MTG: How to stop mass shootings

Surely in their respective districts, there are conservative women that aren't hateful bigots and attention seeking fools like MTG and BoBo.

And yes, the same can be said for the Squad. How known anti-Semites like Ilhan, Cory Bush, and the rest of the crowd keep getting reelected is beyond me.
Are they anti Semites or anti Isreal? Or are they pro Palestine? The term anti Semite often gets abused like the term racism. For example, I heard someone refer to Curt Schilling as an anti Semite when he clearly is not.
Are they anti Semites or anti Isreal? Or are they pro Palestine? The term anti Semite often gets abused like the term racism. For example, I heard someone refer to Curt Schilling as an anti Semite when he clearly is not.
I'm not sure who Curt is. But the Squad has made several comments over the last few years that were not just "pro-Palestine". Nina Turner is one of the worst at this, she basically pulled the "dark money Jews screwed up my campaigns!!!" even though she outraised her opponents every time and still lost.

There have been enough comments over the years from the Squad that I don't think it is just an "anti-Zionist" message. There is something more at play there.
I'm not sure who Curt is. But the Squad has made several comments over the last few years that were not just "pro-Palestine". Nina Turner is one of the worst at this, she basically pulled the "dark money Jews screwed up my campaigns!!!" even though she outraised her opponents every time and still lost.

There have been enough comments over the years from the Squad that I don't think it is just an "anti-Zionist" message. There is something more at play there.
You are aware that Jews in the United States vote overwhelmingly Democrat right? I believe it's somewhere around a 70 to 30 percent margin. Maybe slightly more.
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There aren't enough Jews in their districts. You really think Jews are sending Ilhan back to Congress each election?
Around 70 percent vote Democrat. Even if her district was 1% Jewish there is a very good chance if they are left leaning, progressive or Reform they are likely to vote for her.
Oh, cool. All we need to do to stop mass shootings is to accomplish the impossible.

Saying "we need more Fathers in the picture" is not a solution because the government isn't going to do anything to fix that problem. It's the right's equivalent of thinking banning guns is going to solve anything.

Government is one of the causes of the problem, if we're being real. MTG offers no details, and I'm sure if she actually has a plan for making us less fatherless, it's going to be genius, executed perfectly by the government, and there will be no unintended consequences.

And the points about shooters being on meds...come on, LOL.
Sounds like a reefer addict to me!
It is the same situation. Telling people they can't work for you or they can't enter a business because they are not vaccinated is a form of segregation.

Plus I would like you to share with the forum what the first paragraph of the preamble of the national LP Party states along with sections 1.0 and 1.1.

What you and others are advocating and this semi worship some of you have of businesses and corporations has absolutely nothing to do with Libertarianism.
It’s not the same at all. That’s why businesses have the freedom to require all kinds of things of their employees. You enter into a voluntary contract with your employer and say you will do what they ask as a condition to work there. There is no constitutional right to a job. As usual you are completely wrong
Jews do not vote for Omar, come on man! She openly carries water for the Muslim Brotherhood and several other terrorist organizations...she would gladly push the button to launch a nuke at Israel on any given day if she were given the opportunity to do so.

Total Muppet Logic is deep in here at the moment. Jews see her as Hitler in a robe. Gtfo with that nonsense.

Also the concept of voting against someone rather than voting FOR a better candidate is just as backassward as i would expect a fruity liberal person to think....good grief, thats not how any of this works.
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It’s not the same at all. That’s why businesses have the freedom to require all kinds of things of their employees. You enter into a voluntary contract with your employer and say you will do what they ask as a condition to work there. There is no constitutional right to a job. As usual you are completely wrong
Then you don't believe in Libertarianism of you honestly think a business owner can force another person to make a medical decision that goes against their personal beliefs. What you are advocating for is corporate totalitarianism and segregation. Plain and simple.
Jews do not vote for Omar, come on man! She openly carries water for the Muslim Brotherhood and several other terrorist organizations...she would gladly push the button to launch a nuke at Israel on any given day if she were given the opportunity to do so.

Total Muppet Logic is deep in here at the moment. Jews see her as Hitler in a robe. Gtfo with that nonsense.

Also the concept of voting against someone rather than voting FOR a better candidate is just as backassward as i would expect a fruity liberal person to think....good grief, thats not how any of this works.
Not a terrible hot take and yes there are Jews that do support Omar. Also, not all Jews have the same religious beliefs. Some are actually non religious or atheist in their views.

Now if you are referring to Orthodox or Hasidic Jews then you are correct. It is highly doubtful they would support Omar.

Ilhan Omar for Congress
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