Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

I guess, but if calling out Rogan and not Fauci for falsehoods is your threshold, there are a lot of people around here who would be in the same position with Clay Travis.
I literally don't know because I don't follow him, I'm assuming Clay Travis tried to cancel someone? Who was it?
Many people want to hear the discussions. That’s what made Rogan rich. This will just drive more people to listen.
No one wants to limit discussion, only intentional and harmful misinformation.
No one wants to limit discussion, only intentional and harmful misinformation.
So you believe Fauci should be silenced and removed from his post immediately?

Or does intentional and harmful information apply only to one side of the equation in your view?
Let me rephrase that: "a stance they allow to be promoted on their platform."
I'm sure we could find much stranger, much more harmful podcasts/programs on their platform.

When did people in the music industry turn into the pearl clutchers of the 80's who tried to get music banned because it was morally offensive and harmful?
So you believe Fauci should be silenced and removed from his post immediately?

Or does intentional and harmful information apply only to one side of the equation in your view?
Misinformation - big difference.
But of course it applies to all.
Let me rephrase that: "a stance they allow to be promoted on their platform."

this just sounds so silly. Spotify has over 3 million podcasts - imagine how many stances are being promoted on their platform that someone would find objectionable. Hard to imagine every single person couldn't find stances they find objectionable and even dangerous. So odd that a couple parts of a couple episodes of Rogan are the PROBLEM.
He chose to take his music off a privately owned platform because he didn't agree with the agenda of one of that company's biggest commodities. Do you think he was under any delusion they would actually get rid of Rogan? No. This is exactly what he expected. Like it or not, he did it to make a point. If he has the right to control the distribution if his music, he has the right to pull it from Rogan's platform.

It's possible that he's totally clueless and doesn't know Spotify bought Rogan for however many hundreds of millions. I would guess he knew he was going to lose.
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The more they come after Rogan, the more the word is getting out.

Ivermectin was trending on Twitter today twice before getting suppressed.

LOL, OK. How stupid do they have to be that they don't just suppress it 100% of the time?
Misinformation - big difference.
But of course it applies to all.

Off the top of my head, 3 instances of Misinformation from Fauci: all under his "noble lie" rationale. 1) don't need masks (wanted to avoid demand for masks to protect healthcare workers), 2) heard immunity at around 70% vax rate (later admitted he thought the number was higher but felt people would think the number too high so he went lower than he knew to encourage vaxing), 3) when informed Covid looked man-made he worked to quash that thinking because it might harm "science".

Each of these are him intentionally providing wrong information because he thought it was better to lie than tell the truth.
Misinformation - big difference.
But of course it applies to all.
The administration of the past two president's are guilty of misinformation. Purposeful misinformation, from day one. But damn Rogan.
this just sounds so silly. Spotify has over 3 million podcasts - imagine how many stances are being promoted on their platform that someone would find objectionable. Hard to imagine every single person couldn't find stances they find objectionable and even dangerous. So odd that a couple parts of a couple episodes of Rogan are the PROBLEM.
Rogan was a huge deal for Spotify and draws a massive following. If Young thinks that is more problematic than the "Two Guys Who Were In The Sopranos Talk About Every Episode of The Sopranos" podcast, it's his prerogative.
Rogan was a huge deal for Spotify and draws a massive following. If Young thinks that is more problematic than the "Two Guys Who Were In The Sopranos Talk About Every Episode of The Sopranos" podcast, it's his prerogative.

no one has argued it isn't his prerogative.
You know far more about him than I do. I've listened to very little of what he said. I've never been able to figure out what you guys' obsession is with him.

I'm reposting my first post...... intentional and harmful misinformation
No one wants to limit discussion, only intentional and harmful misinformation.
Off the top of my head, 3 instances of Misinformation from Fauci: all under his "noble lie" rationale. 1) don't need masks (wanted to avoid demand for masks to protect healthcare workers), 2) heard immunity at around 70% vax rate (later admitted he thought the number was higher but felt people would think the number too high so he went lower than he knew to encourage vaxing), 3) when informed Covid looked man-made he worked to quash that thinking because it might harm "science".

Each of these are him intentionally providing wrong information because he thought it was better to lie than tell the truth.

. But if Spotify feels his information does not belong on it's platform - so be it.
It's not censorship to say that you don't sent your product associated with a platform shared by what you consider to be a menace.

The my pillow nutjob isn't forced to be on MSNBC.
If you try to silence a voice, in any way, for any reason, it’s censorship.
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You know far more about him than I do. I've listened to very little of what he said. I've never been able to figure out what you guys' obsession is with him.

I'm reposting my first post...... intentional and harmful misinformation

. But if Spotify feels his information does not belong on it's platform - so be it.

Maybe because he's the highest paid employee in the whole federal government and he's been misleading the public for the last two ****ing years for starters. My god you are disconnected

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