MTG: How to stop mass shootings

That sentence shows you are clueless.
Some people are such horrendously despicable humans that any sane person should feel compelled to vote against them.
So your ok voting for a person who showered with their daughter, married the baby sitter, and raised 2 addicts 1 of which is a pedophile like the father?? That type of horrendously despicable person
Then you don't believe in Libertarianism of you honestly think a business owner can force another person to make a medical decision that goes against their personal beliefs. What you are advocating for is corporate totalitarianism and segregation. Plain and simple.
Businesses can absolutely dictate the agreement for employees to work there. That’s why you will follow it voluntarily follow it or look for somewhere else to work
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Businesses can absolutely dictate the agreement for employees to work there. That’s why you will follow it voluntarily follow it or look for somewhere else to work
Once again your statements have nothing to do with Libertarianism. Which values the individual first and foremost. You value businesses and corporations more than the individual. That is not Libertarianism.
Surely in their respective districts, there are conservative women that aren't hateful bigots and attention seeking fools like MTG and BoBo.

And yes, the same can be said for the Squad. How known anti-Semites like Ilhan, Cory Bush, and the rest of the crowd keep getting reelected is beyond me.

At least they were elected and not appointed like the moronic transportation secretary.
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So your ok voting for a person who showered with their daughter, married the baby sitter, and raised 2 addicts 1 of which is a pedophile like the father?? That type of horrendously despicable person

" My morally bankrupt politician who cannot even read a teleprompter for 5 minutes without going off message and telling obvious lies (like Corn Pop or the 100x his press sec has to immediately backtrack and deny what we all just HEARD the Potato in Chief say) is so much better than YOUR morally bankrupt politician who was very effective as a leader but hurt my feelings with his brutal honesty from time to time..."

Yeah. You saw that too, huh? Trump still lives rent free in so many of these fruitbats heads to this very moment...lmao.

Rent. Free.
" My morally bankrupt politician who cannot even read a teleprompter for 5 minutes without going off message and telling obvious lies (like Corn Pop or the 100x his press sec has to immediately backtrack and deny what we all just HEARD the Potato in Chief say) is so much better than YOUR morally bankrupt politician who was very effective as a leader but hurt my feelings with his brutal honesty from time to time..."

Yeah. You saw that too, huh? Trump still lives rent free in so many of these fruitbats heads to this very moment...lmao.

Rent. Free.
I got a good laugh at your description of Trump. You left out childish, petulant and thin skinned
" My morally bankrupt politician who cannot even read a teleprompter for 5 minutes without going off message and telling obvious lies (like Corn Pop or the 100x his press sec has to immediately backtrack and deny what we all just HEARD the Potato in Chief say) is so much better than YOUR morally bankrupt politician who was very effective as a leader but hurt my feelings with his brutal honesty from time to time..."

Yeah. You saw that too, huh? Trump still lives rent free in so many of these fruitbats heads to this very moment...lmao.

Rent. Free.
Here's the important part they don't get and really is the only thing that matters:
"very effective as a leader"
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Except that he wasn't
In your opinion. The media made it appear he was less of a leader due to their fingers constantly on the scale. He called them out and they didn't like it.

Personally I hope he doesn't run again. It will be the same circus with the media. The January 6th committee is almost assuring he will.
In your opinion. The media made it appear he was less of a leader due to their fingers constantly on the scale. He called them out and they didn't like it.

Personally I hope he doesn't run again. It will be the same circus with the media. The January 6th committee is almost assuring he will.
Yes, in my opinion, but I didn't develop it because of the media. It's because of his behavior like hurling petty insults at those those that disagreed or criticized him. He exhibits behavior that would be taught what not to do when trying to lead people. Effective leaders do not constantly yearn for credit and always deflect blame to others. Effective leaders do not need to tell you they are smarter than others, even when they are smarter unlike Trump
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So your ok voting for a person who showered with their daughter, married the baby sitter, and raised 2 addicts 1 of which is a pedophile like the father?? That type of horrendously despicable person
But mean tweets....

In in another twist of irony, I'll bet he voted for Killary too.
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Yes, in my opinion, but I didn't develop it because of the media. It's because of his behavior like hurling petty insults at those those that disagreed or criticized him. He exhibits behavior that would be taught what not to do when trying to lead people. Effective leaders do not constantly yearn for credit and always deflect blame to others. Effective leaders do not need to tell you they are smarter than others, even when they are smarter unlike Trump
Agreed those are not good behaviors . Many conservative people did not care for his style. He got results and is lapping the current potato . It may be he was smart enough to surround himself with a good staff.
I don't think Biden knows where he is and who is working for him.
Agreed those are not good behaviors . Many conservative people did not care for his style. He got results and is lapping the current potato . It may be he was smart enough to surround himself with a good staff.
I don't think Biden knows where he is and who is working for him.
He had nothing but loyalists after his first cabinet bailed on him. In fact, he had more turnover on his cabinet and staff in 4 years than most Presidents have in 8 years. Sorry, but that's not the sign of an effective leader.

Biden is a joke too and like Trump, should have never been anywhere near the White House
That's the LP Party of NC. They do not represent the national LP Party.

I never heard Jo Jorgensen, Spike Cohen or other libertarians state these particular views.

So if a business decided to segregate based on race you would be okay with that as well?

You’re joking right? These are obvious things Spike and Jo would agree with. Voluntary association is a core tenant.
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Yes, in my opinion, but I didn't develop it because of the media. It's because of his behavior like hurling petty insults at those those that disagreed or criticized him. He exhibits behavior that would be taught what not to do when trying to lead people. Effective leaders do not constantly yearn for credit and always deflect blame to others. Effective leaders do not need to tell you they are smarter than others, even when they are smarter unlike Trump
Are you currently in a coma?

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