MTG Calls for Red State Secession

Trump says nice things about anyone who says they like him. I’m not impressed. AOC and the squad have been highly embraced as the new faces of the left, by the left
It's the same thing as what Bernie did.

MTG has been fully embraced by Trump's MAGA following. They believe every word she says.
This feels like a racist comment directed at the highest % black states such as MS and LA

Why do you feel that way? What did conservatives saying about feelings? **** your feelings I believe it was. Red states are behind in almost all quality of life measurables. What does the racial makeup of the population have to do with anything? Don’t get your feelings hurt by facts.
It's the same thing as what Bernie did.

MTG has been fully embraced by Trump's MAGA following. They hang on every word she says.
But, how do the ultra mega supreme Maga supporters feel? I find it interesting that a slogan that stands for Make America Great Again is slandered like it's a bad thing by the leftist loonies.
But, how do the ultra mega supreme Maga supporters feel? I find it interesting that a slogan that stands for Make America Great Again is slandered like it's a bad thing by the leftist loonies.
Any slogan can take on a negative connotation, based on the people who are using it.
Why do you feel that way? What did conservatives saying about feelings? **** your feelings I believe it was. Red states are behind in almost all quality of life measurables. What does the racial makeup of the population have to do with anything? Don’t get your feelings hurt by facts.

Let’s start here. Your claim is “right wing states take in too much federal money to leave”. But doesn’t our country as a whole spend more than it takes in? If so, it seems your argument is ignorant and that this isn’t an actual factor. If would be like if you and your wife were both unable to pay your bills and you tried claiming she couldn’t leave because she’s broke when you’re broke too. It’s nonsensical.

From there the majority of federal dollars are in the form of entitlement spending. So is it social security or Medicare that you want to deprive the states with the highest % of black Americans from receiving?
Fair enough.

Bernie Sanders is a loon himself, so it makes sense that he would take a liking to kindred spirits such as AOC and her buddies.

However, I'm sure that I can find at least one example of a high profile Republican speaking about Marjorie Taylor Greene in a similar manner ....

Trump calls Georgia GOP candidate who embraces QAnon a ‘future Republican Star’

Does Marjorie Taylor Greene represent the future of the Republican Party?
Your second link is a refutation of the notion MTG represents the future. He concludes she represents extremism.
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Let’s start here. Your claim is “right wing states take in too much federal money to leave”. But doesn’t our country as a whole spend more than it takes in? If so, it seems your argument is ignorant and that this isn’t an actual factor. If would be like if you and your wife were both unable to pay your bills and you tried claiming she couldn’t leave because she’s broke when you’re broke too. It’s nonsensical.

From there the majority of federal dollars are in the form of entitlement spending. So is it social security or Medicare that you want to deprive the states with the highest % of black Americans from receiving?

Man you’re so quick to race bait on this issue. Seems kinda woke. Did you not get your soy latte this morning? What happens to all the fed money red states take if they’re consistently ranking near the bottom in all these measurables? Why does nothing improve? If you want to start your own country, you should have a pretty good grasp on how not to become a “shithole country”
Your second link is a refutation of the notion MTG represents the future. He concludes she represents extremism.
That was my whole point ...

You can find similar articles disputing that AOC is the future of the Democratic Party, because she is also an extremist.

My point in posting those two links together is to show that MTG was touted as the future of the Republican Party by Donald Trump ... but Republicans who aren't extremists won't feel that way ... just as Democrats who aren't extremists won't see AOC and the "The Squad" as the future of the Democratic Party.

@Vol8188 is a hypocrite with a very clear double standard. It appears that you are as well.
Man you’re so quick to race bait on this issue. Seems kinda woke. Did you not get your soy latte this morning? What happens to all the fed money red states take if they’re consistently ranking near the bottom in all these measurables? Why does nothing improve? If you want to start your own country, you should have a pretty good grasp on how not to become a shithole.

They create their own federal government and their own deficit spending.

Idk why you believe it’s impossible for a collection of states that spends more than they earn to exist but are convinced our govenrment can continue eternally. At best you have to admit it’s a wash and that neither side (the country as a whole or the red states if they branched off) can continue the current trajectory.

And you still ignored the question. Is it SS or Medicare you intend on cutting
“You can’t secede because your state takes more federal money than they send in”-citizens of a country that spends more federal money than it takes in…..
It would be interesting to sneak a peak at the future an see how long fiscal conservatism would rule this new south. My guess is it wouldnt be long.
Not to defend AOC or democrats or MTG or secession-nuts, but Bernie isn't a Democrat. He's a socialist or whatever he claims to be who runs independent (except for president) and caucuses with the Dems. One of the whiniest politician things in recent memory is Bernie voluntarily participating in a Democrat partisan nomination process even though he claims he isn't a Dem, then complaining about the rules he knowingly subjected himself to.
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Not to defend AOC or democrats or MTG or secession-nuts, but Bernie isn't a Democrat. He's a socialist or whatever he claims to be who runs independent (except for president) and caucuses with the Dems. One of the whiniest politician things in recent memory is Bernie voluntarily participating in a Democrat partisan nomination process even though he claims he isn't a Dem, then complaining about the rules he knowingly subjected himself to.
That's true ... Bernie is an Independent, who caucuses with Democrats. He is not an actual Democrat.
Why do you feel that way? What did conservatives saying about feelings? **** your feelings I believe it was. Red states are behind in almost all quality of life measurables. What does the racial makeup of the population have to do with anything? Don’t get your feelings hurt by facts.

Exactly what are these measurables? And why do blue state residents keep moving to red states?
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It would be interesting to sneak a peak at the future an see how long fiscal conservatism would rule this new south. My guess is it wouldnt be long.

Republicans aren’t even fiscally conservative anymore. Only when they’re campaigning. National deficit tripled under Trump. Did you see how fast they backpedaled on talking about cutting Medicare or Social Security because they know that’s political suicide?
Weak sauce..Now name affiliations matter. No wonder they change definitions.

Just like his new book..boy one should hear that interview.

Just like Davos, Al nauseam..we saved the planet and will fly around emitting CO2 to eat get bugs for dinner. But hey..they saved the planet like an exterrestial and must be rewarded.
Republicans aren’t even fiscally conservative anymore. Only when they’re campaigning. National deficit tripled under Trump. Did you see how fast they backpedaled on talking about cutting Medicare or Social Security because they know that’s political suicide?

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Republicans aren’t even fiscally conservative anymore. Only when they’re campaigning. National deficit tripled under Trump. Did you see how fast they backpedaled on talking about cutting Medicare or Social Security because they know that’s political suicide?
That's the point. The new south likely wouldnt be any better or any different.
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It doesn't surprise me. It may surprise you that I do not believe in reproductive rights and would support a system which mandated sterility until the parents could prove themselves worthy of raising a child.
Sometime in the not too distant future -

All children are born with muted reproductive abilities.
Only after demonstrating capability and capacity, are they enabled.
The math checks out.
Federal Deficit and Debt: December 2020

You can "butt covid" or "butt congress" all you want. Doesnt change that under Trump the deficit yugely grew, and that HE signed it.he even pushed spending BEFORE Covid, it's not like Covid was the one thing that made trump spend.

I never disputed. But to the extreme and lack of facts of spending pre COVID which were inaccurate
Now head over to the Ukraine thread.
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