her grandmother and allowed the roof to leak and when the American people stood up and raised 100's of thousands of dollars to fix it, she turned us down. Bitch.
She is a politician. Loves the platform the "problem" gives her. Hates the solution which would take the platform away.
Given that the majority of federal spending is Medicare and social security, I’m loving the fact that left wing members on our board are complaining about this while openly endorsing SALT taxes.

“We are the party of compassion, except for when it comes to all the elderly and black people in the south. And they should continue funding our inflated taxes”
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Fair enough.

Bernie Sanders is a loon himself, so it makes sense that he would take a liking to kindred spirits such as AOC and her buddies.

However, I'm sure that I can find at least one example of a high profile Republican speaking about Marjorie Taylor Greene in a similar manner ....

Trump calls Georgia GOP candidate who embraces QAnon a ‘future Republican Star’

Does Marjorie Taylor Greene represent the future of the Republican Party?
Fair enough.

Bernie Sanders is a loon himself, so it makes sense that he would take a liking to kindred spirits such as AOC and her buddies.

However, I'm sure that I can find at least one example of a high profile Republican speaking about Marjorie Taylor Greene in a similar manner ....

Trump calls Georgia GOP candidate who embraces QAnon a ‘future Republican Star’

Does Marjorie Taylor Greene represent the future of the Republican Party?

Trump says nice things about anyone who says they like him. I’m not impressed. AOC and the squad have been highly embraced as the new faces of the left, by the left

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